Browse Items (35 total)
- Tags: Bob Clarke
A History of Central Florida, Episode 32: Tapestries
Tags: A History of Central Florida; American Civil War; Bethany Dickens; Bob Clarke; Chip Ford; Civil War; Cora S. Wilson; Daniel Velásquez; Division of Women's and Professional Projects; Dorothy Morton; Ella Gibson; embroidery; Federal Emergency Relief Act; FERA; Florida Historical Society; Franciscan Missions; Franciscans; gender; Great Depression; Harry Hopkins; Jacksonville; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; labor; Miami; missionaries; missions; Native Americans; New Deal; New Smyrna Beach; New Smyrna Museum of history; Nick Taylor; Nick Wynne; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; orlando; Osborne, Georgia; Rio De La Cruz; Robert Cassanello; Seminole Wars; sewing; sewing rooms; Southeast Volusia Chamber of Commerce; St. Petersburg; Susan Ware; Tampa; tapestry; Turnbull Colony; woman; women; Works Progress Administration; Works Progress Administration Women's Training Work Centers; WPA
A History of Central Florida, Episode 15: Cracker House
Tags: A History of Central Florida; architecture; Bass Road; Benjamin DiBiase; Bob Clarke; Charlie Hailey; Chip Ford; cracker architecture; cracker houses; crackers; cypress; Daniel Velásquez; David Haase; dog trots; Ella Gibson; historic houses; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; Kissimmee; Lanier; Lanier House; Mark Howard Long; Mark Long; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; Osceola County; Osceola County Welcome Center & History Museum; Pioneer Village; pioneers; Robert Cassanello; Ronald W. Haase; vernacular architecture
A History of Central Florida, Episode 23: Turpentine Industry
Tags: 1st Street; A History of Central Florida; American Civil War; Barbara Hines; Bob Clarke; Bush Boulevard; Charles Holmes Herty, Sr.; Chip Ford; Civil War; convict leasing; convicts; corrections; Daniel Velásquez; Edge Mercantile Company; Ella Gibson; First Street; Florida Historical Society; Florida Public Archaeology Network; Geneva; Herty cups; inmates; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; labor; labor camps; laborers; Museum of Geneva History; Museum of Seminole County History; naval stores; Nick Wynne; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; prison labor; prisoners; resin; Robert Cassanello; Sanford; Seminole County; turpentine; turpentine camps; Vick's Vapor Rub
A History of Central Florida, Episode 8: European Earthenware
Tags: 58th Avenue; A History of Central Florida; Andrew Turnbull; archaeology; Bethany Dickens; Bob Clarke; Central Boulevard; ceramics; Chip Ford; colonialism; colonies; colonization; colony; Daniel S. Murphree; Daniel Velásquez; Ella Gibson; European Earthenware; Fifty-Eighth Avenue; George Long; indentured servants; indentured servitude; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; New Smyrna; New Smyrna Museum of history; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; plantations; podcast; pottery; Robert Cassanello; Roger Grange; Sams Avenue; Silver River Museum and Environmental Education Center; Smyrnea Colony; Spaniard; Spaniards; Spanish; Spanish Florida; St. Augustine
A History of Central Florida, Episode 17: Travel Dining
Tags: A History of Central Florida; ACL; African Americans; Algonquians; Algonquins; American Civil War; American Indians; Amerindians; Amtrak; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company; Atlantic, Valdosta & Western Railway; Bethany Dickens; Biscayne Bay; Bob Clarke; Boyd Street; Bush Boulevard; Central Florida Railroad Museum; Charleston, Savannah & Florida Steamship Route; Cherokees; Chip Ford; City of Jacksonville; Civil War; Clyde Line; Clyde Steamship Company; Daniel Velásquez; decanters; Delaware; Dickens, Bethany; dining; dining cars; Ella Gibson; enterprise; FEC; Florida Central and Peninsular Railroad; Florida East Coast Railway; Florida Southern Railroad; Fred de Bary; Hazen, Kendra; Henry B. Plant; Henry Bradley Plant; Henry Flagler; Henry Morrison Flagler; Hiram Ulysses Grant; Indian River; indigenous; Iroquois; J. J. Farnsworth; Jacksonville; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; Lake Worth; Mark Howard Long; Mark Long; Museum of Seminole County History; National Railway Historical Society; Native Americans; Ocklawaha River; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; Osceola; Palatka; Philip Cross; Plant System; Robert Cassanello; SAL; Sanford; Seaboard Air Line; Seminoles; Silver Springs; slavery; slaves; St. Johns River; Starlight; steam engines; steamboats; steamers; steamships; T. W. Lund, Jr.; tourism; tourists; Tracy J. Revels; trains; Ulysses S. Grant; W. A. Shaw; W. B. Wrenn; water hyacinth; Winter Garden; Yemassee
A History of Central Florida, Episode 18: Time Pieces
Tags: 1st Street; A History of Central Florida; Alexis M. McCrossen; Apopka; Atlantic Standard Time; Before His Time: The Untold Story of Harry T. Moore, America's First Civil Rights Martyr; Ben Green; Bob Clarke; Boyd Street; Brevard County; Central Florida Railroad Museum; Central Standard Time; Chip Ford; citrus; civil rights; civil rights activists; clocks; Cross, Philip; CST; dairy; Daniel Velásquez; Dickens, Bethany; Eastern Standard Time; Ella Gibson; EST; farmers; First Street; Florida Memory Project; Freedom Avenue; Geneva; Harry and Harriette Moore Memorial Park; Harry T. & Harriette V. Moore Cultural Complex; Harry T. Moore; Harry Tyson Moore; Industrial Revolution; J. T. McLain; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; Lake County; Leesburg; Library of Congress; Mark Howard Long; Mark Long; Mims; Mountain Standard Time; MST; Museum of Geneva History; NAACP; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; National Railway Historical Society; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; orlando; Pacific Standard Time; podcast; PST; railroad conductors; railroads; railways; Robert Cassanello; SMU; Southern Methodist University; Springarn Medal; Standard Time Zones; sundials; time; time pieces; time zonez; UCF; watch; watches; Winter Garden
A History of Central Florida, Episode 27: Leather Cap & Goggles
Tags: A History of Central Florida; Arthur McDonald; automobile racing; automobiles; beach; Beach Street; beaches; Bethany Dickens; Blue Bird; Bob Clarke; Brown, David Bruce; Buzz McKim; car racing; cars; Chip Ford; Daniel Velásquez; David Bruce Brown; Daytona Beach; Ella Gibson; Goodall; Grenell; Halifax Historical Museum; Henry Ford; Henry Seagrave; James Hathaway; K. H. LaSesne; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; land speed records; Malcolm Campbell; Napier 6-cylinders; National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing (NASCAR); OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; Ormond Beach; Randal L. Hall; Ransom E. Olson; Robert Cassanello; Triplex; William Morgan; William Vanderbilt, Jr.; Wilson Chevrolet
A History of Central Florida, Episode 9: St. Benedict Medal
Tags: A History of Central Florida; Andrew Turnbull; Bob Clarke; Catholic Church; Catholicism; Central Boulevard; Chip Ford; Christopher Brooke; colonialism; colonies; colonization; colony; Daniel S. Murphree; Daniel Velásquez; Ella Gibson; Emily Graham; indentured servants; indentured servitude; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; Minorca, Spain; Minorcan Americans; Minorcans; New Smyrna; New Smyrna Museum of history; OCRHCC; Orange County Regional History Center; patron saints; plantations; Robert Cassanello; Roger Grange; Roman Catholic Church; Sams Avenue; Smyrnea Colony; Spaniards; Spanish; Spanish Florida; St. Benedict Medal; St. Benedict of Nursia
A History of Central Florida, Episode 11: Tobacco Pipes
Tags: 58th Avenue; A History of Central Florida; American Indians; Amerindians; Bob Clarke; Chip Ford; clay; clay pipes; Daniel Velásquez; Ella Gibson; Florida Memory Project; Frank Burla; Franklin Pierce; George Washington; hallucinogens; Hiram Ulysses Grant; indigenous; Jerald T. Milanich; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; Library of Congress; Max Bell; Native Americans; Neill J. Wallis; Ocala; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; philosopher pipes; Precolumbian; Queen Victoria; religion; rituals; Robert Cassanello; shamans; Silver River Museum and Environmental Education Center; spirits; spirituality; Timucua; Timucua Indians; tobacco; tobacco pipes; U. S. Grant pipe; Ulysses S. Grant
A History of Central Florida, Episode 21: Townsend House
Tags: A History of Central Florida; African American; African Methodist Episcopal Church; AME; Anne Lindsay; Bob Clarke; Charlie Hailey; Chip Ford; churches; clergy; Clermont; Clermont Historic Village; Daniel Velásquez; Downtown Clermont; Ebyabe; Ella Gibson; Helping Hand Day Nursery and Kindergarten; historic houses; historic preservation; James Townsend; Julian C. Chambliss; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; middle class; midwife; midwives; ministers; museums; object life cycle; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; repurposing stage; Robert Cassanello; Rollins College; Sally Townsend; segregation; Seraph on the Suwanee; South Lake Historical Society; St. Mark's African Methodist Episcopal Church; Townsend House; UCF; UF; University of Central Florida; University of Florida; uplift movement; W. T. White; West Avenue; Zora Neale Hurston
A History of Central Florida, Episode 24: Gatch Family Farm Equipment
Tags: A History of Central Florida; agriculture; Altoona; Apopka; Blackhawk corn shellers; Blackhawk Equipment; Bob Clarke; celery; Chattanooga, Tennessee; Chip Ford; citrus; commercial farming; Connie L. Lester; corn; corn shellers; Daniel Velásquez; David Bradley Garden City Clipper; Duda; Ella Gibson; farm equipment; farmers; farming; farms; Garden City Clippers; Harry Hoslter; Janice Waltzer; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; Lake County Historical Museum; mail-order catalogs; Main Street; Mark Howard Long; Mark Long; Montgomery Ward; OCRHC; opening plow; Orange County Regional History Center; peas; Robert Cassanello; Sears, Roebuck & Company; seeders; shopping; subsistence farming; Tavares; vegetables; Williard Gatch; Wystan Photography
A History of Central Florida, Episode 31: Quilt Stories
Tags: A History of Central Florida; AFC; album quilts; Amanda Silkarskie; American Civil War; American Folklife Center; basket pattern; basket patterns; Bayeux Tapestry; Bob Clarke; carpenter's wheel pattern; carpenter's wheel patterns; Chip Ford; churches; Civil War; Clermont; Clermont Historic Village; Country Club Road; crossroads patterns; Daniel Velásquez; Dorothy MacDougall; Ella Gibson; Emma Clark; England, United Kingdom; Freedom Avenue; Great Britain; Great Depression; Harry & Harriette Moore Memorial Park; horses; Jacob's Ladder; James K. Polk; James Knox Polk; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; Kentucky Quilt Project; knights; Ladies' Aid Society; Lake Mary; Lake Mary Community Church; Lake Mary Historical Museum; Land's End All-American Quilt Collection; Library of Congress; log cabin patterns; M. Florence Anderson; Main Street; Mascotte Aid Society; Mascotte Quilt; Mims; Monkey Wrench; narratives; Norman Conquest of England; Normandy; Normans; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; President Polk in the White House Quilt; quilters; quilting; quilts; redwork quilts; Robert Cassanello; sail boat patterns; Saxons; shoo-fly patterns; textiles; Underground Railroad; W. G. Sloan; Wagon Wheel; West Avenue; WGHF; Whig's Defeat Quilt; William I; William the Bastard; William the Conqueror; Winter Garden; Winter Garden Heritage Foundation; woman; women
A History of Central Florida, Episode 33: Salt and Pepper Shakers
Tags: A History of Central Florida; Airko Manufacturing Company; alligator farms; alligators; Andrea Ludden; automobiles; Bob Clarke; camping; cars; Central Boulevard; ceramics; Chip Ford; Clermont; Clermont Historical Village; Daniel Velásquez; Ella Gibson; Florida Historical Society; Gatlinburg, Tennessee; gators; Great Depression; hotels; Japan; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; Lakeside Motel; Ludden, Andrea; motels; motor vehicles; Nick Wynne; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; orlando; pepper shakers; Robert Cassanello; Salt and Pepper Shaker Museum; salt shakers; Souvenir Road; souvenirs; tin can tourism; tin can tourists; tourism; Tracy J. Revel; Tracy J. Revels; West Avenue; William F. Naval; World War II; WWII
A History of Central Florida, Episode 25: Company Scrip
Tags: A History of Central Florida; Bass Road; Bethany Dickens; Bob Clarke; Chip Ford; commissaries; company scrips; company stores; currency; Daniel Velásquez; debt peonage; Disston City; Disston Land Company; Edge Mercantile Company; Ella Gibson; Elliott Edge; Great Railroad Strike; Great Railroad Strike of 1877; Great Upheaval; Great Upheaval of 1877; Groveland; Groveland Historical Museum; Hamilton Disston; Hazen, Kendra; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; labor; labor strikes; Lake Avenue; Lake County; lumber; lumber mill; lumber mills; Mark Howard Long; Mark Long; money; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; Osceola County; Osceola County Welcome Center and History Museum; Paul Ortiz; Riley, Groover and Company; Robert Cassanello; sharecropping; slavery; St. Cloud; Sumter County; turpentine
A History of Central Florida, Episode 16: Print Culture
Tags: 1st Street; A History of Central Florida; Benjamin Franklin; Bob Clarke; Chip Ford; Christopher Brooke; computer; computers; Daniel Velásquez; Elizabeth Haven Hawley; Ella Gibson; First Street; George Phineas Gordon; Gordon Letterpress; jobbing shops; John Y. Detwiler; journalism; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; Kimberly Voss; lithography; Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany; Man Roland; New Journalism; New Smyrna; New Smyrna Museum of history; newspaper editors; newspaper shops; newspapers; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; platen press; print culture; print shops; printing press; Robert Cassanello; rotary press; Ryan Ives; Sams Avenue; Sanford; Sanford Museum; The New Smyrna Breeze; The Sanford Herald
A History of Central Florida, Episode 29: Mosquito Beater
Tags: A History of Central Florida; Bob Clarke; Brevard Avenue; Chip Ford; Cocoa; Cocoa Beach; Daniel Velásquez; DDT; dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; Ella Gibson; Florida Historical Society; George Harrell; Gordon Patterson; insecticides; insects; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; Mosquito; Mosquito Beater Club; Mosquito Beaters; mosquito control; mosquito fish; mosquitoes; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; Robert Cassanello; Speedy Harrell
A History of Central Florida, Episode 35: Leather Fire Helmet
Tags: A History of Central Florida; Benjamin Franklin; Bob Clarke; Cairns Fire Helmets; Chip Ford; Daniel Velásquez; Denver Firefighters Museum; Eagles; Ella Gibson; fire chiefs; fire departments; fire helmets; firefighters; firefighting; fireman; firemen; Henry Cairns; Henry T. Gratacap; high eagle helmets; Jasper Cairns; Jerry Michaels; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; leather; Mount Dora; Mount Dora Fire & Police Station; Mount Dora Fire Department; Mount Dora History Museum; Mount Dora Police Department; New York City, New York; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; OSHA; Robert Cassanello; Royellou Lane; Skip Kerkhof; Stephen Kerkhof; U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration
A History of Central Florida, Episode 46: Mickey's Ears
Tags: A History of Central Florida; amusement park; Bob Clarke; Central Boulevard; Chip Ford; consumerism; corporate; Daniel Velásquez; ear; Ella Gibson; Florida Cypress Gardens; Gary R. Mormino; Gatorland; hat; Jao Carlos Medau; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; Lake Buena Vista; Magic Kingdom Park; Mickey Mouse; Mickey Mouse Club; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; orlando; podcast; roadside attraction; Robert Cassanello; Ronald Logan; SeaWorld Orlando; souvenir; theme park; tourism; tourist; Tracy J. Revels; UCF; Universal Studios Florida; University of Central Florida; University of South Florida. USF; Walt Disney; Walt Disney World; Walter "Walt" Elias Disney; Wofford College
A History of Central Florida, Episode 6: Early Maps of Florida
Tags: A History of Central Florida; Abraham Ortelius; Abraham Ortels; Abraham Orthellius; Abraham Wortels; Atlas; Ben Huseman; Bob Clarke; Brevard Avenue; cartographers; cartography; Chip Ford; Cornelius van Wytfliet; Daniel S. Murphree; Daniel Velásquez; Ella Gibson; exploration; explorers; Florida Historical Society; Florida Memory; Hernando de Soto; Huseman, Ben; Jean Ribault; Juan Ponce de León; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; maps; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; Robert Cassanello; Spaniards; Spanish Florida; Theatre of the World
A History of Central Florida, Episode 10: Piliklikaha
Tags: A History of Central Florida; African Americans; American Indians; Amerindians; Black Seminoles; Bob Clarke; Brent Weisman; Bushnell; Chip Ford; Daniel Velásquez; Ella Gibson; Florida Museum of Natural History; Hull Road; indigenous; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; Native Americans; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; Piliklikaha; pottery; Robert Cassanello; runaway slaves; Seminole; slavery; Terrance M. Weik
A History of Central Florida, Episode 12: Spalding Plate
Tags: 58th Avenue; A History of Central Florida; American Revolution; Andrew K. Frank; Astor; Bob Clarke; British Florida; Chip Ford; colonialism; colonies; colonists; colonization; colony; Creeks; Daniel Velásquez; East Florida; Ella Gibson; French and Indian War; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; Native Americans; Ocala; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; plates; Revolutionary War; Robert Cassanello; Scott E. Mitchell; Second Spanish Period; settlements; Seven Years' War; Silver River Museum and Environmental Education Center; spalding plates; Spalding Upper Indian Store; Spanish Florida; St. Johns River; tableware; trading outposts; West Florida; William Bartram
A History of Central Florida, Episode 13: Buck and Ball
Tags: A History of Central Florida; Andrew K. Frank; Billy Bolek; Billy Bowlegs; Bob Clarke; cattle; Chip Ford; Creeks; Daniel Velásquez; Ella Gibson; First Seminole War; Florida Memory Project; Fort King; Gary D. Ellis; Gulf Archaeology Research Institute; Halbutta Micco; Halpatter-Micco; Halpuda Mikko; Holata Micco; iron; John Missal; Kathleen Cassanello; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; lead; Marion County; Muscogee Indians; Muscogees; musketballs; Native Americans; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; Robert Cassanello; Second Seminole War; Seminole Wars; Seminoles; shots; Silver River Museum and Environmental Education Center; slavery; slaves; spalding stores; The Seminole Wars: America's Longest Indian Conflict; trading posts; U.S. Army
A History of Central Florida, Episode 30: Bolita
Tags: A History of Central Florida; African American; African Americans; Bartow; Bob Clarke; Bolita; Bolita Wars; bolitero; boliteros; Brown, Harry; Carey Estes Kefauver; Charlie Wall; China; Chip Ford; Congress; corruption; crime; Cuba; Cuban American; Cuban Americans; Cubans; Daniel Velásquez; Duda's; elections; Ella Gibson; Estes Kefauver; Florida Lottery; gambling; Gary Ross Mormino; George Harrell; Harry Brown; Hispanic Americans; Hispanics; Katie Kelley; Kefauver Commission; Kendra Hazen; Keno; Latin Americans; Latinos; lotteries; lottery; Mafia; Main Street; Merritt Island; Nick Wynee; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; organized crime; Polk County Historical Museum; Robert Cassanello; Speedy Harrell; Tampa; U.S. Congress; U.S. Senate; Vicente Martinez-Ybor; Ybor City
A History of Central Florida, Episode 22: Dickson's Folly
Tags: A History of Central Florida; asphalt; automobiles; Bob Clarke; cars; Central Boulevard; Chip Ford; Daniel Velásquez; Dickson's Folly; Ella Gibson; Fon Gordon; Ford Model T; Good Roads Movement; H. H. Dickson; Henry Ford; Julian C. Chambliss; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; Lakeview Avenue; motor vehicles; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; orlando; paved roads; pavement; regulations; Robert Cassanello; Rollins College; tin can tourism; tin can tourists; tin canners; tourism; tourists; traffic; traffic congestion; traffic control; Yowell-Drew Company
A History of Central Florida, Episode 19: Russian Samovar
Tags: 1st Street; A History of Central Florida; Anna Reverend; Bob Clarke; Boris Kustodiev; Caucasus Mountains; Chip Ford; Daniel Velásquez; Deep South; Eastern Orthodox Church; Ella Gibson; Europeans; First Street; Gary Ross Mormino; Geneva; Henry Shelton Sanford; immigrants; immigration; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; Kress 5-10-25 Cent Store; Leo Reverend; Mark Howard Long; Mark Long; Michael Paul Reverend; Museum of Geneva History; OCRHC; orange county; Orange County Regional History Center; Robert Cassanello; Russia; Russian Orthodox Church; Russians; samovars; Seminole County; Shoe Emporium; Swedes; teapots; teas; The Merchant's Wife; Vladimir Solonari
A History of Central Florida, Episode 20: Railroad Bells
Tags: A History of Central Florida; ACL; American Civil War; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company; automobiles; Beach Street; bells; Bob Clarke; Boyd Street; cars; Central Florida Railroad Museum; Chip Ford; Christopher Brooke; Daniel Velásquez; Daytona Beach; Ella Gibson; FEC; Florida East Coast Railway; Halifax Historical Museum; Henry Bradley Plant; Henry Morrison Flagler; Henry Plant; Homosassa; Interstate Highway System; Jacksonville; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; Key West; Kissimmee; Maitland; Mark Howard Long; Mark Long; motor vehicles; Ocala; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; orlando; Palm Beach; Plant System; railroads; Robert Cassanello; Sanford; South Florida Railroad; Tampa; Titusville; tourism; tourists; trains; Union Station; Winston; Winter Garden; Winter Park
A History of Central Florida, Episode 26: Fishing Boats
Tags: 1st Street; A History of Central Florida; Anastasia Island; Arlington; Baldwin; Black Creek; Black Point; Bob Clarke; canoes; Chip Ford; Clark's Creek; Clay County; Clayton's Park; Dancy's; Daniel Velásquez; Doug Kelly; Durbin Creek; Ella Gibson; Eustis; Federal Point; First Street; fish; fish camp; fishermen; fishing; fishing boats; Florida's Fishing Legends and Pioneers; Fort Marion; Fruit Cove; Geneva; Green Cove Springs; Hart's Orange Grove; Hibernia; Hogarth's Landing; Jacksonville, Pensacola and Mobile Railroad; Julington Creek; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; Lady Lake; Lake Apopka; Lake County; Lake Dora; Lake Eustis; Lake Griffin; Lake Harris; Lake Jesup; Lake Monroe; Lake Weir; Lake Yale; lakes; Leesburg; Magnolia; Main Street; Mandarin; maps; Margaret; Marion County; Matanzas Inlet; Mayport; McGirts Creek; Middleburg; Moccasin Creek; Moses Creek; Moultrie Creek; Mount Dora; Museum of Geneva History; Native Americans; New Switzerland; North River; Ocklawaha River; OCRHC; Old Fort; orange county; Orange County Regional History Center; Orange Dale; Orange Mills; Pabloc Creek; Palatka; Phelan; Picolata; Putnam County; Read's Landing; Remmington Park; River of Lakes; rivers; Riverside; Robert Cassanello; Roce Creek; rowboats; Russell's Landing; Sanford; Sinies Creek; Six Mile Creek; St. Augustine; St. Augustine Inlet; St. Johns Bar; St. Johns Company; St. Johns Railroad; St. Johns River; St. Nicholas; T. Pulot; Tocoi; tourism; Umatilla; Vincent Fish Market; wet wells; WGHF; Whitestone; Whitney; Winter Garden; Winter Garden Heritage Foundation; Yellow Bluff
A History of Central Florida, Episode 28: Rum Runner
Tags: 18th Amendment; A History of Central Florida; barometers; Beach Street; binoculars; Bob Clarke; Chip Ford; Cople & Astley Gin Mill; Daniel Velásquez; Daytona Beach; Daytona State College; DSC; Eighteenth Amendment; Ella Gibson; Florida Maritime Museum; Halifax Historical Museum; Havana, Cuba; Henry L. Marshall; Holly Hill; John Beale; Katie Kelley; Kelley, Katie; Kendra Hazen; King of Rum Row; Leonard R. Lempel; liquors; Long, Mark Howard; McCoy, Bill; New Orleans Rhythm Kings; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; Prohibition; Robert Cassanello; rum; rum runners; smuggling; Syracuse, New York; The Real McCoy; Wolverine Blues
A History of Central Florida, Episode 47: John Young's Flight Suit
Tags: A History of Central Florida; Amy Foster; astronaut; Bob Clarke; Bob Crippen; Cathleen Lewis Lewis; Central Boulevard; Challenger; Chip Ford; Daniel Velásquez; Downtown Orlando; Ella Gibson; John F. Kennedy Space Center; John Watts Young; Johnson Space Center; JSC; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; Kennedy Space Center; KSC; launch; Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center; Merritt Island; military; Moon; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; orbiter; orlando; outer space; pilot; podcast; Robert "Bob" Laurel Crippen; Robert Cassanello; Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum; space; space exploration; Space Shuttle; Space Shuttle Columbia; Space Transportation System; spacecraft; spacesuit; STS; STS-1; UCF; University of Central Florida
A History of Central Florida, Episode 7: Spanish Mission Bell
Tags: 58th Avenue; A History of Central Florida; Bob Clarke; Catholic Church; Catholicism; Chip Ford; church; church bell; church bells; churches; Daniel S. Murphree; Daniel Velásquez; Ella Gibson; Fifty-Eighth Avenue; John Worth; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; Kevin Stapleton; missions; Ocala; Ocklawaha River; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; Pedro Menéndez de Avilés; Robert Cassanello; Roman Catholic Church; San Blás de Avino; San Luis de Eloquale; Santa Lucia de Acuera; Silver River Museum and Environmental Education Center; Spaniards; Spanish; Spanish Florida; St. Augustine; Weirsdale
A History of Central Florida, Episode 49: La Garita
Tags: A History of Central Florida; Asociación Borinqueña de la Florida Central; Bob Clarke; Central Florida Puerto Rican Association; Chip Ford; colonial; colonization; colony; Daniel Velásquez; Devil's Sentry Box; Econlockhatchee Trail; Ella Gibson; exploration; Gary R. Mormino; Harry Pecunia; Hispanic; immigrant; immigration; Kendra Hazen; Kevin Stapleton; La Gartia; Latino; Luis Martínez-Fernández; migrant; New Spain; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; Patricia Silver; podcast; Public Super Markets; Publix Sabor; Puerto Rican; Puerto Rico; Ramon Luis Ruiz; Robert Cassanello; San Juan, Puerto Rico; sentry box; Spain; Spanish; territory; UCF; University of Central Florida; University of South Florida; USF; Valencia College Lane
A History of Central Florida, Episode 14: Cannonball
Tags: A History of Central Florida; Abraham Lincoln; American Civil War; Barbara Gannon; Bethany Dickens; blockade runners; blockades; Bob Clarke; cannonballs; cannons; Caribbean Islands; Chip Ford; Civil War; Confederacy; Confederate Navy; Confederate States of America; Daniel Velásquez; Ella Gibson; emancipation; Emancipation Proclamation; Florida Memory Project; iron; iron shots; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; Library of Congress; Navy; New Smyrna; New Smyrna Museum of history; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; Robert A. Taylor; Robert Cassanello; Sams Avenue; smugglers; smuggling; U.S. Navy; Union; Union Navy; United States of America
A History of Central Florida, Episode 34: Rollins Collegiate Wear
Tags: A History of Central Florida; American Red Cross; Annie Russell Theatre; Asa Will Jennings; athletes; baseballs; basketballs; beanies; Bob Clarke; Catherine H. Bailey; Chip Ford; Christopher Loss; college sports; colleges; collegiate wear; D. K. Dickinson; Daniel Velásquez; Darla Moore; David Bothe; desegregation; Dickson-Ives Company; Dwight D. Eisenhower; Dwight David Eisenhower; E. H. Riggs; E. R. Donnely; Elfreda Winany; Elinor Flood; Elizabeth Blish; Ella Gibson; epartment of College Archives and Special Collections; fashion; footballs; fraternities; George Young; Gerard M. Miller; Gilbert Maxwell; H. F. Harris; Hamilton Holt; hats; Helen Cole; Holt Avenue; Ike Eisenhower; integration; Irving Bacheller; J. K. List; J. W. List; Jack Constant Lane; James Holden; Jazz Age; John Dewey; Kappa Epsilon; Kathleen Shepherd; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; Lake Virginia; letterman sweaters; liberal arts; Margaret Chapman; Marita Stueve; Mason; Morton; Nancy Cushman; National Collegiate Athletic Association; NCAA; New England; OCRHC; Olin Library; Orange County Regional History Center; orlando; Ormond Beach; Percy McKane; Perrydell; Peter McCann; Phi Mu; Pi Beta Phi; Pi Kappa Delta; Progressivism; Richard S. Shattuck; Robert Cassanello; Robert E. James; Robert Warfield; Rollins College; Rollins Hall; Rollins Honor Student Company; Rollins Tar Babies; Ruth Dawson; Sanford Celeryfeds; school spirit; sororities; sorority; sports; Spring Training; Stering Olmsted; student movement; students; tennis; The Rollins Sandspur; Theodore J. Ehrlich; Thomas P. Bailey; U.S. Navy; Virginia Holm; W. D.; Walk of Fame; Walter Stevens; Wenxian Zhang; Winter Park; World War I; World War II; WWI; WWII
A History of Central Florida, Episode 48: Electronic Communication
Tags: A History of Central Florida; analog; Bob Clarke; Bush Boulevard; Chip Ford; Columbia University; communication; computer; Daniel Velásquez; electronic communication; electronic mail; Ella Gibson; email; First Class Mail; Gemini Electronics, Inc.; Internet; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; Killarney; letter; mail; mail on-the-fly; Main Street; Maitland; Maitland Historical Museum; Museum of Seminole County History; Nancy Pope; New Smyrna Beach; New Smyrna Museum of history; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; Packwood Avenue; podcast; post office; postmark; Prince Albert; railroad; Richard R. John; Robert Cassanello; Sams Avenue; Sanford; Smithsonian National Postal Museum; telecommunication; telegraph; telephone; Telephone Museum; U.S. Postal Service; Western Union Company; WGHF; Winter Garden; Winter Garden Heritage Foundation; Winter Garden Heritage Museum; Zorba Portable Computer
A History of Central Florida, Episode 50: Vernacular Exhibits
Tags: A History of Central Florida; Aaron Hosé; Asia Trend Magazine; Bapu; bear; bisexual; Bob Clarke; China; Chinese; Chip Ford; Chris Stephenson; Chuan Lu Garden; City of Orlando; colonial; Colonial Drive; colonialism; community curation; Cuba; Cuban; curation; curator; Daniel Velásquez and Robert A. Cassanello; Deepa Nair; deity; Democratic Republic of Vietnam; Di Vang; Downtown Orlando; DRV; Ella Gibson; exhibit; festival; Filipino; Florida State Road 434; Fon Gordon; Ganapati; Ganesha; Gateway to India; gay; gay pride; Gay-Straight Alliance; god; Green Revolution; Hindu; Hinduism; holiday; homosexual; Hong Zhang; icon; immigrant; immigration; independence; Indian; International Plaza; José Julián Martí Pérez; José Martí; José Protasio Mercado Rizal y Alonzo Realonda; José Rizal; Katie Kelley; Khai Thue and Ditru CDQ Services; Kim Nga Travel; Kim Thanh; Krishna; Lake Eola Park; lantern; Lantern Festival; lesbian; LGBT; Little Vietnam; Longwood; Mahatma Gandhi; memorial; Mexican; Mexico; migrant; migration; Miguel Gregorio Antonio Ignacio Hidalgo-Costilla y Gallaga Mandarte Villaseñor; Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla; Mills 50; Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi; monument; museum; NCSU; North Carolina State University; North Vietnam; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; orlando; Orlando City Bear Club; Orlando Come Out With Pride; Panjab; paper lantern; parade; park; Philippines; podcast; Punjab; rainbow; religion; Republic of Vietnam; restaurant; Robert Cassanello; Shally Wong; Sikh; Sikhism; Simón Bolívar; Simón José Antonio de la Santísima Trinidad Bolívar y Palacios; Socialist Republic of Vietnam; South Vietnam; SR 434; Sunset International Realty; Tammy S. Gordon; transgender; UCF; University of Central Florida; Valencia Community College; VCC; Veggie Garden; Venezuela; Venezuelan; vernacular exhibit; Vietnam; Vietnam War; Vietnamese; Vinayaka; Wake Forest University; WFU; Winter Springs