Browse Items (33 total)
- Tags: Downtown Oviedo
"My Favorite Memory of Oviedo Is..." by Elizabeth T.
Tags: Downtown Oviedo; employment; malls; Oviedo; Oviedo Mall; retail; T.J.Maxx
Oral History of Julia Nadine Davis Aulin
Tags: American Civil War; Andrew Aulin III; Andy Aulin; armadillos; automobiles; Benjamin Franklin Wheeler, Sr.; Black Hammock; Career Field; cars; Charles Warren Aulin; Chuluota; church; churches; Citizens Bank of Florida; Citizens Bank of Oviedo; citrus; cops; Donna Neely; Downtown Oviedo; dressmakers; dressmaking; elevators; Emma Leonora Lawton Aulin; Fifi; football teams; George Kelsey; immigrants; immigration; Jacobs; John Courier; Kilby; law enforcement; Lee Gary; Mary Alice Powell Aulin; motor vehicles; Nadine Davis Aulin; Narcissa Melissa Lawton; Nelson and Company; Nettie Dorcas Jacobs Aulin; OHS; orange groves; oranges; orlando; Oviedo; Oviedo High School; Oviedo: Biography of a Town; police officers; post offices; postmasters; rice; roadsters; rumble seats; Sarah Schneider; seamstress; seamstresses; sewing; spiders; sports; spyders; Steen Nelson; Swedes; Swedish Americans; switchboard operators; The Judge; Thee Lee; Theodore Aulin; Theodore Lee; Thomasville, Georgia; Townhouse Restaurant; White's Wharf; World War I; World War II; WWI; WWII
Ella Milner at Citizen's Bank of Oviedo
Oral History of Ingrid Bryant
Tags: A. M. Jones; Anna Marcantoni; bishops; Carlos Velez-Munich; Catholicism; Catholics; Cherokee Junior High School; Chuluota; church; churches; citizenship; City of Oviedo; Clara Lee Wheeler Evans; clergy; cold war; colleges; communism; Country Quick; customer service representatives; Deshaso; Dominic Persampiere; Downtown Oviedo; education; educators; ERP; European Recovery Program; Florida Technological University; FTU; Geneva Drive; George C. Young Federal Courthouse; Grupo Shalom; high schools; immigrants; immigration; Ingrid Bryant; Jeffrey A. Chudnow; Joseph Patrick Hurley; Larry Neely; Laura Feldman; Lockwood Boulevard; Magnolia Avenue; Marshall Plan; McCoy Air Force Base; Most Precious Blood Catholic Church; Munich, Germany; museums; newspapers; Norbert Dorsey; Norbert Mary Leonard James Dorsey; OHS; orlando; Orlando Army Air Field #2; Oviedo; Oviedo High School; Oviedo Historical Society; Oviedo Street; Paul Mikler; Pinecastle AFB; Pinecastle Air Force Base; Pinecastle Army Airfield; priests; renovations; Richard Walsh; schools; students; swimming pools; Taste of Oviedo; teachers; teen clubs; teen nights; The Outlook; The Oviedo Voice; The Seminole Chronicle; UCF; universities; university; University of Central Florida; water department; World War II; WWII
Oral History of Alice Kathryn Aulin Bunch
Tags: aircraft; airplanes; Alice Kathryn Aulin Bunch; Andrew Aulin III; Andrew Aulin, Jr.; Andy Aulin; AWS; bank tellers; banks; Baptist Training Union; Baptist Young Peoples Union; Baptists; Bettye Jean Aulin McGill; Bettye Jean Aulin Reagan; Billy Beatrice Bunch Parrot; BTU; BYPU; Charles Warren Aulin; church; churches; citrus; Downtown Orlando; Downtown Oviedo; Evans; Frank Wheeler; Frank Wheeler, Jr.; history harvests; Lawton; Lee; Llewellyn Roberts Bartlett, Jr.; Martha Lenora Aulin Wheeler; Mary Alice Powell Aulin; Mary Bunch; Mary Kathryn Bunch Hamby; Mary Leonora Aulin Bartlett; Mattie Aulin Wheeler; Methodists; Naval Training Center Orlando; Nelson and Company; NTC Orlando; OHS; oranges; orlando; Oviedo; Oviedo Historical Society; Oviedo History Harvest; Oviedo School; packing; planes; Porsha Dossie; Richard Burdette Bunch; Robert Lee Wheeler; sailors; servicemen; soldiers; Steen Nelson; swimming pools; U.S. Army Air Force Aircraft Warning Service; U.S. Navy; World War II; WWII
Nelson Brothers Packinghouse
Oviedo Began as Solaria's Wharf
Tags: 4th of July; ACL; Andrew Aulin, Sr.; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company; bank; Black Hammock; Black Tuesday; Broadway Street; bus; celery; Central Avenue; Chicago boys; Citizens Bank of Oviedo; citrus; doctor; Donna Neely; Downtown Oviedo; fertilizer industry; fire; First Baptist Church of Oviedo; First United Methodist Church of Oviedo; flies; Florida Technological University; fly; Fourth of July; freezes; fruit flies; fruit fly; FTU; Great Crash; Great Depression; Greyhound Lines, Inc.; groves; Gwynn; Gwynn's Cafe; Henry Foster; Independence Day; infestation; J. B. Jones; J. B. Jones and Brothers; Jones Grocery; Jonnie Conley; Joseph Watts; July 4th; July Fourth; Lake Charm; Lake Jessup; Lake Jessup Settlement; Lee and Todd Real Estate Company; medical care; OHS; Old Time History of By Gone Days of Lake Jessup Settlement; oranges; orlando; Oviedo; Oviedo City Hall; Oviedo Historical Society; Oviedo Railroad Depot; Peters Shoes; physician; R. W. Estes; railroads; ration; SAL; Seaboard Air Line railroads; Seminole County; settler; Solaria's Wharf; Spencer's Store; Steen Nelson; Stock Market Crash of 1929; Sweetwater Park; T. L. Mead; The Oviedo Heritage; The Oviedo Outlook; Theodore Luqueer Mead; Wall Street Crash of 1929; Wheeler Fertilizer; World War II; WWII
Oviedo's Plan: A Variety of Rules on Everything from Roads to Recreation
Tags: air; Bernard Blackwood; city council; city government; city planning; commercial; development; Downtown Oviedo; emergency services; FDOT; fire protection; Florida Department of Transportation; Florida State Road 419; Florida State Road 426; Florida State Road 526; government; housing; Iron Bridge Road; Joe Nesbit; land development; land use; law enforcement; Leon Olliff; local government; Local Planning Agency; Louise Martin; LPA; natural resources; Oviedo; Oviedo City Council; Oviedo City Hall; Oviedo Comprehensive Plan; parks; police; R. W. Whittier; Randy Noles; recreation; residential; road; SCPS: Lake Jessup Drive; Seminole County Public Schools; Seminole County School Board; Seminole County Soil Survey and Soil Supplement; sewage; sidewalk; solid waste; SR 419; SR 426; SR 526; street; subdivision; Sweetwater Park; The Oviedo Outlook; transportation; urban planning; Walter Teague; water; wildlife; zoning
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 26: The Oviedo Chickens
Tags: Adicks, Richard; Alafaya Woods; Black Hammock; celery; celery industry; chick; chicken; citrus; citrus industry; documentary; Downtown Oviedo; Econ River; Econlockhatchee River; Gagliano, Barbara; Great Day in the Country; Great Depression; hen; Lake Jesup; Murphee, Daniel S.; Oviedo; Oviedo Chickens; Oviedo Woman's Club; Petitt, Josh; podcast; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; rooster; rural; Shadron, Cindy; suburb; suburbanization; surburban; Taste of Oviedo; The Townhouse Restaurant; The Vine; UCF; University of Central Florida; White, Lars; Woman's Club; World War II; WWII
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 12: Lawton House: Cracker Architecture in Oviedo, Florida
Tags: Baptist; Baptist Church; Bible; Broadway; Broadway Street; Bruce, Miriam "Mimi"; City of Oviedo; Classic Cracker: Florida's Wood-Frame Vernacular Architecture; County Road 419; cracker; cracker architecture; cracker house; documentary; Downtown Oviedo; education; elementary school; First Baptist Church of Oviedo; Friendship Park; Haase, Ronald W.; historic preservation; historic restoration; historical society; hurricane; Hurricane Donna; Lawton House; Lawton, Charlotte Lee; Lawton, James; Lawton, Lottie Lee; Lawton, T. W.; Lee, Charlotte; mayor; Mayor of Oviedo; OHS; Oviedo; Oviedo Historical Society; Oviedo Recreation and Parks Department; Oviedo Woman's Club; park; Pettit, Josh; podcast; porch; preservation; Recreation and Parks Department; restoration; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; Sacher, John; school; school superintendent; Seminole County School Superintendent; T. W. Lawton Elementary; White, Lars
Peters Shoes by Bettye Reagan, 2001
Oviedo Garage
Oviedo by Bettye Reagan
Peters Shoes by Bettye Reagan, 1986
Oviedo Garage by Bettye Reagan
"My Favorite Memory of Oviedo Is..." by Shelby
Tags: communities; community; Downtown Oviedo; Oviedo
Downtown Oviedo, 1950
Oviedo Area Map and Business Guide
Tags: 1st Street; 2nd Street; 3rd Street; 4th Street; A. L. Yates, Jr.; Academy Street; Albert Cornelison; Albert's Jewelers; Allendale Drive; Altamonte Springs; art; Artesia Street; Ash Street; Audley Street; Auline Avenue; Austin Avenue; Avenue A; Avenue B; Avenue C; bank; banking industry; Bay Street; Beasley Road; Beech Street; Beverly Street; Big Tree; Bird Island; Bob Slaton; Boston Avenue; Boston Cemetery Road; Boston Street; Broadway Avenue; Broadway Street; Bumby View Drive; business; Cameron City; Canaan; Carib Lane; Carissa Lane; Carolyn Drive; Carver Avenue; Casselberry; Cedar Chest of Fashion Fabrics; Celery Avenue; Celery Circle; Central Avenue; ceramic; Chapel Street; Chapman Road; Ci Gi's; Citizens Bank of Oviedo; Citrus Avenue; Clark Street; Clonts Street; Colonial Drive; Crystal Avenue; Crystal Circle; Cypress Avenue; day care; Division Avenue; Dixie Gas Industries, Inc.; Doctor's Drive; Douglas Avenue; Downtown Oviedo; drug store; Eatonville; Eileen's Creative Mud Ceramics; Evans Street; Fairvilla; Faulk road; Fern Avenue; Fern Park; fertilizer; fertilizer industry; Field Street; First Street; Florida State Road 17-92; Florida State Road 415; Florida State Road 419; Florida State Road 420; Florida State Road 426; Florida State Road 431; Florida State Road 436; Florida State Road 46; Florida State Road 50; Florida Technological University; florist; Forest City; Forest Grove; Forest Trail; Fourth Street; Franklin Street; FTU; Gabriella; Garden Street; GE; General Electric; Geneva Drive; Goldenrod; Graham Avenue; H. P. Leu Botanical Gardens; Hamilton Avenue; hardware; Harrison Street; High Street; highway; hwardware industry; I-4; Interstate Highway 4; Italian; Jackson Street; Jamestown; jewelert; Kandel; Kimble Avenue; King Street; Kraft Azalea Gardens; Lake Charm; Lake Charm Circle; Lake Charm Drive; Lake Gem; Lake Hayes; Lake Hayes Road; Lake Jessup Avenue; Lake Mary; Lake Norma; Lake Road; Lake Rogers; Lake Rosa; Lawn Street; Lawton Avenue; Lee Avenuie; Lee Road; Lightwood Knot Canal; Lightwood Knot Creek; Lincoln Parkway; Lindsay Lane; Lingo Street; Little Econockhatchee Creek; Live Oak Lane; Long Lake; Longwood; Louise Avenue; Magnolia Street; Maitland; map; Maple Court; Mead Botanical Gardens; Mead Drive; meat; meat industry; Meat World; Middle Street; Midget City; Mimosa Trail; Mission Road; Mitchell Avenue; Mitchell Hammock Road; Muck Street; Myrtle Street; Naval Training Center Orlando; Nelson Hardware Store; Norma Avenue; Norwood Court; NTC Orlando; nursery; Nursery Street; Oak Circle; Oak Drive; Orange Avenue; Orangewood Drive; orlando; Orlando Sports Stadium; Orlando-Seminole Jai Alai Front; Oviedo; Oviedo Body and Paint Shop; Oviedo Child Care Center, Inc.; Oviedo Country Smoke House; Oviedo Drug Store; Oviedo Florists; Oviedo Saw and Mower; Oviedo Shopping Center; Palm Drive; Palm Way; Palmetto Street; Pemberton Street; Pembrple Avenue; Pennsylvania Avenue; pharmacy; Pine Avenue; Pine Street; Poulan; preschool; RCA; Red Bug Lake Road; Reed Road; restaurant; retail; Rich Drive; road; Rollings College; Rose Texaco; Round Lake; Ruth Street; Sanford; Sanford-Orlando Kennel Club; school; SCL; Seaboard Coast Line Railroad; Second Street; Shady Lane; Sharon Court; Slavia; Smith Street; Snapper; Southwood Court; SR 17-92; SR 415; SR 419; SR 420; SR 426; SR 431; SR 436; SR 46; SR 50; Stale Avenue; Stephen Avenue; street; Sweetwater Canal; Sylvan Lake; Tangerine Avenue; Taylor Street; Teleflora; television; Temple Terrace; Terrace Drivel Domer Street; Tesinsky Automotive; Third Street; Tomoka Drive; Tranquil Oaks Lane; True Value Hardware Stores; UCF; Union Park; University of Central Florida; Valenica Court; Vicki Vourt; Vine Street; Wagner; Washington Drive; Wekiwa Springs; Wheelco; Wheeler Fertilizer Company; Wilkerson Street; Willet Ad Maps; Winter Park; Wood Street; Woodcrest Circle
Tags: Alafaya Woods; Andrew Aulin, Sr.; Ben Ward, Jr.; celery; celery industry; chicken; citrus; citrus industry; Colene Ward; college; Downtown Oviedo; Florida Technological University; FTU; Great Depression; home; Homebuyer; house; Mead Manor; neighborhood; orange county; Oviedo; Oviedo Place; school; Solaria's Wharf; subdivision; suburb; university
Whitaker's Old Country Store
Browdy's Mini-Mart
Oviedo Florists and Oviedo City Cleaners, Inc.
Old Downtown Oviedo
Oviedo's Old Downtown
Tags: automobiles; cars; Downtown Oviedo; Oviedo
Downtown Oviedo, 1974
Nelson and Company Packing Plant, 1979
The Oviedo Outlook: Centennial Edition
Tags: 4th of July; A. Duda; A. Duda and Sons, Inc.; A. J. McCulley; A. M. Jones; A&W; ACL; African American; Al Ruthberg; Al Ruthberg's Dry Goods; Alafaya Square; Alafaya Woods; Alafaya Woods Boulevard; Albertsons; Allen Street; American Bandstand; American Legion; American Legion Post 243; American Radioactive Chemical Company; Anderson; Andrew Aulin, Sr.; Andrew Duda; Ann Leinhart; Anna Thompson; anniversary; Anything for Floors; Artesia Street; Arthur Evans; Arthur Scott; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company; Augusta Covington; Aulin Avenue; Avenue B.; B. F. Wheeler; B. G Smith; Babe Ruth League; Bank of Oviedo; Baptists; Baptizing Lake; Barbara Walker-Seaman; baseball; basketball; Bean Soup Ladies; Belle Glade; Ben Ward; Ben Wheeler; Benjamin Frank Wheeler; Benny Ward; Betty Aulin; Betty Malcolm; Betty Malcolm Jackson; Betty Palmer; Betty Reagan; Bill Clinton; Bill Martin; Bill Nelson; Bill Ward; Billie Chance; Black Hammock Fish Camp; Black Tuesday; Bob Butterworth; Bobby Malcolm; Boston Hill; Boston Park; Boy Scouts of American; Broadway Lily's Louis Edward Jordan, Sr.; Broadway Street; Brownie; Buddy Tyson; C. L. Clonts; C. R. Clonts and Associated Growers; C. S. Lee; cattle; Cattlewomen; Cay Westerfield; celery; centennial; Central Avenue; Century 21 Real Estate; Chance; Chapman Road; Charles Aulin; Charles Evans; Charles Lee, Jr.; Charles Simeon Lee; Charlie Beasley; Charlie Malcolm; Charlie McCully; Chase and Company; Chicago boys; Chiropractic Healthcare Center; Christmas; Chuluota; churches; Ci Gi's Pizza and Subs; Citizens Bank of Oviedo; city clerk; city council; city government; Clare Wheeler; Clare Wheeler Evans; Clarence William Nelson II; Clark; Clark Street; Claude Roy Kirk, Jr.; Claudia Mitchem; Cleo Malcolm; Cleo Malcolm Gore; Cleo Malcolm Leinhart; Clonts Farms, Inc.; Clyde Holder; Clyde Reese Moon; coach; Colonial Drive; Cooper; county commissioner; county government; Cow Bells; Crooms High School; Cross Seminole Trail; Crutchfield; D. D. Daniel; D. D. Daniel Store; David Evans; Dawson; Daytona; De Leon Street; Delco; Democrat; Democratic parks; desegregation; Dick Addicks; Dick Clark; Doc Malcolm; Don Ulery; Donna Neely; Donnie Malcolm; Dorothy Malcolm; Dorsey Brothers; Double R Private School; Doug Allen; Doug Allen Debris Cleaning; Douglas Allen; Downtown Oviedo; Duda; Dwardy; E. H. Kilbee; Econ Eating Club; Econ River; Econlockhatchee River; Ed Duda; Ed Yarborough; Edgar Marvin; Edith Mead; education; educator; Edward Duda; Edward Stoner; Elida Margaret McCulley; Elm Street; Elnoa Allen; Elsie Beasley; Emma Catherine Wahgren; Enoch Partin; Equestrian Green; Evelyn Cheek; Evelyn Cheek Lundy; Faircloth's Grocery; farmer; farming; Fernell's Grocery; FFA; FFWC; First Baptist Church of Oviedo; First United Methodist Church of Oviedo; Flagler's Hotel; Florida Avenue; Florida Federation of Woman's Clubs; Florida High School Athletic Association; Florida Power and Light Company; Florida State Road 426; Florida State Road 434; Florida State Road 50; Florida Tech; Florida Technological University; football; Forrest Harrill Burgess; Foster Chapel; Fountainhead Baptist churches; Fourth of July; Frank Wheeler; Freeze of 1894; Freeze of 1917-1918; Freeze of 1989; freezes; Fritz Mondale; fruit flies; fruit fly; FTU; Future Farmers of America; Gardenia; Gebhardy; Geneva; Geneva Drive; Geneva Historical and Genealogical Society; Geneva Methodist churches; George Aire; George Kelsey; George Lee; George Lee Wheeler; George Means; Georgetown; Georgia Lee; Georgia Lee Wheeler; Gertrude Lucas; Gladys Malcolm; Glenridge Middle School; government; Grace Olliff; Graham Street; Great Crash, Stock Market Crash of 1929; Great Day in the Country; Great Depression; Greater Oviedo Chamber of Commerce; groves; Guy Lombardo; Gwynn's Cafe; Halloween; Harold Henn; Harold Jordan; Hazel Malcolm; Henry Foster; Henry Wolcott; high schools; Hillcrest Drive; Hollie Ruscher; Horse Pond; Howell Branch Road; Hubert Max Lanier; Hurley Ann Wainright; Hurley Mae Moon; Hurricane Donna; Hyland; Ida Boston; Ima Jean Bostick Ocala; Ima Jean Bostick Yarborough; immigrants; Independence Day; infestation; integration; Irving Malcolm; Jack Malcolm; Jackie Kasell; Jackson Heights; Jakubcin; James Earl Carter, Jr.; James Gilbery; James Lambert Malcolm; Jane Cochran; Jane Gaydick; Jane Moran; Jane Moran Wheeler; Jean Jordan; Jean Wheeler; Jim Lee; Jim Partin; Jim Pearson; Jim Wilson; Jimmy Carter; Jimmy Lee; Jimmy Malcolm; Joe Leinhart; Joe Malcolm; Joe Rutland; John Currier; John Evans; John Ganaway Malcolm; John Irving Malcolm; John Lundy; John Ridenour; Johnny Smith; Johnson Hill; Joseph Leinhart; Joseph Watts; July 4th; July Fourth; Junie Duda; Justice of the Peace; Karate Academy; Karen Jansen; Karen Jansen Jacobs; Katherine Lawton; Katherine Mikler; Katherine Mikler Duda; Katheryn Lawton; Katie Lawton; Kay Dodd; Kay Estes; Keith Malcolm; Kenneth Malcolm; King; King Street; Kingsbridge; Kit Lawton; Kitty Young; L. J. Gore; Lacy Aire; Lacy Aire Lingo; Lake Barton; Lake Charm; Lake Charm Park; Lake George; Lake Harney; Lake Jessup Settlement; Lake Jesup; Lake Mary; Lake Pickett; Lake Rosa; Lakemont Elementary School; Larry Neely; Larry Olliff; law; Lawton Elementary School; Lawton House; Lawton's Grocery; Lawtonville; Lee and Todd Real Estate Company; Lee Wheeler; Leinhart; Leon Olliff; Leonard Jansen; Letty Leinhart; Linda Olliff Cliburn; Linda Sheppard; little league; local government; Lockwood Boulevard; Lois Ridell; Louise Gore; Louise Wheeler; Louise Wheeler Martin; Lucy Fore; Lucy Fore Bostick; Magnolia Street; Malcolm; Mammy Jones; Marguerite Partin; Marilyn Partin; Mark Bellhorn; Marlow Link; Martha Ann Bruce; Martha Ann Moon; Martha Ann Moon Lee; Martin Anderson; Martin Gore; Mary Velora Moon; Matheson; Max Lanier; May Day; mayor; Mayor of Oviedo; McDonald's; McKinnon Meat Market; Mead Manor; Mediterranean fruit fly; Memorial Building; Memorial Building Committee; Merritt Staley; Methodist Youth Fellowship; Methodists; Michael Bruce; Mike Tsinsky; Mikler Road; Mimi Wheeler; Mimi Wheeler Bruce; Mims; Minnie Means; Miriam Wheeler; Miriam Wheeler Bruce; Mitchell Hammock; Mitchell Hammock Road; Model T Ford; Mule trains; Museum of Seminole County History; MYF; Myrtle Avenue; natural disasters; Navy; Nelson; Nelson and Company; Niblack Building; Nin a Ralston; North Lake Jessup; Novella Aulin; Novella Aulin Ragsdale; Ocala; OHS; Ol' Swimming Hole; Old Downtown Development Group; Old Mims Road; Old Time History of By-Gone Days of Lake Jessup Settlement; Orange Avenue; oranges; orlando; Oviedo; Oviedo Athletic Association; Oviedo Child Care Center; Oviedo City Cleaners, Inc.; Oviedo City Clerk; Oviedo City Council; Oviedo City Hall; Oviedo Garden Club; Oviedo High School; Oviedo Historical Society; Oviedo Inn; Oviedo Lights; Oviedo Magazine Club; Oviedo Marketplace; Oviedo Post Office; Oviedo Shopping Center; Oviedo Town Council; Oviedo Woman's Club; OWC; Palatka River; Park Avenue Elementary School; Partin; Patrick Westerfield; Paul Arie; Paul Mikler; Penny Mitchem; Penny Mitchem Olliff; Phil Goree; picnic; Pine Street; pioneers; post offices; postmaster; poultry; R. W. Estes; race relations; Railroad Street; railroads; Rainbow Bowl; rations; Ray Alford; Ray Clonts; Reconstruction; Red Barn; Red Bug Lake Road; religion; Rex Clonts; Rick Burns; Riverside Park; Robert A. Butterworth; Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever; Roley Carter; Ropers; Rosa Gray; Roy Clonts; Roz Nogel; Russell Boston; Sanford; Sanford Airport; Sanford City League; Sanford Road; Sanlando Springs; sawmill; Sayde Fleming; Sayde Fleming Duda; Schmidt; school superintendent; schools; Scott Perry; SCPS; Sears and Roebuck; segregation; Seminole County Public Schools; Seminole County School Board; Seminole County Sports Hall of Fame; Seminole High School; settlers; Shedd Street; Shirley Malcolm Sheppard; Shirley Partin; Signworks Graphik and Design, Inc.; Silver Glen Springs; Silver Star; Simmons; Singletary; skiing; Slavia; Smoky Burgess; Snow Hill; snow Hill Road; Solary's wharf; Sparks Lingo; Sparks Lingo Clonts; Sparks Lingo Ridenour; Spencer's Grocery and Drygoods; Spencer's Store; sports; SR 426; SR 434; SR 50; St. Johns River; St. Luke's Lutheran Cathedral; State Democratic Committee; statute; Steak'n'Shake; Steen Nelson; Stevens Street; Stommy Staley; Stone; Sugarby's; Sunday schools; Suzanne Partin; Swedes; Swedish; Sweetwater Park; Swift and Company; swimming pool; T. L. Lingo, Jr.; T. L. Mead; T. W. Lawton; T. W. Lawton Elementary School; Teacher's House; teachers; Ted Estes; Thad Lee Lingo III; Thad Lee Lingo, Jr.; The Gap; The Oviedo Outlook; The Scrubs; The Sign Man; The Square; Thee Lee; Thelma Lee; Thelma Lee Clonts; Theodore Luqueer Mead; Thomas Moon; Thomas Willington Lawton; Thompson; Tom Estes; Tom Moon; Tom Morgan; Tommy Estes; town government; Town House Restaurant; Troy Jones; turkey; Tuscawilla; Twin Rivers; U.S. Army; UCF; University of Central Florida; Vera Malcolm; veteran; Vietnam War; Vine Street; Viola Smith; Virginia Balkcom; Virginia Balkcom Mikler; Virginia Staley; W. G. Kilbee; W. J. Lawton, Sr.; Wagner; Wall Street Crash of 1929; Wallace Allen; Walter Frederick Mondale; Walter Mondale; Walter Teague; water skiing; Watermaster Plumbing; Wayne Jacobs; Wes Evans; Wheeler Fertilizer Plant; White's Wharf; William Jefferson Blythe III; William Jefferson Clinton; Winborn Joseph Lawton, Sr.; Winchester Insurance, Inc.; Winter Park; Winter Park Telephone Company; Woman's Club; World War II; WWII; Zellwood
The Oviedo Heritage '77, June 30, 1977
Tags: 4th of July; A. Duda and Sons, Inc.; ACL; Andrew Aulin, Sr.; Andrew Duda; Andrew Duda, Jr.; Andy Duda, Jr.; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company; B. F. Wheeler, Sr.; Ben Jones; Ben Ward Agency, Inc.; Benjamin Franklin Wheeler, Sr.; Black Hammock; Black Tuesday; Boy Scouts of America; Broadway Street; C. R. Clonts; C. R. Clonts and Associated Growers; Central Avenue; Citizens Bank of Oviedo; Donna Neely; Downtown Oviedo; Edith Mead; F. W. Talbott; Ferdinand Duda; First Baptist Church of Oviedo; First United Methodist Church of Oviedo; Florida Technological University; Fourth of July; FTU; Great Crash; Great Depression; Greyhound Lines, Inc.; Gwynn; Gwynn's Cafe; Henry Foster; Independence Day; J. B. Jones; J. B. Jones and Brothers; J. H. Lee; John Duda; John Hiram Lee; Jones Grocery; Jonnie Conley; Joseph Watts; July 4th; July Fourth; Katherine Duda; Lake Apopka; Lake Charm; Lake Jessup; Lake Jessup Settlement; Larry Neely; Lee and Todd Real Estate Company; Mead Botanical Garden; Mead Manor; Nelson and Company, Inc.; OHS; Old Time History of By Gone Days of Lake Jessup Settlement; Olliff's Barber and Style Shop; orlando; Oviedo; Oviedo City Hall; Oviedo Historical Society; Oviedo Railroad Depot; Peters Shoes; Pot Latch; R. W. Estes; Randy Noles; S. F. Long; SAL; Seaboard Air Line railroads; Seminole County; Slavia; Solaria's Wharf; Southland Produce; Spencer's Store; Steen Nelson; Stock Market Crash of 1929; Sweetwater Park; T. L. Mead; T. W. Lawton; The Oviedo Heritage; The Oviedo Outlook; Theodore Luqueer Mead; Thomas Willington Lawton; W. G. Kilbee; W. J. Martin; Wall Street Crash of 1929; Wheeler Fertilizer; World War II; WWII; Zellwood
Oviedo, Circa 1960
Tags: A. A. Myers; A. Bradford Dinsmore; A. D. Sauer, Jr.; A. D. Sauer, Sr.; A. F. Cotton; A. L. Ruddell; A. M. Jones; A. W. Meares; African Methodist Episcopal; Agnes Smith; Alexandria Subdivision; Alice Brannon; Allison; AME; Amos Laster; Andrew Aulin; Andrew Aulin, Jr.; Andrew John McCulley; Andrew Leinhart; Anita King Crawford; Anna Leinhart; Annabelle Linger Lawton; Annette Sullivan Shrumpert; Annie Ethel Lee Carter; Antioch Missionary Baptist Church; Antonio Solary; Appleby; Arthur Evans; Arthur Metcalf; Arthur Riles Hunter; August D. Covington; Augusta Clause; Aulin Avenue; Aulin's Addition; B. F. Ward, Jr.; B. F. Wheeler III; B. F. Wheeler, Jr.; B. F. Wheeler, Sr.; B. G. Smith; B. J. Solomon; Bank of Oviedo; Baptists; Bay Street; Ben Blackburn; Ben Jones; Ben Wheeler; Benjamin Franklin Wheeler III; Benjamin Franklin Wheeler, Jr.; Benjamin Franklin Wheeler, Sr.; Bertha Huggins; Bertha Leinhart; Bertha P. Dixon; Bessie Fay Myers Fly; Bethany Circle; Betty Colbert; Beverly Hughes Evans; Bill Chance; Bill Jenkins, Jack Jenkins; Black Hammock; Blaine Edwards; Block Youth Building; Bob Cameron; Bob Gibbs; Bob King; Bob Ragsdale; Bob Slavik; Bob Ward; Bobby Standlifer; Bowers; Boyd Clonts; Brewster; Broadway Street; Bub Sloan; Bud Claxton; Butler Court Road; C. D. Crutchfield; C. J. Marshall; C. K. Phillips; C. L. West; C. N. Ogg; C. R. Clonts; C. R. Clonts, Jr.; C. S. Lee; C. T. Edwards; C. T. Niblack; cabins; Calvin Whitney; Carl Farnell; Catherine Young Gore; celery; Central Avenue; Charles Evans; Charles Niblack; Charles P. Williams; Charles Roy Clonts, Jr. Charles Roy Clonts, Sr.; Charles Shaffer; Charles Simeon Lee; Charlotte Lee Lawton; Chase Piano Company; Chester W. Shipley; Christine Leinhart; Chuluota; churches; citrus; city halls; Claire Lee Evans; Claire Lee Wheeler; Clara Deering; Clara Mariner; Clarence Ashe; Clark Street; Cleo Gore Leinhart; Clonts and Staley Block Company; Clyde Holder; Colonial architecture; Congregate Meals Program; construction; Courier Field; Crystal Shores; Curtis Estes; Cyrus B. Dawsey; D. D. Daniels; D. E. Hart; Dan Denmark; Daniel B. Hohn; Daniel Gore; David Corey; David Evans; David Hunter; Dawsey; Deering Harvester Company; Delco; Della Barnett; dentists; Dick Mitchell; Division Avenue; doctors; don Carraway; Don Shaffer; Don Ulrey; Donna Neely; Dora Kelsey; Dorothy Courier; Dorothy Lee; Douglas Jackson; Douglas Philpot; Downtown Oviedo; Dozier's; Drady Mathers; E. C. Harper; E. J. Moughton; E. M. Olliff; E. T. Standlifer; E. W. Stone; Earl Koontz; Edna Staley; education; Edward W. Stoner; Edwin A. Farnell; elementary schools; Elida Slavik; Elizabeth Farnell; Emmett Waltz; Emory Asbell; Ephfrom Whipper; Eric Anderson; Eric Anderson Subdivision; Essie Mae Clonts; Evelyn Alpaugh; Fay Stoner; Federation of Senior citizens Clubs of Seminole County, Inc.; Fellowship Hall; Fernando Daniel; Ferrell Beasley; First Baptist Church of Oviedo; First United Methodist Church of Oviedo; fisher; Florida State Road 419; Florida Technological University; Flournoy Jernigan; Foster Chapel; Fountainhead Baptist Church; Frank C. Morgan; Frank W. Talbott; Frank Wheeler; Franklin Street; Frazier Vail; Fred Dyson; Fred Robbins; Fred Tingley; FTU; Future Farmers of America; G. L. Baker; G. M. Arie; G. S. Abell; G. S. Moon; G. W. Johnson; Gammon and Deering Company; Garden Cove; Garden Street; Garth Bowers; Geneva; Geneva Abell; Geneva Drive; George C. Crawford; George Carlton; George Jakubcin; George K. Hollingsworth; George Lee Lawton; George Means; George Morgan; Georgia Lee Lawton; Georgian-Colonial architecture; Germans; Gladys Basford; Gladys Leinhart; Glen Stoner; Glenda Conley; Glenna B. Stoner; Goldie Eva Beckley Lee; Gordon Pendarivs; Gordon W. Johnson, Jr.; Gove Hill; Graham Avenue; Grant Chapel; Grant Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church; Grant Chapel AME Church; groves; Guy Lingo; H. B. McCall; H. C. Park; H. R. Spencer, Sr.; Haig; Hamlin; Hansel; Hardem Webb; Harold Jordan; Harry P. Leu Company; Hazel Haley; Helen Leinhart; Helen Terrell; Henry Foster; Henry Jackson; Henry McAlister; Henry Whittier; Henry Wolcott; Herbert McCarley; Herbert Metcalf; Hettie Ragsdale; High Street; Hillcrest Avenue; Hillcrest Drive; Hillcrest Gardens; Holland Construction Company; homes; houses; housing; Howard-Packard Land Company; Howell Williams; Hubert E. Davis; Huggins Brothers, Inc.; Hugh Gregory; Hugh Morris; immigrants; Internal Improvement Fund; Irene Hollenbeck; Irvin Claxton; J. B. Jones; J. B. Jones, Jr.; J. B. Ludlow; J. Emmett Kelsey; J. Enoch Partin; J. H. King; J. H. Lee III; J. H. Lee IV; J. H. Lee, Jr.; J. H. Lee, Sr.; J. H. Staley; J. L. Walker; J. N. Thompson; J. W. Burns; J. W. McIntosh; J. Wes Evans; Jack T. Bryant; Jack Williams, Sr.; Jackson Heights Middle School; Jackson Heights School; Jake Gore; Jamerson Construction Company; James Arthur Partin; James D. Hagin; James Davidson; James Gamble Rogers; James H. Lee; James Hiram Lee III; James Hiram Lee IV; James Hiram Lee, Jr.; James Hiram Lee, Sr.; James J. Egan; James Marion Jones; James Wilson; Jane Cochran Moon; Jane Hill Walker; Jean Jordan; Jeanette Mills; Jenkins Realty Company; Jennifer Adicks; Jennings Neeld; Jerry Jacobs; Jessie Shaffer; Jewel Dean; JHMS; Jim Jones; Jim McGowan; Jim Staley; Jimmy McGowan; Joe Faircloth; John Batts Jones, Sr.; John Branscomb; John Courier; John Drury; John McCulley; John Ridenour; John Smith; John W. Evans, Sr.; Johnie Conley; Johnnie Conley; Johnnie Wright; Johnny Jones; Joseph Leinhart; Josephine Munson; Juanita Beasley; Julia Gaulden; Julia Lee Matheson; Katherine Teague; Kathryn Lawton; Katie Ruddell; King Street; Kinney; Kirby Buckelew; Kirby Grant; Kirkpatrick; L. B. Moore; L. E. Jordan; L. J. Flowers; L. L. Day; L. L. Faulk; Lake Charm; Lake Charm Circle; Lake Charm Fruit Company; Lake Charm Memorial Chapel; Lake Jessup Avenue; Lake Jesup; Langston; Lawton Elementary School; Leah Koontz; Lee Gary; Lee H. Gore; Lena Leinhart; Leon Olliff; Leon Ragsdale; Libby Wainwright; Lillian Lee Lawton; Link Hart; Lloyd Koontz; Lois Jones; Lois Ruddell; Long Lake; Lonnie Metcalf; Loretta E. Hohn; Lottie Lee Lawton; Louis Edward Jordan, Sr.; Louis Leinhart; Louise B. Gore; Louise Brown Gore; Louise Wilson; Lucille Campbell; Lucille Niblack; Lucille Partin Niblack; Lynum Brothers; M. C. Hagen; M. L. Gary; M. L. Wright; M. M. Estes; Madeline Foltz; Mae King; Magnolia Street; Main Street; Margaret Culpepper Wolcott; Margaret Harper; Marguerite Covington; Marguerite Parson Partin; Marion Estes; Marsh harvester; Martha King Spinks; Martha Staley Leinhart; Marvin L. Wright; Mary Alice Aulin; Mary Brannon; Mary C. Wolcott; Mary Etta Chance; Mary Leinhart; Mary Leinhart Wright; Mary Ninde; Mary Young; Max Leinhart; Mead Manor; Meals on Wheels; Mediterranean architecture; Memorial Building; Meredith Brock; Merritt Staley; Methodists; middle schools; Mildred Adicks; Mills M. Lord; Milton Gore; Mimi Wheeler; Minnie King; Minnie Means; Myrtle Street; N. F. Lezette; Nanearl Bradley; Nannie B. Giles; neighborhoods; Nell George Morgan; Nell King Morgan; Nelson and Company; Nita Rawlson; Novella Carter Aulin Driggers; O. Gus Wolcott; O. P. Swope; OES; OHS; Olive Babbitt; Olive Lezette; Oliver Farnell; Oliver Swope; oranges; Oreon Burnett; orlando; Orlando Drive; Ouida Anderson Wolcott; Oviedo; Oviedo City Council; Oviedo City Hall; Oviedo Clinic; Oviedo Department of Public Safety; Oviedo Elementary School; Oviedo High School; Oviedo Historical Society; Oviedo Land Company; Oviedo Oaks; Oviedo School; Oviedo Woman's Club; Oviedo: Biography of a Town; OWC; Owens; P. B. Boston; Patsy A. Booth; Paul M. Campbell; Paul Mikler; Paul Slavik; Peck; Pennie Olliff; Pete McCall; Peter C. H. Pritchard; Peter Helliar; Phil Coree; physicians; pioneers; Plant System; porches; R. B. Black; R. F. Cooper; R. J. Lawton; R. W. Estes; R. W. Lawton; R. W. Whittier; railroad depots; railroads; Ransford C. Pyle; Richard Adicks; Richard Apel; Richfield; Rick Snow; Robert Holloway; Robert L. Ward; Robert Lawton, Jr.; Robert R. Barber; Robert Soka; Roberta Sparks Lingo; Roger Slavik; Rollins College; Ross F. Dunn; Ruby Estes; Ruby Jones; Russell Daniel; Ruth Davidson; Ruth Metcalf; S. E. Kirkland; S. J. Lewis and Company; S. L. Murphy; S. R. Rembert; Sam Stephens; Sam Swope; Samuel L. Robinson; Samuel Lincoln Murphy; Samuel William Swope; Sanford; Sanford and Indian River Railroad; Sans Souci; schools; Schweizer Associates; SCPS; Seminole County Public Schools; Shed Grove; Sky King; Slavia; Smith Street; Solary's wharf; South Florida Railroad; Sparks Lee Clonts Ridenour; Sparks Lee Ridenour; Spencer R. Wainwright; SR 419; St. Hebrew African Methodist Episcopal Church; St. Hebrew AME Church; Stalnick; Stan Tillman; Stanley Brokhausen; Stanley Muller; Stanley T. Muller; Steen Nelson; Steve Somers; Steven Sommers; Stewart Catchell; Stewart Gatchell; Sweetwater Creek; T. C. Brannon; T. L. Lingo, Jr.; T. L. Lingo, Sr.; T. W. Lawton; T. W. Lawton Elementary School; Ted Estes; Tedford; Terry Raburn; Thelma Lee Clonts; Thelma Tew; Theodore Luqueer Mead; Thomas K. Brown; Thomas Moon, Sr.; Thomas Ratliff; Thomas Staley; Thomas Weaton; Thomas Willingham Lawton; Todd Whitney; Tom Deal; Tom Hollingsworth; Tom Purdom; Tom Risher; Tommy Estes; tony Daniels; UCF; University of Central Florida; V. H. Sley; Virginia Mikler; Virginia Staley; W. A. Clark; W. A. Teague; W. B. Williams; W. B. Young; W. C. Alpaugh; W. C. Betsy Anne Carter Apel; W. G. Mikell; W. H. Martin; W. J. Lawton; W. J. Varn; W. K. Kimble; W. P. Carter; W. Rex Clonts; W. T. Chance; W. W. Young; Wallace Sommerville; Walter A. Teague; Walter Cart; Walter Carter; Walter Eugene Olliff; Walter Guynn; Walter Gwynn; Warren McCall; Wayne Standlifer; Whispering Oaks; Wiley Abell; William Browning; William H. Deering; William Hyatt; William Marr; William R. Marr; William Wiley Lee; William X. Ninde; Willie Poole; Willis; Winborn Joseph Lawton; Windmeadow Farms; Winter Park; Women's Society for Christian Service; Wyatt L. Wyatt; Wyatt Lawrence Wyatt; Yarborough; Young Harris; Zack Spinks; Zetta Leinhart
Though Few Took Advantage of It, Oviedo Wants to Keep Lower Tolls
Oviedo Train Depot
Old Downtown Oviedo
Tags: Downtown Oviedo; Oviedo
Broadway in Downtown Oviedo
Tags: Broadway; Coca-Cola; Downtown Oviedo; Oviedo