Browse Items (17 total)
- Tags: Fort Lauderdale
The Watermark, Vol. 7, No. 1, January 6-19, 2000
Tags: A. J. Mclean; A. Johnson; Abercrombie; Abercrombie & Fitch; Albrecht; Algieri Pabon; Alison Bechdel; Allan Gilmour; Altamonte Springs; Andrew Tobias; Andy Dick; Andy Kaufman; Ann Heche; Annie Russell Theatre; Anthony Evans; Bain; Barry Newman; Becky Baker; Bennett; Bergstrom; Berliner; Bill Bradley; Bill Schumacher; bisexuals; Bo Clements; Bob Witeck; Bowles; Boynton Beach; Bradley; Brandon Gold; Brunner; Busch Gardens; Cameron Diaz; Carey; Carter; Cecil Beaton; Charles Albrecht; Christine E. Reynolds; Christmas; Clark; Clements; Clive Thomas; Conway; Copello; Crumley; Dale Mabry; Danny Devito; Darden; David Bohnett; David Brunner; David Geffen; David Killiam; David Killlam; David Lynch; Daytona; Daytona Beach; Daytona Beach Business Guild; Dennis Enos; Diana Ross; Diane Wilde; Diaz; Donald Granatstein; Doris Humphrey; Drennen; Edgewater; Edmund White; Egmont Key; Eisner; Ellen DeGeneres; Everett; Forman; Fort Lauderdale; Frank Kameny; Fred Berliner; G. Elliott Barber; gay; Gebhardt; Greater Daytona Beach Business Guild; Hadar Namir; Hall; Helen Bean; Homer; homosexuality; homosexuals; Hottinaer; J. Edgar Hoover; Jack Miller; James Jacob; Jayelle Wiggins; Jeb Bush; Jeffrey Gaines; Jeffrey L. Newman; Jill Porter; Jim Carey; Jim Roth; Jimmy Josun; Jimmy Stewart; Joan Baez; Joan Garry; Joey Brooks; John Carpenter; John Curley; John Cusack; John Malkovich; John Sullivan; Jose Limon; Joy Metropolitan Community Church; Judy Shepard; Julian Bain; Kameny; Karen Ann Edwards; Kathy Levinson; Keener; Kelley; Ken Kundis; Kimberly Bowles; Lambda; Lance Armstrong; Latka Gravis; Laurie; Leiber; Leigh Shannon; lesbians; LGBT; LGBTQ+; Longstreth; Longwood; Madonna; Mahaffey Theater; Maitland Art Center; Makoma; Malkovich; Mandy Carter; Mark McGwire; Mary Mellstrom; Matthew Shepard; Maxwell C. King Center; McCain; Megiddo; Michael Eisner; Michael Freeman; Michael Fritts; Mickey Didn; Miller; Milos Forman; Nadine Smith; Nathanson; New Port Richey; Nickerson; orlando; Pacillla Simmons; Pamela J. Helton; Pete Sampras; Peter Pan; queers; questioning; Rainbow Endowment; Randy Siegel; Rick Cirillo; Rick Sprengiteld; Risa Steinberg; Rob Owen; Robert Morgan; Rocker; Rosen; Russ Crumley; same-sex; Sarasota; Schumacher; Scooby Doo; Scott Bessent; Scott Kramer; Seminole; Serena Williams; Shepard; Shlomo Benizri; Simon Sheppard; Sonny Southerlin; Sonny Sutherland; Southern Voice; St. Petersburg; Stacey A. Adams; Steffi Graf; Stephanie Shippae; Stephen K. Friedman; Steve Fuchs; Steven Fallon; Steven Rivera.; Sunshine Rainbow Alliance; Susan M. Murray; Tampa; Tampa Bay; Terry L. Harden; Tesche; The Watermark; Todd Martinez-Padilla; Todd Meyer; Tom Sadler; Toni Collette; Tony Danza; trans; transgender; Victor Fernandez; W. Swann; Walgreens; Wayne Stayskal; Whitney Houston; Will and Grace; William Cunningham; William Orbit; Willie Nelson
Fort Lauderdale City Directory
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 52: An Interview with Jim Clark, Part 2
Tags: African American; alligator; Arthur, Chester Alan; assassination; Astor, John Jacob; author; Barry, Dave; Battle of San Juan Hill; Bayfront Park; Bennett, Roger; Bryan, Ruth; Bryan, William Jennings; Buchanan, N. W.; Bush, George Walker; candidate; Cermack, Anton "Tony" Joseph; Cermack, Tony; Chicago, Illinois; Clark, James "Jim" C.; Clark, Jim; Clark, Jim C.; Coolidge, Calvin; Coolidge, John Calvin, Jr.; Coral Gables; Crane, Harold Hart; Crane, Hart; Cuba; disability; Dos Passos, John Roderigo; election; Election of 1876; Election of 2000; electoral college; electoral vote; elephant; Everglades; fishing; Florida White House; Fort Lauderdale; Frost, Robert Lee; Gainesville; Garfield, James Abram; golf; Gore, Albert "Al" Arnold, Jr.; Grant, Hiram Ulysses; Grant, Ulysses S.; Harding, Warren Gamaliel; Harper's Weekly; Harry S. Truman Little White House; Hayes, Rutherford Birchard; Hemingway, Ernest Miller; Hiaasen, Carl; inauguration; Indian River; Key Biscayne; Key West; Lake Tahoke; Lakeside Inn; literature; Little White House; McKinley, William; Mintz, Steven; Mount Dora; Native American; Nixon, Richard Milhous; Obama, Barack Hussein; Owen, Ruth Bryan; Pineapple Anthology of Florida Writers Volume 1; poet; poetry; president; presidential candidate; Presidents in Florida; Reedy Creek; Republican; Republican National Convention; Republican Party; Republican presidential nomination; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; Robert Cassanello; Romney, Mitt; Romney, Willard Mitt; Roosevelt, Franklin Delano; Roosevelt, Teddy; Roosevelt, Theodore "Teddy"; runaway slave; San Francisco, California; San Juan Hill; Seminole; slave; slavery; St. Augustine; St. Johns River; steamboat; steamship; Taylor, Zachary; The Branded Hand; Tilden, Samuel Jones; Titusville; tourism; tourist; Truman, Harry S.; vacation; vice president; vice presidential candidate; Washington, George; Whittier, John Greenleaf; Winter White House; World War II; writer; WWII
Florida’s Purge: The Johns Committee Witch Hunt
Tags: Aaron Hosé; Adams Street; Adrien Mills; Advanced Documentary Workshop; African Americans; Alex Boyce; Alex Wood; Allyson Beutke; Amy Simpson; And They Were Wonderful Teachers: Florida's Purge of Gay and Lesbian Teachers; Anita Jane Bryant; anthropophagy; anti-Communism; anti-communists; Art Darling; ArtServe Fort Lauderdale; Atlanta's Out on Film LGBT Film Festival; Barbara Washington; Barry Sandler; Barry Sefteur; Behind Closed Doors: The Dark Legacy of the Johns Committee; Ben Taylor; Bill Young; Black's Law Dictionary; Bob Ewart; Bob Graham; boycotts; Brigitte Hosé; British Columbia, Canada; Broward County Sheriff's Office; Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka; Bryan W. Knicely; C. Lawrence Rice; C. W. Young; Charley Eugene Johns; Chelsea Echols; Chip Burpee; Chuck Woods; cinemas; citrus; civil rights; civil rights activists; Cleveland; colleges; communism; communists; courts; Dade County; Daniel Robert Graham; David Mariutto; David Messer; David Morton; David Starner; David Strickland; Diane Maurtie; Don Uhrig; Donna Zell; Durban Gay & Lesbian Film Festival; education; educators; Elizabeth Forbell; Elizabeth Jensen-Forbell; Emmy Award; FAU; films; flagellation; Florida Atlantic University; Florida Citrus Commission; Florida Film Festival; Florida Legislative Investigation Committee; Florida State College at Jacksonville; Florida State Legislature; Florida State Senate; Florida State University; Florida State University Marching Band; Fort Lauderdale; Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival; Frank Rose; Fred Fejes; Fred Ottle; FSC; FSU; FSU Marching Band; Gasparilla International Film Festival; gay; gay clubs; gay marriage; gay pride; gay pride parades; George B. Stallings, Jr.; George Stupksi; Governor of Florida; governors; Graveville; Greenwich Village, New York; High Springs; higher education; homophobia; homosexuality; Homosexuality and Citizenship in Florida: A Report of the Florida Legislative Investigation Committee; homosexuals; International Jury Award; interrogations; investigations; J. Wayne Reitz; J. Wayne Reitz Student Union; James Monticello; Jennifer Campbell; Jeremy Mayeres; Jesse Monteagudo; Jim Noah; Joe McCarthy; John E. Evans; John Perez; John Tileston, Sr.; Johns Committee; Jon Bowen; Jordan Henry; Joseph Holbrooks; Joseph McCarthy; Joseph Raymond McCarthy; Judith Poucher; Julia Andrew; Julia Monticello; Julian C. Chambliss; Julius Wayne Reitz; June Sellers; Karen Graves; Kathryn Paulson; Kathy Marsh; Kevin Mixon; Killer Tracks; Kim Oliva; Kip Piper; Lamar Bledsoe; Larry King; Lawrence Dietrich; Lawrence Harvey Zeiger; Learning Institute for Elders; Lee L. Foster; Leo C. Jones; lesbians; LGBT; LIFE; Linda Maddocks; Lisa Mills; Lisa Soros; Logan Kriete; Love Your Shorts Film Festival; Marie Cassanello; Mark Howard Long; Mark Long; masochism; mental disorders; mental illness; mental illnesses; Metropolitan Community Church of St. Augustine; Miami; Michael Calderin; Michael Greenspan; Modern Music Masters; Monica Monticello; movies; NAACP; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; necrophilia; Newsweek; orange juices; oranges; orlando; Orlando Film Festival; Out & Proud Veterans of American; Out Twin Cities Film Festival; Panama City; parades; Patrick Fenelson; Paul Fasana; perversion; piquerism; psychiatric disorders; psychopathy; pyromania; Rachell Cappellini; Rafael Sanchez; Red Scare; Richard O. Mitchell; RICHES of Central Florida; Robert Cassanello; Robert Lupo; Robert Williams; Ruth Jensen; Ruth Jensen-Forbell; sadism; Satu Lamarca; Seminole State College; sex crimes; Shay Cambre; Sheridan Square; short films; SSC; St. Augustine; St. Petersburg; Stanley Wheeler; Starke; State of Florida; state senators; Steve Crowley; Stonewall Inn; Stonewall National Museum & Archives; Stonewall Riots; Stuart; students; Suncoast Emmy Award; Sylvana Fernández; Tallahassee; Tallahassee Bus Boycott; Tallahassee Police Department; teachers; Terri Williams; The Committee; Thomas Cappellini; Tim Reid; Timothy Brown; Timothy George Brown; Toronto Canada; Travis Pilch; Tri-M Club; U.S. Supreme Court; UCF; UCF Burnett Honors College; UCF Center for Distributed Learning; UCF Department of Film; UCF Department of History; UCF Office of Instructional Resources; UCF Office of LGBTQ Services; UCF Office of Undergraduate Research; UF; UF Police Department; universities; university; University of Central Florida; University of Florida; Vecruse; Wellesley Street; Williams E. Owens; witch hunts; Yonge Street
Letter from James "Jim" P. Clugston to Harold L. Moody (October 18,1961)
Tags: 14th Terrace; Colocasia esculenta; Elephant-ear; Erdman West; Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission; Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission; Fort Lauderdale; Fourteenth Terrace; Harold L. Moody; introduced organism; James "Jim" P. Clugston; Jim Clugston; Lake Apopka; Leesburg; Orontium acquaticum; plant; Taro
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 24: The Parliament House
Tags: Cohen, Adam; cross-dressing; documentary; elderly; entertainment; entertainment industry; Fort Lauderdale; gay; Gay and Lesbian Community Center; gay club; Hodge, Mike; homosexual; hospitality; hospitality industry; HOTEL; Ladies of Eola Heights; Lape, Bill; lesbian; LGBT; Marlin Beach Hotel; Miller, Bill; OBT; Orange Blossom Trail; orlando; Parliament House Lodge of Orlando; Parliament House Resort; play; podcast; Port Orange Retirement Club; prostitution; resort; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; senior citizen; The Carolina Moon; theater; theme park; transgender; transsexual; Walt Disney World; Wanzie, Michael
The Long History of the African American Civil Rights Movement in Florida
Tags: 101st Airborne Division; 14th Amendment; 15th Amendment; 99th Fighter Squadron; A Red Record; African Americans; Afro-Cubans; American Civil War; Anderson, Patrick; Asa Philip Randolph; Atlanta Exposition; Bahamians; Barton, Juanita; beach; beaches; Bethel Baptist Institutional Church; Bethune-Cookman College; Bethune, Mary McLeod; Black Cabinet; Booker Taliaferro Washington; Brevard County; Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters; Brown v. Board of Education of Topek; bus boycotts; Callovi, Andrew; Central Florida; Cepero, Laura; Chambers v. Florida; Chaney, James; Charles Kenzie Steele; Chicago, Illinois; civil disobedience; civil rights; Civil Rights Act of 1875; Civil Rights Act of 1964; Civil Rights March; Civil Rights Movement; Clara White Mission; Cocoa; Cocoa Elementary School; Confederates; Constitution; Constitutional League of Florida; Cook, Jennifer; Cookman Institute; Corbett, Joseph Francis II; Dale Mabry Field; Davis, Ed; Davis, John A.; Daytona Beach; Democratic Party; desegregation; discrimination; disfranchisement; Double V Campaign; Dwight David Eisenhower; Eartha M. M. White; Eartha Mary Magdalene White; Eatonville; educators; Eisenhower, Dwight D.; Englehardt, Tanya; equal pay; exhibits; FDR; Federal Council of Negro Affairs; Fifteenth Amendment; Florida Civil Rights Act; Florida Memorial college; Florida Photographic Collection; Florida Streetcar Segregation Law; Florida Supreme court; Florida Teachers Association; Flynn, Jacob; Fort Lauderdale; Fourteenth Amendment; Franklin D. Roosevelt; Franklin Delano Roosevelt; Franklin, William; Freedom Riders; Freedom Rides; Freedom Summer; Garvey, Marcus; Gary, Bill; Gibson v. Board of Public Instruction of Dade County; Goff, Cynthia; Goodman, Andrew; Grant, Ulysses S.; Great Depression; Greensboro Sit-in; Greensboro, North Carolina; Groveland; Groveland Four; Harry T. & Harriette V. Moore Cultural Complex, Inc.; Hawkins, Virgil D.; Holland; Houser, Barbara; Houston, Texas; Howard, Willie James; Hurston, Zora Neale; Ida Bell Wells-Barnett; Ike Eisenhower; Jacksonville; Jakes, Wilhelmina; Jim Crow South; King, Martin Luther, Jr.; KKK; Knoxville, Tennessee; Ku Klux Klan; Library of Congress; Lincoln, Abraham; Literary and Industrial Training School for Negro Girls; Little Rock 9; Little Rock Central High School; Little Rock Nine; Little Rock, Arkansas; Live Oak; Lloyd, Rustin; lynchings; Madison County; Marcus Mosiah Garvey, Jr.; Marshall, Thurgood; Mary Jane McLeod Bethune; McCall, Willis V.; McDivitt, Anne Ladyem; Miami; Michael Henry Schwerner; Mississippi Plan; Montgomery Bus Boycott; Montgomery, Alabama; Moore, Harriette V.; Moore, Harriette Vyda Simms; Moore, Harry T.; Moore, Harry Tyson; NAACP; National Afro-American League; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; National Equal Rights League; NERL; New Deal; New York; Niagara Movement; Ocoee Massacre; Ocoee Riot; Omaha, Nebraska; Orchard Villa Elementary School; Palatka; Parks, Rosa; Patterson, Carrie; Payne, Jesse; Petitt, Joshua; Plessy v. Ferguson; Progressive Voter's League; protests; Pulaski, Tennessee; race relations; race riots; racial equality; racism; Randolph, A. Philip; Reconstruction; Red Summer of 1919; Republican Party; Robert Cassanello; Rosa Louise McCauley Parks; Rosewood Massacre; Saunders, Robert; Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture; Schwerner, Michael; Scottsboro Boys; Scottsboro, Alabama; SCOTUS; segregation; Selma, Alabama; separate but equal; Shepard; sit-ins; slavery; Sociedad la Union Marti-Maceo; soldiers; South Carolina; Southern Horrors: Lynch Law in All Its Phases; St. Augustine; State Library and Archives of Florida; Steele, C. K.; Supreme Court; Supreme Court of the United States; Syracuse, New York; Tallahassee; Tallahassee Bus Boycott; Tampa; teachers; The Long History of the African American Civil Rights Movement in Florida; Timothy Thomas Fortune; To Secure These Rights: The Report of the President's Committee on Civil rights; Truman, Harry S.; Turnbull, Lindsey; Tuskegee University; Tuskegee, Alabama; U.S. Armed Forces; U.S. Army; U.S. Supreme Court; UF; UNIA; Union; Universal Negro Improvement Association; University of Florida; veterans; voting; voting rights; Voting Rights Act of 1965; W. E. B. Du Bois; wade-ins; Waldron, J. Milton; Washington, Booker T.; Wells, Ida B.; Wetmore, J. Douglas; white supremacy; White, Clara; William Edward Burghardt Du Bois; Williams, Alice; Willis Virgil McCall; Wolfe, Jon; Woolworth; Woolworth's; World War II; WWII
Oral History of Dick Quentin Harkey
Tags: African Americans; Airport Boulevard; Altamonte Springs; Amtrak; Antoinette Jennings; Apopka; ATF; Atlanta, Georgia; Beverly Harkey; Bill Gorman; Bob Carr Performing Arts Centre; Bob Egan; Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives; campaign coordinators; campaigns; Celery Soup: Florida's Folk Life Play; Central Florida Zoo and Botanical Gardens; Channel 24; Channel 9; Charlotte, North Carolina; Cheryl Harkey; church; churches; city commissioners; claims adjusters; Claims Department; Claude R. Kirk, Jr.; Claude Roy Kirk, Jr.; CNA Financial Corporation; Creative Sanford, Inc.; CSX Transportation; Dick Quentin Harkey; Downtown Orlando; Downtown Sanford; Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts; Erika Mattfeld; Eustis; Florida Central Railroad; Florida Hospital Health Village; Florida State Road 417; Florida State Road 441; Florida State Road 46; Fort Lauderdale; Gainesville, Georgia; George H. W. Bush; George Herbert Walker Bush; Governor of Florida; governors; Great American Insurance Group; Harvey LeRoy Atwater; hospitals; Hugh Walker; ILC; IMA; insurance; Intracoastal Waterway; IOC; Isaacson; Jackson Port; Jacobs; Jeanie Austin; Joe Montesanto; John King; John Luigi Mica; John Mica; John Street; Kirk Douglas; Lake Mary; Lake Nona; Lake Nona Medical City; Lawson Lamar; Lee Atwater; Lockhart; Longwood; Magic Kingdom Park; maids; Maitland Civic Center; Manatee Port; Marianne Harkey; Mark McCarty; Maxwell House; Methodists; Mount Dora; New York City, New York; Nicky Bernstein; Orange Blossom Express; orange county; Order of the Elbow; orlando; Orlando Regional Realtor Association; Orlando Utilities Commission; OUC; Pam Beach; Panama Canal; Peace Tree Hills Road; Peggy Spagler; race relations; railroads; railways; Republican National Committee; Republican Party of Florida; Republicans; Retan; Rich Crotty; Richard Lynn Scott; Richard T. Crotty; Rick Scott; RNC; Robbie Harkey; Robert Egan; S Line; Sand Lake Road; Sanford; Sanford City Commission; Sanford Welcome Center; Scott Vandergrift; segregation; Spagler, Peggy; SR 417; SR 441; SR 46; state representatives; state senators; SunRail; Taft; Tavares; Terry Griffin; The Help; The Sail Club; Toni Jennings; Toni Jennings Public Service Award; Trish Thompson; U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs; University of Georgia; US Railcar Company; Wall Street Crash of 1929; Walt Disney World; West Palm Beach; WFTV; William D. Gorman; Winter Haven; Winter Haven Integrated Logistics Center; WMFE-TV; Young Harris College; Young Republicans; YR
A History of Central Florida, Episode 45: Diploma Plate
Tags: A History of Central Florida; activism; anti-war; Army; astronaut; BJC; Bledsoe, Robert; Boca Raton; Bradenton; Brevard Junior College; Canavan, Mike; Cental Florida Junior College; CFJC; Chipola Junior College; CJC; Clarke, Bob; Cocoa; cold war; college; commencement; construction; Davis, Henry; Daytona Beach; Daytona Beach Junior College; DBJC; demonstration; diploma; East Central University; ECU; Edison Junior College; education; educator; EJC; FAMU; FAU; female; Florida A&M University; Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University; Florida Atlantic Unviersity; Florida Institute for Continuing University Studies; Florida Legislature; Florida Technological University; Ford, Chip; Fort Lauderdale; Fort Myers; FTU; Gainesville; GCJC; GI Bill; Gibbs Junior College; Gibson, Ella; GJCl St. Petersburg; Goff, Tom; Gougleman, Paul; government assistance; graduation; Grant; Gray, Ben; Gulf Coast Junior College; Hampton Junior College; Hazen, Kendra; HEA; higher education; Higher Education Act of 1965; Hill, Hank; HJC; homemaker; honors convocation; housing; Indian River Junior College; IRJC; Jackson Junior College; JCBC; JJC; Johnson Junior College; junior college; Junior College of Broward County; Kelley, Katie; Kent State University; Kent State University Shootings; Key West; King, Richard; KSU; Lake City; Lake City Junior College; Lake Worth; Lake-Sumter Junior College; LCJC; Leesburg; legislative branch; legislature; Lenfest, Gene; Lincoln Junior College; LJC; loan; Loss, Christopher; LSJC; Madison; Manatee Junior College; Marianna; MDJC; Men's Residence Association; Miami- Dade County; Miami-Dade Junior College; Millican, Charles Norman; MJC; Monroe Junior College; MRA; Municipal Auditorium; NASA; National Aeronautics and Astronautics Administration; National Defense Education Act; NDEA; NFJC; North Florida Junior College; Ocala; OCRHC; Okaloose-Walton Junior College; Orange County Regional History Center; orlando; OWJC; Palatka; Palm Beach Junior College; Panama City; PBJC; peace; peace movement; Pegasus Drive; Pensacola; Pensacola Junior College; Perkins, Joyce Hart; PJC; podcast; political activism; professor; protest; public college; public junior college; public state university; public university; Richard, Hank; RICHES; RJC; Robert Cassanello; Roosevelt Junior College; Rosenwald Junior College; Rowley, Ken; school; Sebastian, Dave; self-determination; Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944; SJRJC; space program; SPJC; SRJC; St. Johns River Junior College; St. Petersburg Junior College; strike; student; student government; student grant; student housing; student loan; Sun Belt; Suwannee River Junior College; Tallahassee; Tampa; teacher; U.S. Army; UCF; UF; Underwood, Retha Riley; Univerity of Florida; university; University of Central Florida; University of Central Florida Libraries; University of South Florida; University of West Florida; USF; UWF; Valparaiso Junior College; Vanderbilt University; VCJC; Velásquez, Daniel; veteran; Vietnam War; Volusia County Junior College; VU; Washington Junior College; West Palm Beach Junior College; Wetherington, Mike; Wightman, Ed; WJC; woman; Woods, Pauk; work-study program; yearbrook; Young, John W.
Oral History of Patrick Herman
Tags: 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting; A Salute to the American Flag; America the Beautiful; assault rifles; Bob Carr Theater; Come Out With Pride Orlando; Cyndi Lauper; Cynthia Ann Stephanie Lauper; Denver; Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts; Facebook; Fort Lauderdale; Fort Lauderdale Gay Men’s Chorus; fundraisers; GALA Choruses Festival; Gay and Lesbian Association of Choruses; GLBT; gun control; gun regulation; gun violence; hate crimes; homosexuality; John Hugh “Buddy” Dyer; Kissimmee; Latin dancing; LGBT; LGBTIQ; LGBTQ; mass shootings; Miami; New Port Richey; November 2015 Paris attacks; orlando; Orlando City Soccer Club; Orlando Gay Chorus; Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra; Orlando Strong; Orlando United; outreach events; Patrick Herman; Pennsylvania State University; Pulse massacre; Pulse nightclub; Pulse nightclub shooting; Pulse tributes; Sarah Schneider; terrorist attacks; True Colors; vigils; Washington, D.C.
Florida's Barefoot Mailman
Tags: Biscayne Bay; Brickel; Brickel Point; Bureau of Historical Museums; Delray Beach; Fort Lauderdale; Ft. Lauderdale; James Hamilton; Jap Rocks; Jupiter; Lake Worth; letter carriers; mail carriers; mailman; mailmen; Miami; Miami River; National Appliance and Food Sales; Orange Grove House of Refuge; Palm Beach; Pompano Beach; post offices; Steven Dohanos; Stuart; That Was Palm Beach; Theodore Pratt; Titusville; U.S. Post Office Department; West Palm Beach
A History of Central Florida, Episode 42: Jim Crow Signs
Tags: 15th Amendment; 7-Up; A History of Central Florida; activism; African American; Amendment XV; American Civil War; Bailey, Tom; bomber; Boo-Boo's Bar; Brooks, Gwendolyn; Brooks, Gwendolyn Elizabeth; Brown v. the Board of Education of Topeka; bus; business; Campus Theater; Carver Theater; Castiglia, Francesco; Central Boulevard; Chambliss, Julian C.; City of Sanford; civil rights; Civil Rights Act of 1964; Civil Rights Movement; Civil War; Clarke, Bob; class; clinic; colored section; Constitution; constitutionality; Costello, Frank "The Prime Minister; county government; Crow, Jim; desegregation; Downtown Orlando; Durrance Elementary School; Eatonville; economic class; economics; education; equal rights; equality; Fifteenth Amendment; Ford, Chip; Fort Lauderdale; France; French; French Republic; French, Scot; gang; Georgetown; Gibson, Ella; Goldsboro; Goldwyn Avenue; government; Hannibal Square; Hazen, Kendra; imprisonment; incarceration; Indochina; integration; jail; Jim Crow; Jordan, Louis; Jordan, Lucius; Kelley, Katie; Key West; law; Lincoln, Abraham; local business; local government; Mainland Southeast Asia; mayor; McCarthy; Miami; middle class; minstrel; minstrelsy; mob; movie theater; NAACP; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; OCRHC; orange county; Orange County Courthouse; Orange County Public Schools; Orange County Regional History Center; organized crime; orlando; parole; Parramore; Plessy v. Ferguson; podcast; primary election; Prime Minister of the Underworld; prison; public education; public school; race relations; racism; racist; railroad; Reconstruction; RICHES; Robert Cassanello; Rollins College; Sanford; school; segregation; Seminole State College; separate but equal; sign; slavery; social class; SSC; Stapleton, Kevin; state government; State of Florida; stereotype; Stone's; street car; Supreme Court; Taylor, Robert; The Bribe; The Prime Minister; The Tallahassee Democrat; theater; Town & Country; U.S. Constitution; U.S. Supreme Court; UCF; unconstitutional; University of Central Florida; upper class; Velásquez, Daniel; war; Washington Shores Federal Savings and Loan Association; welfare; welfare board; welfare department; Winter Park; working class; Wright, Stephen Caldwell
A History of Central Florida, Episode 42: Jim Crow Signs
Tags: 15th Amendment; 7-Up; A History of Central Florida; activism; African American; Amendment XV; American Civil War; Bailey, Tom; bomber; Boo-Boo's Bar; Brooks, Gwendolyn; Brooks, Gwendolyn Elizabeth; Brown v. the Board of Education of Topeka; bus; business; Campus Theater; Carver Theater; Castiglia, Francesco; Central Boulevard; Chambliss, Julian C.; City of Sanford; civil rights; Civil Rights Act of 1964; Civil Rights Movement; Civil War; Clarke, Bob; class; clinic; colored section; Constitution; constitutionality; Costello, Frank "The Prime Minister; county government; Crow, Jim; desegregation; Downtown Orlando; Durrance Elementary School; Eatonville; economic class; economics; education; equal rights; equality; Fifteenth Amendment; Ford, Chip; Fort Lauderdale; France; French; French Republic; French, Scot; gang; Georgetown; Gibson, Ella; Goldsboro; Goldwyn Avenue; government; Hannibal Square; Hazen, Kendra; imprisonment; incarceration; Indochina; integration; jail; Jim Crow; Jordan, Louis; Jordan, Lucius; Kelley, Katie; Key West; law; Lincoln, Abraham; local business; local government; Mainland Southeast Asia; mayor; McCarthy; Miami; middle class; minstrel; minstrelsy; mob; movie theater; NAACP; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; OCRHC; orange county; Orange County Courthouse; Orange County Public Schools; Orange County Regional History Center; organized crime; orlando; parole; Parramore; Plessy v. Ferguson; podcast; primary election; Prime Minister of the Underworld; prison; public education; public school; race relations; racism; racist; railroad; Reconstruction; RICHES; Robert Cassanello; Rollins College; Sanford; school; segregation; Seminole State College; separate but equal; sign; slavery; social class; SSC; Stapleton, Kevin; state government; State of Florida; stereotype; Stone's; street car; Supreme Court; Taylor, Robert; The Bribe; The Prime Minister; The Tallahassee Democrat; theater; Town & Country; U.S. Constitution; U.S. Supreme Court; UCF; unconstitutional; University of Central Florida; upper class; Velásquez, Daniel; war; Washington Shores Federal Savings and Loan Association; welfare; welfare board; welfare department; Winter Park; working class; Wright, Stephen Caldwell
History Florida Chapter: National Association of Postmasters of the United States
Tags: A. E. Booth; A. G. Shands; A. L. Riden; Alonzo Sias; Ambrose O'Connel; Arthur W. Newett; Auburndale; Bart O'Hara; Benjamin Franklin; Billie Maier; Bob Sweatt; Boca Grande; Boca Raton; Bradenton; Brooksville; Brookville; C. H. Talton; C. M. Larrick; Carrie Flowers; Castillo de San Marcos; Catherine Bash; Century; Chalmers J. Young; Chapter No. 10; Charles Ashbrook; Charles E. Puskar; Charles Powell; Charles W. Ten Eick; Chauncey Costin; Christmas; citrus; Claude Denson Pepper; Claude Pepper; Clermont; Clewiston; Cocoa; Cocoa Beach; Colin English; Cora Williams Cottondale; Crescent City; Dan Gibson; Dania; David L. Williams; Daytona Beach; Deerfield; Destin; Don McDermott; Dunnellon; Dwight Shower; E. L. Power; Emmett Doak; Ernest L. Abel; Eva Vaughn; F. H. Titcomb; FDR; Florida Chapter; Floyd Brooker; Fort Lauderdale; Fort Myers; Fort San Marco; Frances Wartigg; Frank B. Reams; Frank H. Clyatt; Franklin D. Roosevelt; Franklin Delano Roosevelt; Fred E. Hall; Fred S. stump; Ft. Lauderdale; Ft. Myers; G. N. Denning; G. W. Shuman; Gator Postmaster; George C. Woods; George Hopkins; George Washington; Gladys Stalls; Glenna J. Pedrick; Goodland; Grace Parker; Grady warren; Gulf Breeze; H. L. Godwin; Hartley B. Dean; Henry S. Thompson; Herbert E. Ross; Herman E. Wattwood; Hobe Sound; Hollywood; Howard S. Warner; J. Edgar Day; J. Edgar Wall; Jacksonville; James A. Farley; James D. Beggs; James H. Cox; Jefferson Gaines; Jesse M. Donaldson; Jesse Monroe Donaldson; Jimmie Beggs; Jimmie Cox; Joe Hendricks; Joe Porcer; Joel Field; John H. Shuman; John Hoy; John P. Snyder; Joseph Edward Hendricks; Joseph J. Lawler; Juanita S. Tucker; Kappy Kirk; Kate T. McDaniel; Kitty Lyon; Lake City; Lake Placid; Largo; Lee Rutledge; Leesburg; Leslie D. Reagin; Long Beach; Lynn B. Bloom; M. O. Brawner; mail; Mamie Eisenhower; Mamie Geneva Doud Eisenhower; Mansell A. Orchard; Mansell A. Warner; Margaret C. Young; Marianna; Marie Zimmerman; Mark Benson; Melbourne; Miami; Micanopy; Milton; Miss Special Delivery; Mom Orchard; Monticello; Moore Haven; Mulberry; N. R. Abrams; Nancy Mims; NAPUS; National Association of Postmasters of the United States; Neil Durrance; Nell Baker; Neptune Beach; O. B. Carr; Oakley Seaver; Ocala; Oliver Haistens; Orange City; orange juice; oranges; orlando; Otis E. Padgett; Owen L. Godwin; Ozona; Paisley; Panama City; Paul Maha; Pensacola; Perry; Phil Gallagher; Philip J. Gallagher; Polk City; Poney Express; Port St. Joe; post offices; postage stamps; Postal Education Plan; Postal Savings System; Postmaster Generals; postmasters; Project Mercury; Quincy; R. J. Holley; R.H. McDaniels; Robert E. Hannegan; Rockledge; Rowena Haistens; Rowena McDaniel; Ruby A. Edwards; Safety Harbor; Sam Valliere; Sam Wooten; Samuel Osgood; San Harrison; Sanford; Sarasota; Sebring; Silver Springs; Space Capital of the World; Special Delivery; St. Augustine; St. Marks; St. Petersburg; Sunshine Club; Tampa; Ted Booth; The Gator Postmaster; Tillie Pasteur; Titusville; Tom Braswell; U.S. Post Office Department; USPOD; Vero Beach; W. B. Brophy; W. D. Jones; W. H. Harris; W. H. Hoffman; W. H. Owns; W. T. Gary; Walter B. Walters; Walter D. Myers; West Palm Beach; William Askew; William B. Dowling; William C. Hill; William D. Jones; William E. DeWar; William J. Dixon; William P. Wilkinson; Williston; Winter Haven; Winter Park; World War II; WWII; Zephyrhills
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 5: A History of Gay Days
Tags: acquired immune deficiency syndrome; AIDS; Alexander-Manley, Chris; boycott; celebration; documentary; Fort Lauderdale; gay; Gay Days; Gay Days Kickoff Party; Gay Days, Inc.; gay history; Girls at Gay Days; GLBT history; grassroots; homosexual; Hope and Help; Internet; Lake Buena Vista; lesbian; Lester, Connie L.; Magic Kingdom Park; March on Washington; Marlin Beach Hotel; orlando; Orlando City Hall; Orlando Gay Chorus; Orlando Museum of Art; Orlando Science Center; podcast; protest; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; Rutland, Jack; Saks Fifth Avenue Off 5th; Stonewall Library Museum Archive; theme party; tourism; tourist; Walt Disney World; Webster, Daniel
Florida's Turnpike and Interstate System Map, 1967
Tags: Alligator Alley; American Oil; Atlantic Oil; Audubon House; Belle Glade; Birmingham, Alabama; Birthplace of Speed Garage; Biscayne Bay; Boca Raton; Bonita Springs; Bronson; Brunswick, Georgia; Canoe creek; Cape Coral; Caribbean Gardens; Cedar Key; Charlotte Harbor; Cheifland; Chokoloskee; Citrus Tower; Clermont; Clewiston; Coach Train; Cocoa; Coral Gables; Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary; Crandon Park zoo; Crystal River; Cypress Knee Museum; Dania; Davie; Daytona Beach; Daytona International Speedway; Deering Estate; DeLeon Springs; Delray Beach; Donnin's Arms Museum; Dunello; Elliot Museum and House Refuge; Ernest Hemingway House; Evergaldes City; Fairlyand Park and Zoo; flamingo; Flamingo Groves and Gardens; Florida; Florida Citrus Showcase; Florida City; Florida State Turnpike Authority; Florida's Turnpike; Fort Drum; Fort Lauderdale; Fort Myers; Fort Pierce; Gainesville; George Inness, Jr. Religious Paintings; Golden Glades; Gulf Oil; Hallandale; Henry Morrison Flagler Museum; Hialeah; Hollywood; Homestead; Homosassa Springs; I-4; I-75; I-95; Immokalee; Indian Town; Interstate 4; Interstate 75; Interstate 95; Islamorada; Jacksonville; Japanese Gardens; John F. Kennedy Space Center; Jupiter; Key Largo; Key West; Key West Aquarium; Kirk, Claude R. Jr.; Kissimmee; Lake City; Lake Placid; Lake Worth; LakeOkeechobee; Land Voyager; Leesburg; Lightner Municipal Exposition; Lincoln Road Mall; Lion Country Safari; Llambias House; Macon, Georgia; Marathon; Margate; Marineland; McArthur; McKee Jungle Gardens; Miami; Miami Beach; Mission of Nombre de Dios; Monastery of St. Bernard; Monkey Jungle; Moore Haven; Museum of Science and Natural History; Museum of Speedy; Museum of Sunken Treasure; Museum of Yesterday's Toys; Naples; National Police Hall of Fame; Ocala; Ocean World; Okahumpka; Okeechobee; Old Jail; Old Spanish Inn; Old Spanish Treasury; Old Sugar Mill; Old Town; Oldest House; Oldest Schoolhouse; Oldest Store Museum; orlando; Ormond Beach; Otter Creek; Pahokee; Palm Beach; Palm Beach Gardens; Palm Dale; Parrott Jungle; Parrott Paradise; Parrott Village; Pensacola; Perrine; Pioneer city; Pompano Beach; Ponce De Leon Springs; Port Orange; Potter's Wax Museum; Prince Murat House; Punta Gorda; Pure Oil; Rain Forrest; Rainbow Springs; Ripley's Believe It or Not; Royal Palm Beach; S.R. 84; Sanford; Sanford Municipal Zoo; Santini's Porpoise Training School; Savannah, Georgia; Seaquarium; Seminole Indian Reservation; Serpentarium; Slocum Water Lily Garden; South Bay; South Miami; Southeast Museum of North American Indian; Spain's Casa del Hidalgo; Sponge Fishing Fleet; St. Cloud; St. Petersburg; Standard Oil; Stuart; sugar house; Sugar Mill Gardens; Suniland; Tallahassee; Tampa; Tarpon Springs; Tavernier; Texaco; Theater of the Sea; Turkey Lake; Turtle Kraals; U.S. 19-441; U.S. 27; Valdosta, Georgia; Venice; Vero Beach; Vizcaya; Warm Mineral Springs; Watson Park; Wax Museum; Week Wachee Spring; Weeki Wachee; West Palm Beach; White Springs; Wildwood; Williston; Winter Haven; Yeehaw Junction; Zorayda Castle
The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 22, October 2, 1926
Tags: A. B. Rowland; Agnes Moremen; American Red Cross; Anna B. Treat; Arthur A. Richmond, Jr.; Bank of Maitland; banking; banks; books; Boy Scouts of America; Brown's Store; C. D. Horner; C. J. Woodward; C. N. Beecher; chambers of commerce; church; churches; Clarence Brown; contract; Cox and Bryson Paving Company; D. R. Wiggins; death; disaster relief; Donald G. Spain; E. A. Upmeyer; E. D. Visor; E. N. Beach; E. T. Owen; Eleanor Barnet; Elizabeth Madoline; Elizabeth Treat; F. A. McNair; Flora's Studio; Fort Lauderdale; Georgia Belle Gatlin; Goodyear Tires; government; Great Miami Hurricane; H. C. Boss; Harland Black; Harold Hill; Hill School; housing; hurricane relief; hurricanes; J. A. Brown; J. G. Bennett; J. M. Brown; J. T. Stover; Jesse Wells Worley; Kingsmill; L. W. Jennings; libraries; library; local government; Louis L. Coudert; M. L. Kyle; M. P. Ponder; Maitland; Maitland Auxiliary; Maitland Electric Shop; Maitland Garage; Maitland Library; Maitland Lumber Company; Maitland Plumbing Company; Maitland Realty Company; Marrs; Mazda Lamps; Methodism; Methodist; municipal government; natural disasters; obituary; pavement; paving; picnic; Presbyterian; Presbyterianism; R. A. Wheeler; real estate; roads; Rollins Press; S. J. Stiggins; Sanlando Springs; schools; South Florida; Stella Waterhouse; streets; The Maitland News; The Orlando Sentinel; Town Council; town government; Viking Tires; Walter R. Darby; weddings; William W. Long