Browse Items (18 total)
- Tags: Polk County
Population Census for Haines City, Polk County, Florida, 1935
Tags: 1935 Florida State Census; Bushnell; census; Florida National Cemetery; Haines City; James Lamarr Moore; military history; military service; National Cemetery Administration; Polk County; population; veterans; Veterans Administration; Veterans Legacy Program; World War II; World War, 1939-1945
The Mountain Lake Sanctuary
Tags: Adam and Eve; Allen, J. H. Dulles; American Foundation Incorporated; Anton Brees Carillon Library; bellmaster; Bok Tower; Bok, Edward W.; Book of Ezekiel; Book of Genesis; Boston fern; Bourdon Bell; Boy Scouts of America; Brees, Anton; Brees, Gustaf; Burrell, Horace H.; Burroughs, John; Cook, Thomas; Cooldge, Calvin; Coolidge, Grace Goodhue; Creole; Dance of the Rising Sun; De Turk, William; Easter; Edward Stern and Company Incorporated; erect declining dial; etowah marble; Florida Coquina; Gurney, Dorothy Francis; Horace H. Burrel and Son; Iron Mountain; John Taylor and Company; Lake Wales; Lambert; Lawrie, Lee; Master Carillonneur; Medary, Milton B.; Morse; Morse, Sanders Lambert; Mountain Lake Sanctuary; Myhre, Milford; Nornabell, H. M.; Olmstead, Frederick Law Jr.; Polk County; Powell, Baden; Royal Flemish Conservatory; sabal palm; Sanctuary Bells; Sanders; Seminole; Singing Tower; Singing Tower Camporee; Stern, Edward; sundial; Sunset Plateau; sword fern; Taj Mahal of America; Taylor True Harmonic System; Taylor, E. Denison; Taylor, John; Tenor Bell; United States Geodetic Survey; Yellin, Samuel; Zodiac
Marriage License and Certificate of Marriage for John W. Donaldson and Archie K. Hughes
Oral History of Sister Gail Grimes
Tags: A. Duda & Sons; African Americans; agricultural labor; agriculture; alligators; Ann Kendrick; Apopka; Apopka City Council; bass; bass fishing; Bonita Springs; boycotts; Cape Canaveral; carrot houses; carrots; Cesar Chavez; César Estrada Chávez; citrus; City of Apopka; Crealdé School of Art; discrimination; Dowdell v. City of Apopka; E & J Gallo Winery; farms; Farmworker Association of Florida; farmworkers; ferneries; fernery; Gail Grimes; gators; Germans; Haitians; Hispanics; Hope CommUnity Center; Immokalee; Jared Muha; juice plants; kale; KKK; Ku Klux Klan; laborers; Lake Apopka; Lake County; Latinas; Latinos; lettuce; lupus; Mexican Americans; Mexicans; muck farms; Museum of the Apopkans; nonprofits; nuns; nurseries; nursery; Office for Farmworker Ministry; orange county; orange groves; oranges; pesticide exposure; pesticides; Peter Schreyer; Pierson; Plymouth; Plymouth Citrus Products Cooperative, Inc.; Polk County; POW; POWs; Prisoner of War; Prisoners of War; race relations; racial conflict; racism; radish; radishes; religious sisters; Roman Catholic Church; Roman Catholicism; Roman Catholics; segregation; service learning; SLE; soldiers; Stomping Ground; systemic lupus erythematosus; The Last Harvest; turpentine; Vietnam War; wages; Walt Disney World Resort; William Donald Borders; Willis V. McCall; Willis Virgil McCall; Winter Garden; Winter Garden City Council; Winter Park; World War II; WWII
Letter from A. W. Macfarlane to Henry Shelton Sanford (October 3, 1884)
Tags: Austin Friars; Beardall, William; board meeting; board of directors; Brevard County; deed; FLCC; Florida Land and Colonization Company; Gingelom, Belgium; Hernando County; investment; Macfarlane, A. W.; Polk County; Sanford; Sanford, Henry Shelton; Sumter County; Trafford, E. R.; Volusia County
Letter and Statement from A. W. Macfarlane to Henry Shelton Sanford (September 29, 1885)
Tags: Alachua County; Austin Friars; Brevard County; FLCC; Florida Land and Colonization Company; Hernando County; Hillsborough County; investment; Macfarlane, A. W.; Manatee County; Marion County; Middleground, Anclote; Monroe County; orange county; Polk County; Powell Grant; property; real estate; Sanford; Sanford Grant; Sanford, Henry Shelton; Sumter County; Volusia County
Letter from A. W. Macfarlane to Henry Shelton Sanford (December 9, 1886)
Map of Florida Showing the Land Grant of the Florida South Railway
Tags: Alachua County; Altoona; Arcadia; arrowroot; Art-Printing Works; Astor; Baker County; bananas; Bartow; Boardman; Bowling Green; Bradford County; Brevard County; Brooksville; Brownville; Caloosahatchee River; Candler; cassava; castorbeans; cattle; Centre Hill; Charlie Apopka; Charlie Creek; Charlotte Harbor; Chinese sand pears; Citra; citrus; Clay County; Cleveland; climates; coconuts; Columbia County; comtie; Conant; corn; cotton; DeSoto County; Dragem Junction; Duval County; East Lake Weir; Eustis; Evinston; field crops; fish; fisheries; fishery; fishing; Florida Commissioner of Land and Immigration; Florida Southern Railway Company; Fort Mason; Fort Meade; Fort Ogden; Francis; Fruitland Park; fruits; Ft. Meade; Ft. Ogden; Gainesville; Glendale; Grove Park; groves; guava; hammocks; Hawthorne; hemp; Hernando County; hogs; Hollister; Homeland; immigrants; immigration; indigo; Interlachen; Irish potato; Irish potatoes; Jacksonville; Japanese persimmon; Japanese plums; John W. Candler; John W. Weeks; John Welsh; Johnson; jute; Kendrick; Keuka; L.O. Garrett; Lady Lake; Lake County; Lake Eustis; Lake Harris; Lake Weir; Lane Park; LeConte pears; Lee County; Leesburg; lemons; Levy County; limes; Lochbie; Manatee County; Mannville; Marion County; Martin; Matthews, Northrup and Company; McIntosh; McKeein; Micanopy; Monroe County; Mount Tabor; Nassau County; Nocatee; nuts; Oak-Lawn; Ocala; Ocklawaha; Okahumpka; Orange Belt Railway; orange county; Orange Lake; oranges; Osceola County; Palatka; Peace River; peach; peaches; pecans; Pemberton Ferry; pineapple; pines; Polk County; population; Punta Gorda; Putnam County; railroads; railways; rain; ramie; Ravenswood; Reddick; rice; Rochelle; Sherman Conant; South Lake Weir; St. Johns River; Stanton; strawberries; strawberry; sugarcane; Sulphur Springs; Summit; Sumter County; swamps; sweet potato; sweet potatoes; Tavares; timber; tobacco; Umatilla; vegetables; Volusia County; Wait's Crossing; Wauchula; Webster; Welshton; Zolfo Springs
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 18: Winter Garden's 20th Century: Boom, Bust and Rebirth
Tags: ACL; Atlantic Coast Railroad Company; Avalon; bust; Cappleman, Kay; Central Florida Museum; cinema; citrus; citrus grove; citrus industry; Cross, Phil; documentary; Downtown Winter Garden; Dr. Philips; farming; freeze; Gannon, Barbara A.; Garden Theatre; Gotha; grove; historic preservation; historic renovation; housing; hurricane; land boom; land development; McMillan, Alana; National Railway Historical Society; news; Niemi, Nicholas; night life; Oakland; orange; orange grove; orange industry; Plant Street; podcast; Polk County; population growth; preservation; railroad; real estate; real estate industry; renovation; revitalization; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; shipping; suburb; suburban; Tavares; Tavares, Eustis & Gulf Railroad; theater; theme park; turpentine; turpentine industry; Walt Disney World; West Orange Trail; WGHF; Windermere; Winter Garden; Winter Garden Heritage Foundation
Orange Blossom Trail: The Scenic Route Through Central Florida
Tags: 13th Street; 4th Street; AAA; Abshier, A. E.; Allardice, James; Allen, Ross; Alrmina Drive-In Restaurant; Amazing Howell Glassblowers; America's Tropical Wonderland; American Automobile Association; American Express; Anderson, F.; Angebilt Hotel; Apopka Motor Courts; Aqua-Maids; Arrow Head Lodge; Avon Motel; Baby Animal Nursery; Bambi Motel; Banister, Fred; Bank of Tavares; Barney's Park Avenue; Bartlett, Tommy; Bates, Beryl; Bates, Kitten; Beachfront Tourist Court; Beacon Light Motel; Belleview Motor Court; Ben White Raceway; Bennie's Service Station; Bentley's Motel; Bibleland; Big "D" Steer-In Restaurant; Black Hills Passion Play; Black Swan Park; Blanche Hotel; Blue Lake; Blue Lake Villa; Bob's Shell Service; Bok Tower; Bok Tower Gardens; Bownman & Brown, Inc.; Bradley, Otis; Bragdon, J. A.; Brahma cattle; Brewton Company; Buliman, J. H.; Burgess, Jack; Carillon Tower; Casa Loma Lodge; Centennial Fountain; Center of Arcade; Central Boulevard; Central Florida Motel; chamber of commerce; Chimp Farm; Christy, Howard Chandler; Citizen's Bank of Clermont; Citizen's National Bank of Lessburg; Citizen's National Bank of Orlando; Citrus Tower Restaurant and Cocktail Lounge; Clayton Waters Service; Clements, Frank; Clermont Fruit Service; Clewiston Inn; Clewiston Motel; Cloister Courts; Coats, Royal M.; Coleman, Grace; Colonial Drive; Colonial Hotel; Columbia County; conestoga wagon; Cook, Thomas; Cooks Farm; Craft Court; Crossroads Motel; Cunningham, T. Archie; Cypress Gardens; Da Vinci, Leonardo; Davenport Chamber of Commerce; Davis Park Motel; Delux Motel; Dempsey, Jack; Dickson and Ives, Inc.; Dietrich, Charles; Dietrich, Elsie; Diner's Club; Dirlam, K. M.; Dirlam's Dawn Villa; Douglas, A. R. D.; downtown Kissimmee; downtown Leesburg; Downtown Miami; Downtown Orlando; Duncan Hines; Dundee; E. S. Marsell Fernery; Edgar Roberts Apartments; Edwards, A. C.; El Patio Motel; El Rancho Motel; Emerald Motel; Ernie's Lakeside Motel; Everglades; Everglades Tropical Gardens; Fairview Park; Fairway's Motel; Famous Shell Emporium; Famous Silver Spurs; Fifth Street; First Federal Building; First Federal Savings and Loan Association; First National Bank; First National Bank at Orlando; Florida Angler's Resort; Florida Citrus Tower; Florida National Bank; Florida Nursery and Landscape Company; Florida Orange Packers; Florida Watermelon Festival; Florida's Biggest Little Town; Florida's Cow Country; Ford's Shell Service Station; Fort Clinch; Foster, Stephen Collins; Fosteriana; Fountain, J. M.; French Realtors; Fulton's Citrus Groves; G&S Packing Company; Gahr, Lloyd; Gardner's Restaurant; Gardos, E.; Gary's Duck Inn; Gateway to the Ridge; Gellerman, Harvey; glass-bottom boats; Glouser, Zack; Great Masterpiece; Greater Orlando Chamber of Commerce; Green's Fuel; Gulf Oil; Gulf Oil Corporation; Haines City Motor Court; Hambletonian; Hamilton County; Harlan, Montie; Hart, E. B.; Hart's Sundry Store; Harvey's Service; Harwell, E. K.; Harwell, Mary P.; Hi-Lander Motel; Highland Hammock State Park; Highland Lake Apartments; Highland Park Estates; Highland Parks Estates; Highlander Restaurant; Highlands County; Highlands Lake; Hil-Top Motor Court; Hinson Avenue; Home Exhibit; Hotel Jacaranda; Hotel Thomas and Dining Room; House of Glass; Howard Johnson Restaurant, Johnson, Howard; Hunt Brothers; Hunter's Nash Motors; International Grand Prix Endurance Race; Isbell, Jim; Isbell, Sue; Ivey's of Orlando; J. Hillis Miller Health Center; J. L. Parris Jr. Laundry; Jarvis Motel; Johnson, Evelyn; Johnson, John; Johnson's Beach; Johnson's Beach & Cottages; Jones, Meredith; Jordan, Carl; Jordan, Carolyn; Kahler, F. H.; Kahler, R. N.; Keene Realty Company, Inc.; Kelly Park; King's Garage and Service Station; King's Grove; Kissimmee Live Stock Market; Kissimmee River Valley; Koch, Harry A.; Koss Manor Motel; Koss, Delma; Lake Alfred; Lake Alfred Motel and Restaurant; Lake and Hills Restaurant; Lake Apopka; Lake Blue Motel; Lake Bowers; Lake Brentwood Court; Lake Clay; Lake County; Lake Eola; Lake Eola Park; Lake Highland; Lake Istokpoga; Lake Ivanhoe; Lake Josephine; Lake Josephine Tourist Court; Lake Mabel Motel; Lake Minneola; Lake Okeechobee; Lake Ola; Lake Placid; Lake Weir; Lake Weir Chamber of Commerce; Lake Weir Gift Fruit Company; Lake Weir Key Cottages; Lakeside Villa; Lakeview Motel; Lakewood Bar & Package Store; Lakewood Estates; Last Supper; Law, Leo; Lee Motel; Leesburg Community Center; Leesburg Kiwanis Club; Leesburg Lion's club; Leesburg Rotary Club; Lilly, L. M.; Lilly's Motel; Lloyd's Furniture; Main Street; Mann, Leone; Mann, Paul; Manor Motel; Marie's Motel and Restaurant; Marion County; Marion County Citrus Company; Marion Street; Marks Street; Marsell, E. S.; Master Hosts; McGuire's Standard Station; McIntosh; Meier, Josef; Melton, G. T.; Metal Products Company; Miami Hotel; Miami's Fabulous Seaquarium; Mid-Lakes Motel; Miller Motel; Miller, Henry; Millican & Beseke, Inc.; Mineral Springs; Minneola Gift Shop; Minute Maid; Monarchik, Helen; Monarchik, John; Montrose Street; Monument of States; Moose Head Fishing Camp; Moses Rexall Drugs; Motel AL-Jl Mid-Town Motel; Motel Midget Mansions; Mozert's Photo Shop; Mrs. Mac's Restaurant; Mt. Vernon Motel; Musseua, A. A.; Nascar Auto Association; National Fresh Water Tournament; National Pee Wee Championship; Nature's Underwater Fairyland; New Morrison Cafeteria; Nicodemus, Charles; Nicodemus, Irene; North Avenue; North Boulevard; North City Motel; North Marion County Chamber of Commerce; North Marion High School; O'Sada, Stanley; O'Sada's Gulf Service Station; OBT; Ocala; Ocala National Forest; Oklawaha; Oklawaha River; Ola-Beach Motel; Old South Motel; Orange Avenue; Orange blossom Motel; Orange Blossom Trail; Orange Blossom Trail Association; orange county; Orange Lake; Orange Lake Citrus Shop; Orlando Evening Star; Orlando Morning Sentinel; Palm Garden Fishing Camp; Palm Knoll Motell; Palm Motel; Palm Terrace; Palomino Motel; Pan-American Motel; Parrish, J. L., Jr.; Passion Play Amphitheatre; Peacock, Arthur S.; Peacock's Motel; Phillips Place; Plantation Inn; Poinsettia Motel; Polk County; Pope, Dick, Sr.; Pope, Richard Downing; Preu, Frank J.; Preu, Jeanette; Pure Oil Company; Quality Courts United; Ranch Motel; Ray's Smoke House Pit-Bar-B-Q; Red Barn Restaurant; Reddick; Reese, Candler C.; Rest-A-Nite Motel; Rex Beach Lake; Rexall; Richenbacker Causeway; Rilean, W. W.; Riley's Trailer Park and Miniature Home; Rock Springs; Rod'n Reel Court; Roosevelt Boulevard; Ross Allen's Reptile Institute; Ross Allen's Reptile Institute and Wildlife Show; Sabal Motel; San Juan de Ulloa Hotel; San Juan Hotel; Scenic Highway; Schnieder, John W.; Seaquariam; Seminoles; Shady Lake; Shalimar Motor Court; shell; Shell Emporium; Shipley, Grace E.; Shipley, Lewis; Silver Lake Country Club and Golf Course; Silver Palms Motel; Silver Springs; Silver Springs Boulevard; Silver Springs Cafeteria and Restaurant; Silver Spurs Rodeo; Sinclair Gas and Oil; Singing Tower; Skyline Motel; Slaughter, A. C.; Smigel's Auto Clinic; Smith, A. W.; South Bay Service Station; South Lake Realty company; Southernaire Motel; Spinning Wheel Motel; Spook Hill; Sportsman's cottages and Fishing Resort; Spring Side Motel; Squire Restaurant; SR-200; SR-25; SR-40; SR-50; SR-540; SR-80; STAPLES' Cottages; Starling Motel; State Bank; State Road 50; State Road 80; Steak House; Stephen Foster Memorial; Sue and Jim Isbell's Motel with Restaurant; Sue's Motel; Sugar Bowl; Sun Plaza Motor Manor; Sunoco; Suwannee River; Suwannee River Court; Tall Pines Motel; Talton, William G.; Targonski, Benjamin; Taylor's Citrus Candy Factory; Terra Ceia Court and Restaurant; Texaco Products; The Belle of Suwannee; The Brahma; The Carriage Cavalcade; The City Beautiful; The Fern City of Florida; The Jacaranda City; The Jungle Cruise; The Key Wester; The Prince of Peace Memorial; Thibault, Alyce; Thomas, P. E.; Tom Sawyer Motor Inns; Tommy Bartlett's Deer Ranch; Topical Wind Motel; Tower View Motel; Trade Winds Cafeteria; Tradewins Motel and Restaurant; Trailer city; Tropical Motor Hotel & Frazer's Steak House; Tucker, O. J.; tupperware; Tupperware Home Parties, Inc.; Tupperware Museum of Dishes; U.S. Highway 27; U.S. Sugar Mill; UF; University Court Motel; University of Florida; US 92; US-17-; US-25; US-27; US-27A; US-301; US-441; US-441-27; US-98; Ustler Brothers; Vaughan & Co.; Venetian Court; Vo-Mac Groves; W. W. Rilea Cottages; Wall Streetl Empire Hotel; Walt Wellman Groves; Waverly; Waverly Citrus Growers Cooperative; Wayside Motel; Webb, J. L.; Webb's Drive-In Restaurant; Wellman, Walt; White House Hotel; William G. Talton and Sons; Williams, E. L.
Oral History of Michael Partain
Tags: airports; Amanda Hill; Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery; ASVAB; atopic dermatitis; Avon Park; Avon Park Air Force Range; basic training; boot camps; breast cancer; captain's mast; Carli Van Zandt; Carolyn Van Zandt; CERCLA; cold war; colleges; Community Veterans History Project; Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980; contamination; court-martial; CVHP; dermatitis; DI; disqualifications; Drill Instructor; E-3; education; engineering; engineers; Enlisted Rank 3; enlistment; Enterprise 1701; environmental cleanup; F-16; General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon; gig lines; higher education; Hill, Amanda; hospitals; illness; illnesses; inspections; instructors; Lake Druid; Lone Sailor Memorial Project; LSMP; MacDill AFB; MacDill Air Force Base; marching; Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune; McCoy AFB; McCoy Air Force Base; medical hold company; memorials; MET; Michael Partain; military code; military education; Military Entrance Processioning Center; Military Entrance Processioning Center Tampa; Military Entrance Test; military justice; military training; monuments; NAS Jacksonville; Naval Air Station Jacksonville; Naval Station Mayport; Naval Training Center Orlando; NS Mayport; NTC Orlando; nuclear engineering; nuclear power; nuclear propulsion; Nuclear Propulsion School; orlando; Petty Officer; Polk County; recruit training; Recruit Training Command; recruits; ring banner; Seaman; special training; Superfund; Tetrachloroethylene; toxic chemicals; toxic cleanups; U.S. Air Force; UCMJ; Uniform Code of Military Justice; universities; university; veterans; Warren B. Partain, Jr.; Warren B. Partain, Sr.; water contamination; Winter Haven; World War II; WWII
Letter from E. R. Trafford per William Beardall to Henry Shelton Sanford (February 28, 1884)
Letter from E. R. Trafford to James E. Ingraham (August 23, 1882)
Letter from E. R. Trafford to Henry Shelton Sanford (April 17, 1884)
Draft Registration Card, 1942
Tags: Bushnell; draft registration card; Florida National Cemetery; Haines City; James Lamarr Moore; Korean Conflict; Korean War, 1950-1953; military history; military service; national cemeteries, American; National Cemetery Administration; Polk County; United States Army; veterans; Veterans Administration; Veterans Legacy Program; World War II; World War, 1939-1945
Orange County's Sheriff's Book of Wanted Persons, 1882-1889
Tags: 3rd Street; 5th Avenue; 7th Street; A. B. Efrird; A. B. Shroud; A. D. Adair & McCarty Brothers; A. E. Buck; A. J. Bates; A. J. Ivey; A. J. Spradley; A. J. Sullivan; A. J. Weaver; A. L. Martin; A. M. Kendrick; A. M. Winfree; A. S. Colyar, Jr.; A. Strauss; A. Zeger; Aaron Coachman; abortions; Abraham Bell; Abraham Putnam; Adam Gillison; Adam Thompson; Alabama Penitentiary; Alachua County; Albert Cathey; Alex Henderson; Alexander Anderson; Alexander Ekstrom; Alexander Johnson; Alexander Mincey; Alexander Pitts; Alfred Clarke; Alfred Coffee; Alfred Jones; Alfred W. Burnett; Allan Pinkerton; Allen Ford; Alphens Martin; Amos cummings; Amos Jordan; Anderson McKinnon; Andrew Ellis; Andrew Wilson; Andrews & Martin; Apalachicola; Archer; Archie Loyd; arrest warrants; arrests; arson; arsonists; Asa Whitaker; assault; assault to murder; assault to rape; attempted murder; attempted rape; attorneys; B. A. Wrighstman; B. F. Bennett; B. H. Girele; B. R. Swoope; B. W. Bentley; bail jumpers; bail jumping; Bailey; Barbour County Sheriff's Office; Bartow; Ben Baker; Ben Lock; Ben Watkins; Benajmin F. Adams; Berrien Bryant; bigamay; bigamists; Bill Galvin; Bill Johnson; Bill Martin; Bill Rooth; Bill Sherson; Bill Williams; Billy Camble; Billy Campbell; Blitch; blood hounds; Bollock; Braxton Beacham; Broadway Street; Bronson; Brooks Johnson; Brooks Story; Brooksville; Broome; burglars; burglary; Burton H. Davy; Butch Bradley; Bynum; C. B. Easley; C. B. Hansel; C. C. Johnson; C. E. Hunter; C. F. Conerly; C. Gordon Hicks; C. J. Anderson; C. J. Perry; C. K. Dutton; C. K. Winston; C. P. Hoyt; C. P. Jolly; C. P. Kilgore; C. R. Scott; C. W. C. Wright; C. W. Hursy; Calvin Burton; Calvin Lockett; Cardinal Gibbons; Carl Bachman; Carmelo Salvati; Carson; cattle stealing; Cedar Key; Charles Adkins; Charles Badger; Charles Baldwin; Charles Bluemont; Charles Coleman; Charles David; Charles Johnson; Charles Martin; Charles O. Earnes; Charles P. Johnson; Charles Reddiford; Charlie Davis; Charlie Holmes; Charlie Reeves; Charlie Rose; Charlie White; Charlie Wood; Chataroi Road; Chattahoochee Brick Company; Ches Hughs; Chester Seymour; Chief of Police; Chief Pinion Detective Agency; Chipley; Christian Black; Citra; Clarence A. Seward; Clarence Tear; Clark; Clark Montgomery; Coffey & Hyer; Colorado State Penitentiary; Columbia City; Columbia County; Constantine Algero; convicts; Cooper Winn; cops; county government; Court Street; Creoles; crimes; criminals; Crosby; Cuff Patton; D. C. Hennessey; D. E. Mccarthy; D. U. Fletcher; Dade Coal Company; Dan Scott; Daniel; Daniel Rouse; David Caldwell; David N. Walker; Day & Gordon; Deaderick Street; detectives; detention; Dick Bell; Dimick; Doc Barrentine; Dock Rodgers; Dockie Carson; DOJ; Dry Goods, Millinery, Shoes, and Company; Duval County; E. A. McRae; E. A. O'Neal; E. B. Bailey; E. C. Vaughan; E. G. Elliott; E. H. Covas; E. J. Kelley; E. J. Young; E. R. Whitner; E. T. Dickinson; E. T. Williams; E. Upton Lovejoy; Earp's Detective Agency; Ed Curry; Ed Frazier; Ed S. Carr; Edgar Knowles; Edgward Eggleston; Edward A. O'Neal; Edward Asbury O'Neal; Edward Cunningham; Edward Sterling Harris; Edward W. Bannister; Ellaville; Ellis Phelan; Elmore Johnson; escaped convicts; Eueka Detective Agency; Eugene Day; Eugene Van Norman; Eureka Detective Agency; Eustis; Exchange Place; F. C. Buffum; F. C. Russell; Farrell & Boylan's Detective Agency; felonies; felony; Fernand B. Poupart; Fifth Avenue; Flem Spicer; Florida Penitentiary; Florida State Prison; Ford J. Perkins; forgers; forgery; Fort White; Francis P. Fleming; Francis Philip Fleming; Frank Blint; Frank C. Almy; Frank C. McNeilley; Frank Dusch; Frank J. Cassada; Frank White; Frank Williams; Fred Koehler; Fred numan; Fred Schmidt; Fred Spicer; fugitives; Furman's Job Print; G. B. Howard; G. E. Garretson; G. W. Shackleford; G. Walton; Galillard; George A. Hill David Dickson; George A. Searcy; George Allen; George Archer; George Brown; George Caldwell; George D. Bangs; George E. Malsby; George Favor; George G. Gurley; George Heyward Carpenter; George Johns; George King; George Manders; George Manhon; George Peuser; George W. Shackleford; George Washington; George Wells; Georgia Penitentiary; Gid H. Heck; Gilkinson's American Detective Bureau; government; grand larceny; Grant; Grant Bowlby; Graves Holt; Gravier Street; Graysville Penitentiary; Green Cove Springs; Gus Brown; Guss Story; Guy McLain; H. D. Ballard; H. H. Rudd; H. M. Huffaman; H. T. Gay; H. Williams; Haezen's Detective Agency; Haines City; Hall Trippe; Hamilton Story; Hampton Childers; Hampton Pinkney; Hardee; Hardin & Ramsey; Hardy Todd; Harmon Murray; Harris Miller; Harry Berry; Hartridge; Harvey Merrit; Hazen Detective Agency; Hennessey Commercial Detective Agency; Henry Allen; Henry Briscoe; Henry Davis; Henry Fish; Henry Griffin; Henry Hainey; Henry Johnson; Henry Lanier; Henry McTier; Henry Underwood; Henry Wilson; Henry Wright; Hertel; Highland; Hill Clark; Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office; Hooker; horse theft; horses; Hugh Conley; Hugh Jackson; Humphries & Sykesl R. R. Barrentine; I. H. Cook; incarceration; inmates; intent to murder; International Ocean Telegraph Company; Ira M. True; Ira M. True & Company; Isaac Sateur; Isaac Williams; Isac Cooms; J Q. Gallaway; J. A. Ewing; J. A. Hilliard; J. B. Gordon; J. Bartho Thrasher; J. C Anderson; J. C. Arnold; J. C. Geiger; J. C. Sawyer; J. D. Register; J. D. Wilson; J. E. Gaston; J. E. Haverfield; J. F. Milam; J. F. Rushin; J. F. Stallings; J. G. White; J. Galloway; J. H. Bankhead; J. H. Bear; J. H. Black; J. H. Fish; J. H. Hays; J. H. Mowatt; J. H. Twito; J. H. Wilhite; J. I. Town; J. Ira Gore; J. L. Clanton; J. L. Hilliard; J. L. Johns; J. M. Flemming; J. M. Holder; J. M. T. Petty; J. M. Williams; J. N. C. Stockton; J. Paul Russell; J. R, Perry; J. R. Porterfield; J. S. Barnett; J. S. Wood; J. W. English; J. W. McIntyre; J. W. West; Jack Baker; Jack Bowen; Jack Bryson; Jack Coleman; Jack Hall; Jack Scott; Jack Stemper; Jack Straughter; Jacksonville; Jacob Frey; Jacob Sheaner; jail breaks; jails; Jake Barber; Jake Jackson; James Allen; James Brady; James C. Snell; James Cannedy; James Cook; James Crawford; James E. Rice; James Geary; James M. Lewis; James Mitchell; James Morrison; James O. Archer; James Ora; James P. Martin; James Petit; James Roberts; James Slengle; James T. Garner; James Wiley; James Williams; Jap York; Jefferson County; Jeffrey Snell; Jennie Brinson; Jennings; Jerry Marshall; Jesse Middleton; Jessie Harris; Joe Crenelear; Joe Frisby; Joe Kelley; Joe Killebrew; Joe Pickett; Joe Weston; Joe Wiley; Joe Woods; Joe Young; John A. Pearce; John Brown; John Brown Gordon; John Cheek; John Cornish; John Culley; John Cummings; John E. Davis; John F. Morriss; John G. F. Powell; John H. Crawford; John H. Weber; John Harris; John Howard; John Jackson; John L. Crawford; John M. Breen; John McAleese; John McDuffy; John Monroe Benford; John Owens; John P. Long; John Polk; John R. Towers; John s. Town; John Smith; John Steward; John Summers; John Thomson; John W. RaymondJ. A. Woodall; John Webb; John Williams; John York; Johnson County; Johnson Spates; Jones & Garnet; Jordan Weathersby; Joseph Branch; Joseph Young; Judge Allen; Jules Anderson; Julias Caesar Anderson; Julius Anderson; Julius K. Ward; Julius Worley; K. P. Sumby; Kanawha Circuit Court; Katharine Handroff; kidnappers; kidnapping; Kissimmee; L. B. Story; L. B. York; L. F. Patterson; L. F. Pattinson; Lake City; Lake County; larceny; law enforcement; Lawrence Green; lawyers; Leesburg; Leon County; Levi G. Simmons; Levy County; Levy County Sheriff's Office; Lewis C. Cassidy; Lewis Carroll; Linck's Hotel; Lizzie Mitchell; Llloyd Williams; local government; Long Tom Shine; Lony Rutland; Louis C. Saliniere; M. C. Gantt; M. G. Bayn; M. H. Kelly; M. M. Willoughby; M. Smith; Mack Holloway; Madison; Madison County; Mahitable White; Main Street; Malachia Allen; Marion County; Mart Jackson; Mattie Jackson; Mattthew Burnett; McAlpin; McConnell; McFadden; McGowan Harman; McLeod, Cranford & Company; McLin; Miles Newburn; Milligan; missing persons; Monticello; Mooney & Boland Detective Agency; Moses Braxton; mules; murderers; murders; Mureland Yowns; Myers; N. B. Deatherage; Nashville Metropolitan Police; Nathan Barnes; Neal Taylor; New Orleans Cotton Exchange; New York State Reformatory; Nivision; Nixburg Beat; Nolan Smith; Northern District of Florida; Northern Pacific Express Company; O. A. Budington; O. J. Greenleaf; O. M. Ward; Ocala; Oisbin; Ollie T. Rice; orange county; Orange County Sheriff's Office; Order of Cincinnatus; orlando; Orlando Livery; Oviedo; P. J. Murphy; P. J. Rogers; P. S. Bartlett; Paduck Police; Palatka; Palmer; Parker House; Pascal B. Lang; Pat A. Clinton; Pat Corcoran; Patsy Washington; Peacock; penitentiaries; penitentiary; Pensacola; perjurers; perjury; Perry Vinson; Peter Barkey; Peter Cook; Peter Harrison; Phillip Bryant; Phillip Cook; Phinizee Williams; Phipps; Pine Street; Pinkterton's National Detective Agency; police; Polk County; polygamists; polygamy; Pope Leo XIII; Porter's National Detective Agency; Pratt Mines; Price Broyles; prison break; prison camps; prison escapes; prisoners; prisons; Quah Bivins; R. B. Cuthby; R. G. Hurley; R. J. Linden; R. M. Porter; railroads; Ralph Camfield; rape; rapists; Rees Walker; rewards; Reynolds & McLeod; Rice Gholson; Richard Benning; Richard Gardiner; Richard Graham; Richard Lawrence; Richard Lewis; Richard Meservey; Richard Moses; Richard Pelham; Richard Stephens; Richard Tumlin; Richardson's Detective Agency; Rifis Rice; Rob Huger; robbers; robbery; Robert A. Pinkerton; Robert Board; Robert Colbrook; Robert Frost; Robert Hagar; Robert Huger; Robert Jackson; Robert M. Brown; Robert McLane; Robert Pascal; Robert Smith; Robert Starke; Robert Tom Smith; Robert Wright; Roberts; Rollan Harris; Rome Under Nero; Rufus R. Wade; Russell & Osborne; Russell Randolph; S. C. Grogg; S. G. Todd; S. J. Hilliard; S. M. Farmer; S. P. Hardwick; S. S. Pickett; S. S. Puckett; Saco and Biddeford Savings Institute; Saint Augustin; Sam Devault; Sam Finnegan; Sam Hargettl Henry Wilson; Sam Johnson; Sam Smithson; Sam Snelling; Sam Williams; Sam Yates; Sampson Cason; Samuel B. Kennedy, Jr.; Samuel Davis; Samuel Francis; Sandie Martin; Sandy Polite; Sandys Keys; Sanford; Sebe Russell; seduction; Seth Taylor; Seventh Street; Seville; Shackleford's Georgia Central Detective Agency; sheriffs; Sherman Bram; Sherman Carouth; Shins; Sidney Lowe; Sieben Russell; Silas Brookes; Silas H. Brigham; Silas Harris; Silas Martin; simple larceny; Smith & Wesson; Smith, West & Lyons; South Florida Railroad; Southern Express Company; Squire BlacksheerSam Weston; St. Augustine; St. Johns County; Stanton; Starke; steal; Stephen E. Rice; Stephen F. New; Steve Fannin; Steven Wiggins; Studebaker; Sullivan's Detective Agency; Sumpter Nichols; Sunderland; Suwannee County; swindlers; T. B. Blount; T. B. Robbins; T. D. Newland; T. J. Fish; T. N. Boylan; T. T. Ellison; Tallahassee; Tavares; Taylor Nixon; Tennessee Coal Iron & Railroad Company; The Cincinnati Enquirer; The Criminal Record; theft; thieves; Third Street; Thomas; Thomas Byrnes; Thomas Campbell; Thomas Hays; Thomas Mike; Thomas Porter; Thomas Shine; Thomas Watts; Thomas Williams; Thompson Richards; Titusville; Tobe Crystal; Tobe Jackson; Tom Brinson; Tom Telfer; Tony Salvati; Travis Sumpter; U.S. Department of Justice; U.S. Marshal; Vincenzo Gioacchino Raffaele Luigi Pecci; Virgil Earp; voluntary manslaughter; voluntary manslaugther; Volusia County; W. B. Beard; W. B. Lowe; W. B. Parker; W. C. Bube; W. C. Parker; W. D. Kellett; W. E. Minchin; W. F. Wilson; W. G. Dyer; W. H. Bigham; W. H. Bowie; W. H. Davis; W. H. Deaver; W. H. H. Bush; W. H. Yater; W. J. Footner; W. J. Winstead; W. K. Knight; W. L. McDowell; W. L. Richardson; W. L. Trappard; W. M. Raulerson; W. O. Wadley; W. P. Harrison; W. P. Hazen; W. P. Loftis; W. P. Rogers; W. P. Thomspon; W. R. Eason; W. R. Gaulding; W. S. Hubbs; W. S. West; W. T. Dowda; W. T. Linck; W. W. Simpson; Wade Holmes; Wadsworth; Walter Ford; Walter J. Howaland; Walter T. Williams; wanted; warrant; Warren & Thomas; Warren Peavy; Warren Wilcher; Washington County; watch; watches; Whoreley Building; Wiley Jordon; Wiley Warren; Will Burney; Will Hammond; Will Hazen; Will Jacobs; Will Johnson; William A. Pinkerton; William Allen; William Averitt; William Brinson; William Buford; William C. Bird; William C. Wrightsman; William Coleman; William Creal; William Henderson; William J. West; William Jefferson; William Jordan; William Kemble; William Killebrew; William McKnight; William Mitchell; William Morriss; William Pierce; William S. Tyson; William Springer; William Stanley; William Stephens; William Strickland; William Walker; William Wright; Williams; Williams Vales; Willie Hansel; Willie Jordon; Willie Smith; Willis Hodges; Wilson Evans; Wood & Brother; Z. L. Baxter
DeBartolo Announces Plans for the Florida Mall
Tags: Altamonte Mall; amusement parks; architecture; Art Deco; Aventura Mall; Bee Line Expressway; Belk-Lindsey; Belk, Inc.; Boynton Beach Mall; Brickell Bay Office Tower; Burdines; construction; consumer shopping; Coral Square; Cutler Ridge Mall; DeSoto Square; Eastlake Square; Edward J. DeBartolo Corporation; English Victorian; EPCOT Center; Florida Mall; Florida State Road 527; Florida State Road 528A; Florida's Turnpike; Gulf View Square; I-4; Inns of the Americas, Inc.; Interstate 4; Ivey's; J. C. Penney Company; Jack E. Pratt; JCP; JCPenney; Jordan Marsh & Company; Lake County; landscaping; Mayfair in the Grove; Mediterranean Village; Melbourne Square; Miami International Mall; Montgomery Ward; Morrison's Cafeteria; OBT; Orange Blossom Trail; orlando; Osceola County; Paddock Mall; Palm Beach Mall; Penney's; Pinellas Square; Polk County; Pratt Hotel Corporation; retail; Robinson's; Sand Lake Road; Scandinavian; Sears, Roebuck & Company; shopping malls; shops; SR 527; SR 528A; stores; theme parks; tourism; tourist attractions; Tyrone Square; U.S. Route 17; U.S. Route 441; U.S. Route 92; US 17; US 441; US 92; Volusia Mall; Walt Disney World Resort
World War II Honor List of Dead and Missing Military Personnel from Pinellas and Polk Counties
Tags: Albert J. Chestnut, Jr.; Albert L. Nelson; Albert M. Jackson; Albert W. Ross, Jr.; Alex Bond; Alex F. Hatton; Algerine J. Jordan; Alton Banks; Alton F. Joyner; Alvorida Buzzes; Arthur B. Aultman; Barney D. Fletcher; Barney E. Cumming; Bayard T. Lang, Jr.; Bert A. Hare; Boyd A. Smith; Cecil F. Harrington; Cecil H. Brown; Chapman Q. Dykes; Charles D. Ford, Jr.; Charles E. Frederick; Charles F. Cristselous; Charles F. Jewett, Jr.; Charles H. Cribbs; Charles R. Taylor; Charles R. Thomas; Charles S. Johnson; Clarence E. Allen; Claud R. Gandy; Claude E. Hope; Claude E. Velboom; Clement C. Whitcomb; Cline E. Helm; Coleman Hinton; Copeland A. Forrester; Dewey E. Corbett; Douglas B. Clark, Jr.; Dozier S. Lovett, Jr.; Duncan C. Murphy; Earl G. Wells; Ed Jackson, Jr.; Edgar R. Todd; Edward C. Sapp; Edward E. Birge; Edward E. Durrance; Edward J. Elmore; Edwin J. Goolsby; Elvin H. Wagner; Emery Cooper; Engelhardt Von Hebel; Ernest C. Keen; Ernest W. Stewart; Frank J. Kecerman, Jr.; Frank L. Rutledge; Fred Medlin; George E. Thompson; George M. Avery, Jr.; Gilbert H. Myers; Gillis R. Harris; Glen L. Prevatt; Gordon C. Bonsack; Guy L. Dodd; H. D. Whitfield; Harlen H. Hoyt; Harold L. Vickers; Harold N. Horton; Harold R. Martin; Harry J. Chancey; Harvey L. Curtis; Haweda Coursey; Hayes Bessinger; Henry L. Stanfield; Henry Q. Flood; Herbert T. Barrow; Herle E. Rudy, Jr.; Hershel E. Phillippe; Hoke S. Turner; Horace F. Leaman; Hubert R. Molden; Ira E. Carter, Jr.; Irvin J. McDonald; J. T. Hoover; Jack Hancock; Jack Young; James A. Dowell; James A. Shaw; James B. Smith; James B. Stephens; James E. Coleman; James E. Moore; James E. Smith; James J. Jones, Jr.; James M. Burgess; James M. Buxton, Jr.; James R. Glenn; James T. Henry; Jesse J. Slate; Jessie C. Easterling; Joe T. Murphy; John B. Hancock; John C. Alford; John C. Call; John D. Mumford; John H. Grooms; John J. Kelly; John L. Moeller; John P. Hyman, Jr.; John P. Saclarides; John P. Williams; John T. Offutt; John W. Leonard; Johnny E. Allen; Joseph D. Coburn; Joseph N. Johnson, Jr.; Julian P. Feagle; Karl T. Willy; Kenneth T. Haynes, Jr.; Larry G. Semmens; Larry W. Kemp; Larue F. Cribbs; Lawrence C. Albritton; Lee A. Arrington; Leroy Lamb; Leslie H. Childs; Lewis J. Bowen; Littleton D. Bronson; Louis Bellow; Louis E. Thrasher; Louise W. Bosworth; Loyd A. King; Marion L. Hillhouse; Martin H. Tewes; Martin P. O'Toole; Marvin R. Hill; Marvin Spears; Max Keeves; McClery H. Harper; Melville C. Taillie; Milton O. Edwards; Milus R. Earwood; Murray O. Reed; Nathan G. Alderman; Naubert O. Simard; Newell F. Mills, Jr.; Oakley A. Bullington; Olie Hagans; Oliver Jackson; Orby L. Kelly; Oscar L. Drawdy, Jr.; Otto Ruegg, Jr.; Owen Kohl; Paul A. Spaduzzi; Paul E. Sly; Paul Rean; Pinellas County; Polk County; Preston N. Parker; ralph A. Daniel; Ralph H. Hamilton; Ralph H. Kline; Ralph W. Wallace; Ray D. B. Matthews, Jr.; Richard B. Surber, Jr.; Richard I. Reed, Jr.; Richard L. Haskins; Robert H. Todd; Robert L. Childress; Robert L. Colter; Robert L. Harrison; Robert L. Sadler; Robert S. Heald; Ross W. Clem; Roy Anderson; Roy D. Crozier; Russell P. Windmuller; Samuel P. Cole; Stephen F. Hancy; Thomas L. Graham; Thomas M. Edwards, Jr.; Thomas M. Nassett; Troy E. Hottinger; U.S. Army; USA; Vardra M. Hallman; veterans; W. H. Crawford; Walter H. Bradley; Wayne E. Bradley; Wayne E. Couch; Welford Twyman; Will Owens; Willard E. Creel; William E. Backus; William E. Nowling; William H. Beadles; William H. Crow, Jr.; William H. Lee; William L. Brown Henry C. Bryant; William L. Inseon; William Motsinger; Willie B. Calhoun; Willie Champion; Willis W. Jones; Winston S. Rogers; World War II; WWII; Young M. Davis, Jr.