Browse Items (53 total)
- Tags: Central Boulevard
Orange County Regional History Center
Tags: Central Blvd.; Central Boulevard; Central Bv.; Central Florida Centennial Celebration; Historical Society of Central Florida; Historical Society of Central Florida, Inc.; OCRHC; Orange County Courthouse; Orange County Historical Commission; Orange County Historical Society, Inc.; Orange County Regional History Center
A Glimpse of the Business Section Postcard
Tags: Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks; Central Avenue; Central Blvd.; Central Boulevard; Central Bv.; Court St.; Court Street; E. C. Kropp Co.; E. C. Kropp Company; Elks Club; Heritage Sq.; Heritage Square; Odd Fellows; Orange Ave.; Orange Avenue; Orange County Courthouse; Orange County Courthouse Annex; YMCA; Young Men's Christian Assocation
Albertson Public Library Postcard
Tags: Albertson Public Library; Albertson, Charles Lewis; Central Blvd.; Central Boulevard; Central Bv.; Cook, Thomas; Downtown; Downtown Orlando; Genuine Curteich-Chicago; King, Murray S.; Magnolia Ave.; Magnolia Avenue; Neo-Classical Revival; OCLS; Orange County Library System; Orange News Co.; Orange News Company; Orlando Lawn Bowling Club; Orlando Public Library; Rosalind Ave.; Rosalind Avenue
Bird's Eye View Showing Elks Club, Court House and Eola Lake Postcard
Tags: 7-Eleven; Atistry; Central Avenue; Central Blvd.; Central Boulevard; Central Bv.; Central Station Bar; Cook, Thomas; Dent, Edward John; Downtown; Downtown Orlando; Florida Gas Co.; Florida Gas Company; Florida Public Service Corp.; Florida Public Service Corporation; Green, W. C.; Lake Eola; Magnolia Ave.; Magnolia Avenue; Main St.; Main Street; McEwan Clinic; McEwan Sanitarium; McEwan, John Singer; Newell, Harry; Orange County Courthouse; Orlando Lawn Bowling Club; Sherman, W. C.; W. C. Green Co.; W. C. Green Company; Wagner, A. S.
Central Ave., Looking West from Court House Postcard
Tags: Central Avenue; Central Blvd.; Central Boulevard; Central Bv.; Cook, Thomas; Court St.; Court Street; Courthouse Annex; Downtown; Downtown Orlando; E. C. Kropp Co.; E. C. Kropp Company; Elks Club; Heritage Square; Odd Fellows; Orange Ave.; Orange Avenue; Orange County Courthouse; Orange County Courthouse Annex; orlando; Primrose Ave.; Primrose Avenue; YMCA; Young Men's Christian Association
Court House and Lake Eola Postcard
Tags: 7-Eleven; Atristry; Central Avenue; Central Blvd.; Central Boulevard; Central Bv.; Central Station Bar; Cook, Thomas; Dent, Edward John; Florida Gas Company; Florida Gas Go,; Florida Public Service Corp.; Florida Public Service Corporation; Lake Eola; Magnolia Ave.; Magnolia Avenue; Main St.; Main Street; McEwan Clinic; McEwan Sanitrarium; McEwan, John Singer; Newell, Harry; orange county; Orange County Courthouse; Orlando Lawn Bowling Club; Sherman W. c.; W. C. Green Co.; W. C. Green Company; Wagner, A. S.
Masonic Temple Postcard
Orange Blossom Trail: The Scenic Route Through Central Florida
Tags: 13th Street; 4th Street; AAA; Abshier, A. E.; Allardice, James; Allen, Ross; Alrmina Drive-In Restaurant; Amazing Howell Glassblowers; America's Tropical Wonderland; American Automobile Association; American Express; Anderson, F.; Angebilt Hotel; Apopka Motor Courts; Aqua-Maids; Arrow Head Lodge; Avon Motel; Baby Animal Nursery; Bambi Motel; Banister, Fred; Bank of Tavares; Barney's Park Avenue; Bartlett, Tommy; Bates, Beryl; Bates, Kitten; Beachfront Tourist Court; Beacon Light Motel; Belleview Motor Court; Ben White Raceway; Bennie's Service Station; Bentley's Motel; Bibleland; Big "D" Steer-In Restaurant; Black Hills Passion Play; Black Swan Park; Blanche Hotel; Blue Lake; Blue Lake Villa; Bob's Shell Service; Bok Tower; Bok Tower Gardens; Bownman & Brown, Inc.; Bradley, Otis; Bragdon, J. A.; Brahma cattle; Brewton Company; Buliman, J. H.; Burgess, Jack; Carillon Tower; Casa Loma Lodge; Centennial Fountain; Center of Arcade; Central Boulevard; Central Florida Motel; chamber of commerce; Chimp Farm; Christy, Howard Chandler; Citizen's Bank of Clermont; Citizen's National Bank of Lessburg; Citizen's National Bank of Orlando; Citrus Tower Restaurant and Cocktail Lounge; Clayton Waters Service; Clements, Frank; Clermont Fruit Service; Clewiston Inn; Clewiston Motel; Cloister Courts; Coats, Royal M.; Coleman, Grace; Colonial Drive; Colonial Hotel; Columbia County; conestoga wagon; Cook, Thomas; Cooks Farm; Craft Court; Crossroads Motel; Cunningham, T. Archie; Cypress Gardens; Da Vinci, Leonardo; Davenport Chamber of Commerce; Davis Park Motel; Delux Motel; Dempsey, Jack; Dickson and Ives, Inc.; Dietrich, Charles; Dietrich, Elsie; Diner's Club; Dirlam, K. M.; Dirlam's Dawn Villa; Douglas, A. R. D.; downtown Kissimmee; downtown Leesburg; Downtown Miami; Downtown Orlando; Duncan Hines; Dundee; E. S. Marsell Fernery; Edgar Roberts Apartments; Edwards, A. C.; El Patio Motel; El Rancho Motel; Emerald Motel; Ernie's Lakeside Motel; Everglades; Everglades Tropical Gardens; Fairview Park; Fairway's Motel; Famous Shell Emporium; Famous Silver Spurs; Fifth Street; First Federal Building; First Federal Savings and Loan Association; First National Bank; First National Bank at Orlando; Florida Angler's Resort; Florida Citrus Tower; Florida National Bank; Florida Nursery and Landscape Company; Florida Orange Packers; Florida Watermelon Festival; Florida's Biggest Little Town; Florida's Cow Country; Ford's Shell Service Station; Fort Clinch; Foster, Stephen Collins; Fosteriana; Fountain, J. M.; French Realtors; Fulton's Citrus Groves; G&S Packing Company; Gahr, Lloyd; Gardner's Restaurant; Gardos, E.; Gary's Duck Inn; Gateway to the Ridge; Gellerman, Harvey; glass-bottom boats; Glouser, Zack; Great Masterpiece; Greater Orlando Chamber of Commerce; Green's Fuel; Gulf Oil; Gulf Oil Corporation; Haines City Motor Court; Hambletonian; Hamilton County; Harlan, Montie; Hart, E. B.; Hart's Sundry Store; Harvey's Service; Harwell, E. K.; Harwell, Mary P.; Hi-Lander Motel; Highland Hammock State Park; Highland Lake Apartments; Highland Park Estates; Highland Parks Estates; Highlander Restaurant; Highlands County; Highlands Lake; Hil-Top Motor Court; Hinson Avenue; Home Exhibit; Hotel Jacaranda; Hotel Thomas and Dining Room; House of Glass; Howard Johnson Restaurant, Johnson, Howard; Hunt Brothers; Hunter's Nash Motors; International Grand Prix Endurance Race; Isbell, Jim; Isbell, Sue; Ivey's of Orlando; J. Hillis Miller Health Center; J. L. Parris Jr. Laundry; Jarvis Motel; Johnson, Evelyn; Johnson, John; Johnson's Beach; Johnson's Beach & Cottages; Jones, Meredith; Jordan, Carl; Jordan, Carolyn; Kahler, F. H.; Kahler, R. N.; Keene Realty Company, Inc.; Kelly Park; King's Garage and Service Station; King's Grove; Kissimmee Live Stock Market; Kissimmee River Valley; Koch, Harry A.; Koss Manor Motel; Koss, Delma; Lake Alfred; Lake Alfred Motel and Restaurant; Lake and Hills Restaurant; Lake Apopka; Lake Blue Motel; Lake Bowers; Lake Brentwood Court; Lake Clay; Lake County; Lake Eola; Lake Eola Park; Lake Highland; Lake Istokpoga; Lake Ivanhoe; Lake Josephine; Lake Josephine Tourist Court; Lake Mabel Motel; Lake Minneola; Lake Okeechobee; Lake Ola; Lake Placid; Lake Weir; Lake Weir Chamber of Commerce; Lake Weir Gift Fruit Company; Lake Weir Key Cottages; Lakeside Villa; Lakeview Motel; Lakewood Bar & Package Store; Lakewood Estates; Last Supper; Law, Leo; Lee Motel; Leesburg Community Center; Leesburg Kiwanis Club; Leesburg Lion's club; Leesburg Rotary Club; Lilly, L. M.; Lilly's Motel; Lloyd's Furniture; Main Street; Mann, Leone; Mann, Paul; Manor Motel; Marie's Motel and Restaurant; Marion County; Marion County Citrus Company; Marion Street; Marks Street; Marsell, E. S.; Master Hosts; McGuire's Standard Station; McIntosh; Meier, Josef; Melton, G. T.; Metal Products Company; Miami Hotel; Miami's Fabulous Seaquarium; Mid-Lakes Motel; Miller Motel; Miller, Henry; Millican & Beseke, Inc.; Mineral Springs; Minneola Gift Shop; Minute Maid; Monarchik, Helen; Monarchik, John; Montrose Street; Monument of States; Moose Head Fishing Camp; Moses Rexall Drugs; Motel AL-Jl Mid-Town Motel; Motel Midget Mansions; Mozert's Photo Shop; Mrs. Mac's Restaurant; Mt. Vernon Motel; Musseua, A. A.; Nascar Auto Association; National Fresh Water Tournament; National Pee Wee Championship; Nature's Underwater Fairyland; New Morrison Cafeteria; Nicodemus, Charles; Nicodemus, Irene; North Avenue; North Boulevard; North City Motel; North Marion County Chamber of Commerce; North Marion High School; O'Sada, Stanley; O'Sada's Gulf Service Station; OBT; Ocala; Ocala National Forest; Oklawaha; Oklawaha River; Ola-Beach Motel; Old South Motel; Orange Avenue; Orange blossom Motel; Orange Blossom Trail; Orange Blossom Trail Association; orange county; Orange Lake; Orange Lake Citrus Shop; Orlando Evening Star; Orlando Morning Sentinel; Palm Garden Fishing Camp; Palm Knoll Motell; Palm Motel; Palm Terrace; Palomino Motel; Pan-American Motel; Parrish, J. L., Jr.; Passion Play Amphitheatre; Peacock, Arthur S.; Peacock's Motel; Phillips Place; Plantation Inn; Poinsettia Motel; Polk County; Pope, Dick, Sr.; Pope, Richard Downing; Preu, Frank J.; Preu, Jeanette; Pure Oil Company; Quality Courts United; Ranch Motel; Ray's Smoke House Pit-Bar-B-Q; Red Barn Restaurant; Reddick; Reese, Candler C.; Rest-A-Nite Motel; Rex Beach Lake; Rexall; Richenbacker Causeway; Rilean, W. W.; Riley's Trailer Park and Miniature Home; Rock Springs; Rod'n Reel Court; Roosevelt Boulevard; Ross Allen's Reptile Institute; Ross Allen's Reptile Institute and Wildlife Show; Sabal Motel; San Juan de Ulloa Hotel; San Juan Hotel; Scenic Highway; Schnieder, John W.; Seaquariam; Seminoles; Shady Lake; Shalimar Motor Court; shell; Shell Emporium; Shipley, Grace E.; Shipley, Lewis; Silver Lake Country Club and Golf Course; Silver Palms Motel; Silver Springs; Silver Springs Boulevard; Silver Springs Cafeteria and Restaurant; Silver Spurs Rodeo; Sinclair Gas and Oil; Singing Tower; Skyline Motel; Slaughter, A. C.; Smigel's Auto Clinic; Smith, A. W.; South Bay Service Station; South Lake Realty company; Southernaire Motel; Spinning Wheel Motel; Spook Hill; Sportsman's cottages and Fishing Resort; Spring Side Motel; Squire Restaurant; SR-200; SR-25; SR-40; SR-50; SR-540; SR-80; STAPLES' Cottages; Starling Motel; State Bank; State Road 50; State Road 80; Steak House; Stephen Foster Memorial; Sue and Jim Isbell's Motel with Restaurant; Sue's Motel; Sugar Bowl; Sun Plaza Motor Manor; Sunoco; Suwannee River; Suwannee River Court; Tall Pines Motel; Talton, William G.; Targonski, Benjamin; Taylor's Citrus Candy Factory; Terra Ceia Court and Restaurant; Texaco Products; The Belle of Suwannee; The Brahma; The Carriage Cavalcade; The City Beautiful; The Fern City of Florida; The Jacaranda City; The Jungle Cruise; The Key Wester; The Prince of Peace Memorial; Thibault, Alyce; Thomas, P. E.; Tom Sawyer Motor Inns; Tommy Bartlett's Deer Ranch; Topical Wind Motel; Tower View Motel; Trade Winds Cafeteria; Tradewins Motel and Restaurant; Trailer city; Tropical Motor Hotel & Frazer's Steak House; Tucker, O. J.; tupperware; Tupperware Home Parties, Inc.; Tupperware Museum of Dishes; U.S. Highway 27; U.S. Sugar Mill; UF; University Court Motel; University of Florida; US 92; US-17-; US-25; US-27; US-27A; US-301; US-441; US-441-27; US-98; Ustler Brothers; Vaughan & Co.; Venetian Court; Vo-Mac Groves; W. W. Rilea Cottages; Wall Streetl Empire Hotel; Walt Wellman Groves; Waverly; Waverly Citrus Growers Cooperative; Wayside Motel; Webb, J. L.; Webb's Drive-In Restaurant; Wellman, Walt; White House Hotel; William G. Talton and Sons; Williams, E. L.
Dickson Azalea Park Postcard
Tags: azaleas; Berry Avenue; Carl T. Langford Park; Central Boulevard; Cinicinnati, Ohio; Cook, Thomas; Delaney, J.; Dickson; elephant ears; Fern Creek; ferns; garden; lilies; oaks; Orange News Company; orlando; parks; Robinson Street; Rosearden Drive; Schlolman, Lucy; St. Petersburg; Tamiami; Tamiami Hotel; Tamiamil Schlolman, L.; Tichnor Quality Views; Washington Street
Post Office Postcard
Visit of President Lyndon B. Johnson to Orlando, Florida Program
Tags: Allen, Johnny; Allen, Linton; Alligoof, Bob; Anderson, Martin; Baker, Joe; Baker, John A.; band; Barber, Dixie; Barbour, Don; Bell, Rose; Bishop, Robert J. Central Florida Coordinator; Bloch, Sonny; Brechner, Joe; budget commissioner; candidates; Capeheart, William; Carr, Robert S.; Carter, Betty; Cathedral Church of St. Luke; Central Boulevard; Cheery Plaza Hotel; Clerk of Circuit Court; Clerk of Criminal Court; Colonial Drive; Colonial Plaza; Congress; Constable; Cooper, Jimmy; Cooper, Richard; county commissioner; county delegation; county solicitor; Davis, Cliff; Democratic candidate; Democratic Party; Democrats; Dial, William; Evans, Don; Florida 11th Congressional District; Florida state representative; Florida state senator; Freeman, Cliff; Gay, Clarence; Gieger, Will; Goad, Don; Gray, Francis C.; Heweitt, O. P., Jr.; high school; high school ban; Hollard, Spessard L.; Hooper, M. M.; Horrell, James; Inman, Jack; Jacobs, John; Johnson for President Committee; Johnson, Beth; Johnson, Lyndon Baines; Keezel, Jimmy; Keezel, Mildred; Kennedy, John M.; Kennedy, Ted; Land, Henry; Limpus, Charles; mayor; McCoy Terminal; McMahon, Alice; Middleton, Frances; Newell, Arthur W.; Orange Avenue; orange county; Orange County Commissioner; Orange County Democratic Executive Committee; Orange County Solicitor; orchestra; orlando; Perkins, Paul; president; school board; senator; sheriff; Smathers, George; Sonny Bloch Orchestra; Starr, David; Supervisor of Registration; Sutton, John A.; tax collector; Thigpen, Kenneth; Turnbull, William S.; Willey, G. T.; Wills, Mel; Wise, William; Wood, Earl
Dickson & Ives Building
Orlando Masonic Temple, 2002
McEwan Sanitarium, 2000
Orlando SouthTrust Bank, 2002
Former State Bank and Trust Company Building, 2002
Tags: 20th Century Commercial architecture; bank; Bentley, A. G.; Central Boulevard; college; Cook, Thomas; Downtown Orlando; FAMU; Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University; Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University College of Law; Florida Bank; Massey, Louis; Neo-Classical architecture; Orange Avenue; orange county; Orange County Sheriff's Office; Orange County Supervisor of Elections; orlando; State Bank; State Bank and Trust Company; State Bank of Orlando; Stoddart, W. L.; university
First Presbyterian Church of Orlando, 2003
Orange Avenue and Central Boulevard, 2001
The Orlando area was originally occupied by the Creek and…
Tags: bank; bus; bus stop; Central Boulevard; Cook, Thomas; Downtown Orlando; Lynx; Orange Avenue; orlando; road; street; SunTrust Center
Orange Avenue Holiday Star, 2003
Orange Avenue Holiday Star, 2007
Orlando Post Office and Federal Courthouse, 2001
Orlando Post Office and Federal Courthouse, 2002
Orlando Post Office and Federal Courthouse, 2003
Tags: Central Boulevard; church; Cook, Thomas; courthouse; Downtown Orlando; federal courthouse; Federal District Courthouse; office; orlando; Orlando Post Office; post office; renovation; Roman Catholic Church; Spanish Colonial Revival architecture; St. James Roman Catholic Cathedral; U.S. Postal Service; United States Post Office and Federal Courthouse
Orlando Post Office and Federal Courthouse, 2007
Tags: Central Boulevard; church; Cook, Thomas; courthouse; Downtown Orlando; federal courthouse; Federal District Courthouse; office; orlando; Orlando Post Office; post office; renovation; Roman Catholic Church; Spanish Colonial Revival architecture; St. James Roman Catholic Cathedral; U.S. Postal Service; United States Post Office and Federal Courthouse
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 39: The Orange County Regional History Center
Tags: American Civil War; American Museum Association; cattle; Cattle and Citrus; cattle industry; Central Boulevard; citrus; citrus industry; Civil War; costume; courthouse; Destination Florida; documentary; Downtown Orlando; exhibit; exhibit design; Florida in the Civil War; Henson, James "Jim" Maury; Henson, Jim; KKK; Ku Klux Klan; Mel Fisher Maritime Museum; Muppets; museum; museum studies; OCRHC; orange county; Orange County Courthouse; Orange County Regional History Center; orlando; Out of This World: Great Costumes from Sci-Fi Movies and Television; Perkins, Michael; pirate; podcast; public history; puppetry; race relations; racism; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; Smithsonian; tin-can tourist; tourism; tourist attraction; traveling exhibit; Turnbull, Lindsey; Walt Disney World; white supremacy; Wigwam; Wigwam Village
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 45: An Interview with Joy Wallace Dickinson, Part 1
Tags: African American; Amtrak; Central Boulevard; cherry; Cherry Plaza; civil rights; Civil Rights Movement; desegregation; Dickinson, Joy Wallace; Dickson & Ives Building; Dickson & Ives Company; Disney, Walt; Disney, Walter "Walt" Elias; documentary; Downtown Orlando; Eola Plaza; Eola Plaza Hotel; Florida Flashback; Florida State University; FSU; high school; HOTEL; Howard Junior High School; integration; Johnson, Lyndon Baines; journalism; journalist; Kennedy, John Fitzgerald; Lake Eola; Lake Eola Park; Lee, Harper; Lee, Nelle Harper; local history; Martínez-Fernández, Luis; newspaper; Orange Avenue; orange county; orlando; Orlando High School; Orlando: City of Dreams.; podcast; railroad; Remembering Orlando: Tales from Elvis to Disney; retail; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; school; segregation; Sligh Boulevard; South; Spanish Mediterranean Architecture; St. Augustine; The Orlando Sentinel; To Kill a Mockingbird; tourism; tourist attraction; train; train station; Walt Disney World; Yowell-Drew Company
A History of Central Florida, Episode 3: Indian Canoes
Tags: A History of Central Florida; archaeology; canoe; Central Boulevard; Creek; documentary; Duvall County; European; Florida Museum of Natural History; Ford, Chip; I-4; Interstate Highway 4; Lake County; Long, Mark Howard; metalworking; Milanich, Jerald T.; Native American; Newnans Lake; OCRHC; orange county; Orange County Regional History Center; Osceola County Welcome Center and History Museum; podcast; Precolumbian; Robert Cassanello; Ruhl, Donna; Seminole; Seminole County; Spaniard; Spanish; St. Johns Culture; St. Johns River; Timucua; Timucuan; Turner, Frederick Jackson; UCF; UF; University of Central Florida; University of Florida; Vine Street; woodworking
Albertson Public Library Entrance Lamp
Albertson Public Library
Albertson Public Library Stamp
Albertson Public Library Silver Anniversary Flyer
Public Libraries in the United States of America: Their History, Condition, and Management from the Albertson Public Library
Tags: Albertson Public Library; books; Central Boulevard; Downtown Orlando; Government Printing Office; libraries; library; orlando; Orlando Public Library; Public Libraries in the United States of America: Their History, Condition, and Management; U.S. Bureau of Education; U.S. Department of the Interior
Orange Book Festival Flyer
Orlando Chamber of Commerce Building
Orlando Chamber of Commerce Building Interior
Orlando Chamber of Commerce Building Tile
Orlando Public Library
Orlando Remembered Exhibits Map
Tags: AmSouth; Baldwin Park Navy Base; banks; Bass Hotel; Bennett Road; Bob Carr Performing Arts Centre; Central Boulevard; church; Church Street; churches; Corrine Drive; courthouses; department stores; exhibit; exhibits; First Presbyterian Church of Orlando; high schools; hotels; Howard Middle School; Hughes Supply; Hughey Avenue; libraries; library; Livingston Street; Maitland; middle schools; New York Life; Orange Avenue; Orange County Courthouse; orlando; Orlando High School; Orlando Post Office; Orlando Public Library; Orlando Remembered; Pine Street; Robinson Street; Rosalind Avenue; Rutland's; Signature Plaza; SunTrust Bank; The Orlando Sentinel; The Vue; United Trophy; Washington Street
A History of Central Florida, Episode 8: European Earthenware
Tags: 58th Avenue; A History of Central Florida; Andrew Turnbull; archaeology; Bethany Dickens; Bob Clarke; Central Boulevard; ceramics; Chip Ford; colonialism; colonies; colonization; colony; Daniel S. Murphree; Daniel Velásquez; Ella Gibson; European Earthenware; Fifty-Eighth Avenue; George Long; indentured servants; indentured servitude; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; New Smyrna; New Smyrna Museum of history; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; plantations; podcast; pottery; Robert Cassanello; Roger Grange; Sams Avenue; Silver River Museum and Environmental Education Center; Smyrnea Colony; Spaniard; Spaniards; Spanish; Spanish Florida; St. Augustine
A History of Central Florida, Episode 9: St. Benedict Medal
Tags: A History of Central Florida; Andrew Turnbull; Bob Clarke; Catholic Church; Catholicism; Central Boulevard; Chip Ford; Christopher Brooke; colonialism; colonies; colonization; colony; Daniel S. Murphree; Daniel Velásquez; Ella Gibson; Emily Graham; indentured servants; indentured servitude; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; Minorca, Spain; Minorcan Americans; Minorcans; New Smyrna; New Smyrna Museum of history; OCRHCC; Orange County Regional History Center; patron saints; plantations; Robert Cassanello; Roger Grange; Roman Catholic Church; Sams Avenue; Smyrnea Colony; Spaniards; Spanish; Spanish Florida; St. Benedict Medal; St. Benedict of Nursia
A History of Central Florida, Episode 22: Dickson's Folly
Tags: A History of Central Florida; asphalt; automobiles; Bob Clarke; cars; Central Boulevard; Chip Ford; Daniel Velásquez; Dickson's Folly; Ella Gibson; Fon Gordon; Ford Model T; Good Roads Movement; H. H. Dickson; Henry Ford; Julian C. Chambliss; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; Lakeview Avenue; motor vehicles; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; orlando; paved roads; pavement; regulations; Robert Cassanello; Rollins College; tin can tourism; tin can tourists; tin canners; tourism; tourists; traffic; traffic congestion; traffic control; Yowell-Drew Company
A History of Central Florida, Episode 33: Salt and Pepper Shakers
Tags: A History of Central Florida; Airko Manufacturing Company; alligator farms; alligators; Andrea Ludden; automobiles; Bob Clarke; camping; cars; Central Boulevard; ceramics; Chip Ford; Clermont; Clermont Historical Village; Daniel Velásquez; Ella Gibson; Florida Historical Society; Gatlinburg, Tennessee; gators; Great Depression; hotels; Japan; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; Lakeside Motel; Ludden, Andrea; motels; motor vehicles; Nick Wynne; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; orlando; pepper shakers; Robert Cassanello; Salt and Pepper Shaker Museum; salt shakers; Souvenir Road; souvenirs; tin can tourism; tin can tourists; tourism; Tracy J. Revel; Tracy J. Revels; West Avenue; William F. Naval; World War II; WWII
Orlando Masonic Temple Postcard
Tags: 20th Century Commercial; Central Boulevard; chapels; church; churches; Downtown Orlando; First Unitarian Church of Orlando; Free and Associated Masons of Orlando; freemasonry; freemasosn; Ida Annah Ryan; Isabel Roberts; Joy Wallace Dickinson; Masonic Temple; Masons; Murrell Building; orlando; Rosalind Avenue; Spanish Colonial Revival; Unitarian; Unitarianism; Unity Chapel
Letter from O. E. Frye, Jr. to John A. Sutton (June 21, 1962)
Tags: agricultural pollution; Attorney General; Bill Fullford; Bill Turk; Board of Commissioners; Bob Sherman; Central Boulevard; chamber of commerce; Congress; Democrat; Democratic Party; Don McAllistor; election; fish; fish kill; Florida Democratic Primary Election; Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission; Florida's 11th Congressional District; Harold L. Moody L.; insecticide; Jeb Stuart; Joe Jacobs; John A. Sutton; judge; justice; Lake Apopka; Lake County Board of Commissioners; lawsuit; M. W. Hammond; Moon Head Lodge; O. E. Frye, Jr.; Orange County Board of Commissioners; pesticide; pollution; primary election; Tom Denmark; U.S. House of Representatives; W. R. Peavy, Jr.; water conservation; water quality; wildlife; Winter Garden Chamber of Commerce; Woods, John W.
A History of Central Florida, Episode 40: Icons of Hate
Tags: 1st Avenue; A History of Central Florida; African American; assassination; Before His Time: The Untold Story of Harry T. Moore, America's First Civil Rights Martyr; bomb; Central Boulevard; Chamberlain, J. N.; Christmas; civil rights; civil rights activist; Civil Rights Movement; Civil War; Clarke, Bob; Confederacy; Confederate Flag; Confederate States of American; Confederate veteran; Democrat; Democratic Party; desegregation; Dixon, Thomas; Evers, Medgar Wiley; First Avenue; Flagler Street; Ford, Chip; fraternal organization; Freedom Avenue; Gibson, Ella; Greater Miami Estates; Green, Ben; Griffith, D. W.; Harry and Harriette Moore Memorial Park; Harry T. and Harriette V. Moore Cultural Complex; hate group; Hazen, Kendra; Hialeah Riding Academy; Hughes, Langston; Imperial Wizard; integration; Kelley, Katie; Kendall Road; King, Martin Luther, Jr.; KKK; Klan Circus; Klan robe; Krome Avenue; Ku Klux Klan; Ku Klux Klan of Florida, Inc.; Meacher Brothers; Miami; Mims; Moore, Harriette V.; Moore, Harry T.; murder; NAACP; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; Newton, Michael; OCRHC; orange county; Orange County Regional History Center; orlando; parade; podcast; poem; political rally; race relations; racism; Reconstruction; RICHES; Robert Cassanello; segregation; Simmons, William Joseph; slave; slavery; South; Southern Democrat; Spingarn Medal; St. Johns Manor; terrorism; terrorist; The Ballad of Harry Moore; The Birth of a Nation; The Invisible Empire: The Ku Klux Klan in Florida; Velásquez, Daniel; veteran; Vigilante; vigilantism; White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan; White League; white power; World War I; WWI
A History of Central Florida, Episode 42: Jim Crow Signs
Tags: 15th Amendment; 7-Up; A History of Central Florida; activism; African American; Amendment XV; American Civil War; Bailey, Tom; bomber; Boo-Boo's Bar; Brooks, Gwendolyn; Brooks, Gwendolyn Elizabeth; Brown v. the Board of Education of Topeka; bus; business; Campus Theater; Carver Theater; Castiglia, Francesco; Central Boulevard; Chambliss, Julian C.; City of Sanford; civil rights; Civil Rights Act of 1964; Civil Rights Movement; Civil War; Clarke, Bob; class; clinic; colored section; Constitution; constitutionality; Costello, Frank "The Prime Minister; county government; Crow, Jim; desegregation; Downtown Orlando; Durrance Elementary School; Eatonville; economic class; economics; education; equal rights; equality; Fifteenth Amendment; Ford, Chip; Fort Lauderdale; France; French; French Republic; French, Scot; gang; Georgetown; Gibson, Ella; Goldsboro; Goldwyn Avenue; government; Hannibal Square; Hazen, Kendra; imprisonment; incarceration; Indochina; integration; jail; Jim Crow; Jordan, Louis; Jordan, Lucius; Kelley, Katie; Key West; law; Lincoln, Abraham; local business; local government; Mainland Southeast Asia; mayor; McCarthy; Miami; middle class; minstrel; minstrelsy; mob; movie theater; NAACP; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; OCRHC; orange county; Orange County Courthouse; Orange County Public Schools; Orange County Regional History Center; organized crime; orlando; parole; Parramore; Plessy v. Ferguson; podcast; primary election; Prime Minister of the Underworld; prison; public education; public school; race relations; racism; racist; railroad; Reconstruction; RICHES; Robert Cassanello; Rollins College; Sanford; school; segregation; Seminole State College; separate but equal; sign; slavery; social class; SSC; Stapleton, Kevin; state government; State of Florida; stereotype; Stone's; street car; Supreme Court; Taylor, Robert; The Bribe; The Prime Minister; The Tallahassee Democrat; theater; Town & Country; U.S. Constitution; U.S. Supreme Court; UCF; unconstitutional; University of Central Florida; upper class; Velásquez, Daniel; war; Washington Shores Federal Savings and Loan Association; welfare; welfare board; welfare department; Winter Park; working class; Wright, Stephen Caldwell
A History of Central Florida, Episode 46: Mickey's Ears
Tags: A History of Central Florida; amusement park; Bob Clarke; Central Boulevard; Chip Ford; consumerism; corporate; Daniel Velásquez; ear; Ella Gibson; Florida Cypress Gardens; Gary R. Mormino; Gatorland; hat; Jao Carlos Medau; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; Lake Buena Vista; Magic Kingdom Park; Mickey Mouse; Mickey Mouse Club; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; orlando; podcast; roadside attraction; Robert Cassanello; Ronald Logan; SeaWorld Orlando; souvenir; theme park; tourism; tourist; Tracy J. Revels; UCF; Universal Studios Florida; University of Central Florida; University of South Florida. USF; Walt Disney; Walt Disney World; Walter "Walt" Elias Disney; Wofford College
A History of Central Florida, Episode 47: John Young's Flight Suit
Tags: A History of Central Florida; Amy Foster; astronaut; Bob Clarke; Bob Crippen; Cathleen Lewis Lewis; Central Boulevard; Challenger; Chip Ford; Daniel Velásquez; Downtown Orlando; Ella Gibson; John F. Kennedy Space Center; John Watts Young; Johnson Space Center; JSC; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; Kennedy Space Center; KSC; launch; Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center; Merritt Island; military; Moon; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; orbiter; orlando; outer space; pilot; podcast; Robert "Bob" Laurel Crippen; Robert Cassanello; Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum; space; space exploration; Space Shuttle; Space Shuttle Columbia; Space Transportation System; spacecraft; spacesuit; STS; STS-1; UCF; University of Central Florida
A History of Central Florida, Episode 42: Jim Crow Signs
Tags: 15th Amendment; 7-Up; A History of Central Florida; activism; African American; Amendment XV; American Civil War; Bailey, Tom; bomber; Boo-Boo's Bar; Brooks, Gwendolyn; Brooks, Gwendolyn Elizabeth; Brown v. the Board of Education of Topeka; bus; business; Campus Theater; Carver Theater; Castiglia, Francesco; Central Boulevard; Chambliss, Julian C.; City of Sanford; civil rights; Civil Rights Act of 1964; Civil Rights Movement; Civil War; Clarke, Bob; class; clinic; colored section; Constitution; constitutionality; Costello, Frank "The Prime Minister; county government; Crow, Jim; desegregation; Downtown Orlando; Durrance Elementary School; Eatonville; economic class; economics; education; equal rights; equality; Fifteenth Amendment; Ford, Chip; Fort Lauderdale; France; French; French Republic; French, Scot; gang; Georgetown; Gibson, Ella; Goldsboro; Goldwyn Avenue; government; Hannibal Square; Hazen, Kendra; imprisonment; incarceration; Indochina; integration; jail; Jim Crow; Jordan, Louis; Jordan, Lucius; Kelley, Katie; Key West; law; Lincoln, Abraham; local business; local government; Mainland Southeast Asia; mayor; McCarthy; Miami; middle class; minstrel; minstrelsy; mob; movie theater; NAACP; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; OCRHC; orange county; Orange County Courthouse; Orange County Public Schools; Orange County Regional History Center; organized crime; orlando; parole; Parramore; Plessy v. Ferguson; podcast; primary election; Prime Minister of the Underworld; prison; public education; public school; race relations; racism; racist; railroad; Reconstruction; RICHES; Robert Cassanello; Rollins College; Sanford; school; segregation; Seminole State College; separate but equal; sign; slavery; social class; SSC; Stapleton, Kevin; state government; State of Florida; stereotype; Stone's; street car; Supreme Court; Taylor, Robert; The Bribe; The Prime Minister; The Tallahassee Democrat; theater; Town & Country; U.S. Constitution; U.S. Supreme Court; UCF; unconstitutional; University of Central Florida; upper class; Velásquez, Daniel; war; Washington Shores Federal Savings and Loan Association; welfare; welfare board; welfare department; Winter Park; working class; Wright, Stephen Caldwell
A History of Central Florida, Episode 44: Highwaymen Paintings
Tags: A History of Central Florida; African American; art; art gallery; artist; Backus, Albert "Bean" Ernest; Backus, Bean; Black, Al; Buckner, Elias; Carroll, Mary Ann; Central Boulevard; Clarke, Bob; Daniels, Willie; Daytona State College; fast painting; Fitch, Jim; Florida Highwaymen; Ford, Chip; Fort Pierce; gallery; Gibson, Ella; Gibson, James; Hair, Alfred; Hazen, Kendra; Hempley, Jack; highwayman; Kelley, Katie; Kissimmee Valey Gallery; McLendon, Roy; Monroe, Gary; Newton, Harold; Newton, Sam; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; orlando; painter; painting; podcast; race; race relations; racism; RICHES; Robert Cassanello; Roberts, Livingston; Shore, Dinah; Space Coast; Stapleton, Kevin; The Highwaymen; tourism; tourist; Upson board; Velásquez, Daniel; vernacular art; Vero Beach; Wheeler, Charles
Federal Building, 1933
Oviedo Woman's Club 75th Anniversary Scrapbook
Tags: American Civil War; Anne Cheney; anniversary; B. T. Wheeler, Jr.; Barbara Shaffer; Battle of Fredericksburg; Belle Perry; Ben Wheeler; Bettie Place; Betty Duda; Betty Hicks; Betty Slatson; Bob Slatson; Bob Whittus; Brashears; Brenda Gibbs; Broadway; Cally Estes; Carolyn Neild; Central Boulevard; Central florida Blood Bank; Central Florida Fair; Charlie Wadsworth; Chee Chee Mail; church; civic club; Civil War; club; clubhouse; Corinne Sert; country club; Country Club of Orlando; David Dees; David Wiles; Debbie Gauntlett; Dick Tucker; Dodie Livingston; Dona Walker; Donna Wilhelm-Hudson; Dot Pearson; Dot Winchester; Douglas Arie; Downtown Orlando; Earl Weldon; Edward H. Parker; Erika M. Baldwin; FFWC; First United Methodist Church of Oviedo; Florence S. Carpenter; Florence W. Caugs Neele; Florida Bank Building; Florida Federation of Women's Clubs; Florida Mortgage Bankers; G. A. Fulmer; Gail West; Gerry Weldon; Gertrude S. Lukas; Glenna B. Stover; Grace L. Lee; Grace Whittus; Grace. I. Anderson; Great Day in the Country; Groveland; Harold J. Juder; Harry H. Cukes; Helen Leinhart; Helen Mae Kay; Herly Mae Wainright; Jack Branham, Sr.; Jack Burney; James F. Holly, Jr.; James Parter; Jan B. McCollinter; Jane Elder; Jane S. Dees; Jean A. Jordan; Jean M. Wheeler; Jefferson Davis; Jefferson Davis Chapter; Jen James; Jessie Guey; Jessie Shaffer; Jim Byre; John C. Rors; John Ingram; John Norris; John Ridevdus; John W. Mace; John Young Museum and Planetarium; Joy James; Katherine Teague; Kathryn L. Lawton; Katy Tucker; King Street; Lacy Lingo; Lake Eola; Lawton Chiles; Lawton Mainor Chiles, Jr.; Liz Curtis; Louise Gore; Louise K. Wilson; Louise Martin; Lucille Niblack; Madalyne Lawton; Madeleine Luttrell; Mae E. King; Marguerite Partin; Marquise Patton; Mary E. Walker; Mary F. Cox Eddy; Mary Henderson; Mary Mace; Mary Margaret Acron; Mathews; Merritt Staley; Methodism; Methodist; Midge Giddens; Mildred Wrig; Milton Smith; Mimi Bruce; Nancy Beasley; Nita Raulerson; Office of Special Presidential Messages; Oline Babbitt; Orange Avenue; Orange Bowl; orlando; Orlando Area Chamber of Commerce; Oviedo; Oviedo Magazine Club; Oviedo Woman's Club; OWC; Paul Mikler; Paula Fickes Hawkins; Paula Norris; Pennie Olliff; Phillip C. Acron; Ralph Austin Smith; Reg Musgrove; Richard A. Gomer; Robert E. Drake; Robert M. Gibbs; Ronald Reagan; Ronald Wilson Reagan; Ruby Estes; Ruby Odoue; Ruth Davidson; Ruth W. McKerigh; Sam Musgrove; Sandra Hodgson; Sanford; Sheila Sommerville; Shlora Bruth; Sibille Pritchard; Sondra Wanjerteli; Sparks Ridevdus; Steve West; Susan Goff; Tasting Luncheon; Tess Jones; The Sentinel Star; Thelma Clonts; Thelma Hodges; Tom Estes; Tucker & Branham; UDC; United Daughters of the Confederacy; Virginia Mikler; Virginia Staley; Von Nelle M. Black; Walter A. Williams; Wayne G. Goff; Wesley T. Place; Wiley Abell; Winter Garden; Woman's Club; Woman's Club of Leesburg; women
Map of the Ossie Quarters
Tags: Althea Hill; Callahan Elementary School; Carver Theater; Central Boulevard; Channel 9; Church Street; elementary schools; Harris Laundry; high schools; Holden-Parramore Historic District; Jones High School; neighborhoods; orlando; Ossie Quarters; Paris House; Parramore; Parramore Avenue; Washington Street; Winn Dixie