Browse Items (55 total)
- Tags: Lake Monroe
St. Johns River Floods Rampant: Lake Monroe May Overflow Banks
The Central Florida Press, Vol. 1. No. 9, June 20, 1930
Tags: 1st Street; A. L. Betts; A. L. Medcalf; A. P. Farnell; A. W. Wagner; ACL; Adkins; Aisne-Marne American Cemetery and Memorial; Aldred Cone; Alene Cone; Alive Story; Allen Thompson; Allen's Garage; Alton Shuman; American Appraisal Company; American Association of University Women; American Gold Star Mothers, Inc.; Andrew Duda; Andrew Jakubcin; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company; Augusta D. Covington; B. F. Overstreet; B. F. Ward; B. F. Wheeler; B. R. Gray; Ballard's Insurance Feeds; Baptist Church; Baptist Church of Oviedo; Baptists; Barbara Jakubcin; Bauman; Bauman Brothers; Because; Ben Jones; Bernice Stine; Biscayne Bay; Black Hammock; Blanche Leonard; Bob Murphy's Garage; Bogard; Bon Homme Hotel; Boy Scouts of America; Bristol; Bryan's Store; C. B. Searcy; C. C. Jackson; C. E. Mariner; C. J. Broom; C. J. Broom, Jr.; C. L. West; C. M. Coin; C. S. Lee; C. T. Niblack; C. W. Mathison; Canal Point; Carlton Cain; Carolyn Lockette; cars; Carter's Filling Station; Celery City; Central Florida Council; Central Florida Log Rollers' Association; Chapman; Charles Simeon Lee; Charles W. Summersill; Charley West; Charlie West; Chevrolet; Chuluota; Chuluota Sunday schools; churches; Churchwell's; Civic League; Clarence Huder; Clark Harvey; Claude C. Jackson, Jr.; Clifton Tribble; Clinton Hyatt; David Haverstick; Daytona Beach; District 3; Dixie Highway; Donald Leinhart; E. A. Dukes; E. A. Farnell; E. D. Koontz; E. T. Summersill; Edson Goit; Edwin Sutton; Elizabeth Lawson; Elmin a Howard; Emma Abbot Lyman; Ernest Amos; Essex Coach First National banks; Esther Prosser; Evelyn Wheeler; F. L. Anderson; F. S. Cone; Farnell; FCE; FEC; Federal Farm Broadway; First Baptist Church of Orlando; First National Bank Building; First Street; FLDOE; Florida Bank; Florida Citrus Exchange; Florida Department of Education; Florida East Coast railroads; Florida Gold Star Mothers; Florida Light and Power Company; Florida Public Service Commission; Floyd Wagner; Fort Myers Growers' Association; Fort Pierce; Fort Pierce Financing and Construction Company; Fort Pierce Growers' Association; Frank Armstrong; Fred Cooper; Fred Henry Davis; Fruitland parks; Ft. Pierce; G. A. Meckley; G. H. Norton; G. W. Bower; Gayle Marshall; Geneva; Gold Star Mothers Club; Gold Star Mothers, Inc.; Goldie Eva Beckley; Goldie Eva Beckley Lee; Good Gulf Casoline; Grace Lewis; Gray; Gray's Market; H. Clay Crawford; H. E. Fuller; H. F. McGowan; Haines; Harold Varn; Harry E. Wing; Harry M. Papworth; Harry W. Turner; Hart; Hathaway's Park Avenue; Hazel Shuman; Heitz; Henry Clay Crawford; Herbert F. Chaffer; Hilda Butler; Hotel Commission; Howard Lindsey; Howard Turner; I. N. Lane; J. A. Thompson; J. A. Young; J. Allen Thompson; J. B. Jones; J. C. Bills; J. C. Johnson; J. Dean Adcock; J. H. Allen; J. L. Malcolm; J. M. Chaffer; J. N. Thompson; Jack C. Kassell; Joe Leinhart; Joe Mikler; John Bills; John Duda; Joseph Leinhart; Julia Tart; Julie Geiger; Katherine Young; King Brown; L. D. Webster; L. H. Gore; Lake Catherine; Lake Conway; Lake Monroe; Lake Okeechobee; League of Municipalities; Lois Mitchem; Lois Ruddell; Lois Rudell; Longwood; Lyman schools; Margaret Jackson; Margaret Lindsey; Marietta Mitchem; Martin Stanko; Mary Bivins; Mary Frances Stine; Mathieux' Store; Max Leinhart; Maxine Leinhart; Mead; Metcalf and Son; Mills; Miriam Koontz; Mitchem; Munjar; N. F. Lozette; Nelson and Company, Inc.; O. P. Sloan; Oak Crest Poultry farms; Oak Island; Olga Jakubcin; Olive Lezette; Olivia McCarty; Opal Peters; Orange General Hospital; Oreon Burnett; orlando; Oviedo; Oviedo Barber Shop; Oviedo Department Store; Oviedo Drug Store; Oviedo Masonic Lodge No. 243; Oviedo Meat Market; Oviedo Mirror; Oviedo Public Library; Oviedo Service Station; P. T. Coleman; P. T. Wakefield; P. W. Gray; Paul Butler, Jr.; Paul T. Butler; Pauline Mills; Pauline Moran; Pauline Wallace, Maddox; Penney Farms; R. A. Gray; R. R. Murphy; R. R. Williams; Ralph Bosford; Randall Electric Company; Reason Kirkland; Ripley's Believe It or Not!; Robert Andrew Gray; Robert B. Butler; Roy Williams; Ruby Peters; S. L. Murphy; S. S. Hinchliff; Sadine Leinhart; Sadye's Sale; Sanford; Sanford Atlantic National Bank; Sanford Chamber of Commerce; Sanford High School; Sanford Sheriff's Office; Sanlando Springs; Secretary of State; Seminole Associational Sunday schools; Seminole Bank Building; Seminole County; Slavia; Slavia Drainage District; Southern Bell Telephone Company; St. Johns River; St. Petersburg; Standard Service Station; Stover; Supreme Motor Oil; Ted Harvey; The Central Florida Press; The Morris Stores; The Sanitary Fish Truck; Theo Aulin; Theodore Tice; Thomas Johnson; Thomas Wheaton; V. H. Sley; Virginia Spencer; W. C. Cawthon; W. D. Stine; W. F. Wells, Jr.; W. L. Seig; W. P. Tart; W. R. Kimbrell; W. S. Entzminger; W. T. Chance; Walter M. Blakely; White-Highleyman Agency; Wholesale Potato House; William Walker; Woodmen of the World; Woodrow Shuman; World War I; WWI
Wooden Table from Fort Mellon
Tags: Fort Mellon; Lake Monroe; table
The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 05, June 5, 1926
Tags: A. B. Rowland; A. C. Bradford; American Fruit Growers; Anna B. Treat; architecture; bank; Bank of Maitland; banking; Benson Springs; book; Brown's Store; building code; C. D. Horner; Calvin Hill; Charles B. Waterhouse; church; construction; Donald G. Spain; E. A. Upmeyer; E. C. Pipkin; E. D. Milliman; E. N. Beech; E. Turner; education; enterprise; F. H. Manning; F. T. Marsh; FEC; Florida Citrus Exchange; Frank Adams; freemasons; George Horatio Packwood; Goodyear Tires; government; Greenwood Gardens; Harry R. Brewer; Hill School; Horatio Avenue; housing; J. A. Brown; J. G. Friedland; J. H. Bennett; J. L. Perkins; jail; Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; John Nelson; L. F. Dommerich; Lake Monroe; library; Lily Lake; local government; Louis L. Coudert; M. E. Orphanage; M. L. Kyle; Maitland; Maitland Auxiliary; Maitland Electric Shop; Maitland Garage; Maitland Library; Maitland Lumber Company; Maitland Plumbing Company; Maitland Realty Company; Mary C. Ely; Methodist; municipal government; Needlework Guild; orlando; plumbing; Presbyterian; real estate; restaurant; S. B. Hill; S. Mills Ely; Sanford; school; Tampa Bay Hotel; Texaco Gas; The Maitland News; Town Council; W. A. Manning; waterworks; White Way Motor Company; White-Way Restaurant; Winter Park; Zoning Commission
New Store in Sanford!
New Wharf at Sanford!
Sanford Grammar School Handbook, 1978-1979
Tags: Allean Jeffords; assistant principals; Bernice Fillmore; Carnell Scott; Clay C. Carroll; compensatory education; Derek Martin; Diane Copeland; Edna A. Dates; elementary schools; Elsa Caskey; Eva Tisdale; field trips; Frances Kaleel; Frances Parish; Gloria Armstrong; grammar schools; guidance counselors; Hazel Warren; Howard Hawkins; intermediate education; Jacqueline Becker; Judy Burdett; Julie Medland; Karen Rauth; kindergarten; Lake Monroe; libraries; library; Linda Bose; lunchrooms; Mable Chapman; Marie Martin; Mary L. Cook; Nancy Freeman; Ninth Street; Open House; Palmetto Avenue; Pamela A. Hardy; Parent-Teacher Association; parents; Phyllis Fondren; Phyllis Miller; physical education; primary education; principals; PTA; R. Burke; Robert T. Fox; Sanford; Sanford Grammar School; school bus; school buses; school songs; speech therapists; SR-46; State Road-46; Student Code of Conduct; student discipline; students; teacher aides; teachers; Third Street; Willie Agnes Fields
It Was New Era in 1886
Tags: ACL; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company; Belle Fontaine; Bent; Bent's Station; Brantley; Brown; Bruce, A. D.; Burrell; Caldwell, Andrew C.; Cameron; Clud, Aaron; Clyde Steamship Line; Cocke; Crippen, A. H.; Deane; Dickenson; Doyle, M. J.; Duval; Evans, William H.; Finegan; Ford; Foster, E. K.; Foster, Frank; freezes; Goodrich; Great Freeze of 1886; Hall; Harris; Hayden; Holland; Humphrey, William; Ingraham; Jacksonville; Lake Jesup; Lake Mary; Lake Monroe; Levy Grant; Lovell, William; Marks, M. R.; Marks, R. H.; McCall; Mellonville; Model A; Model A Ford Truck; Munday; Nichols; Noble; Oviedo; Palmetto Avenue; Parramore, McDonald; Randolph; Robinson; Sanford; Sanford, Henry Shelton; Scott; Seminole County; Silver Lake; Sjoblom, A. E.; Speer; Spencer; Sundell, J. F.; Swedes; Telford; The Sanford Herald; Tucker, J. W.; Ward, W. A., Sr.; Webster; Whitner, B. F.; Whitner, J. N.
Salmagundi, Vol. V, No. 1, 1914
Tags: 9th Street; Abernathy, W. W.; ACL; Aspinwall; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company; Audubon Society; Barnes; Bates, Thomas K.; BDS; Berner, Agnes; Berner, Evelyn Barbara; Betts, A. L.; Betts, Daisy; Beverly Manufacturing Company; Borth Park; Bower's; Bowler, Mabel; Brady, E. E.; Brady, E. R.; Brock, D. C.; Brown, Nina; Brown, Nina Mae; Brown, Winnie; Brumley, L. A.; Butt, C. G.; Caldwell, D. A.; Chappell, Lucca Winifred; Chase and Company; Chase, Randall; Christmas; Clyde Dock; Coates, John F.; Coats, John Franklin, Gilbert, E. Howard; Coca-Cola; Coffee, Alice; Coffee, Clice Bryan; Columbia University; Connelly, A. P.; Connelly, Linda Evans; Cooperative Store; corn; Cornell University; cotton; Crosby, Wallace; D. A. Caldwell & Sons; Davis House; Davis, Margaret; Daytona High; Daytona High School; Daytona HS; De Cottes, George A.; Deane, R.; Dickens, Charles; Dickson, S. C.; Douglass, E. A.; Dubose, H. C.; Duhart, H. L.; Dutton, F. F.; education; Elm Avenue; Eureka Tailors; Farnsworth, Lille; Fellows, G. C.; Fernald, George H.; Field, J.; First National Bank; First National Bank No. 1; Fletcher, F. G.; Forster, F. P.; French Avenue; Fry, Albert; G & W Building; G. C. Fellows Company; Garner, N. H.; Gatchel, Mary; Gatchel, Mary Elizabeth; George H. Fernald Hardware Company; Goertz, Clara, Frank, John; Gong, Lew Jim; Graham, George H.; grapefruit; Green; Green, R.; Griggle, Thomas; Guild; H. L. Duhart Ice Cream Factory and Lunch Room; Hands, Charles M.; Hanson, M.; Harold, Muriel; Hart's Late; Healey, W. R.; Herald Printing Company; Herndon; Herring, G.; Herring, George C.; Herring, Griffin; Higgins, Adelaide Elizabeth; high schools; Hill Hardware & Lumber Company; Holly, R.; Housholder; Housholder, E. Ferguson; ILS; Irwin & Giles; J. L. Miller's Bakery; Jinks, John. D.; Kanner, Charles; Key, A. R.; Kodak; L. R. Philips & Company; Laing, J.; Laing, R.; Lake Monroe; Lake, Forrest; Lawson, J. B.; Leffler, C. H.; Lipe, M. P.; Literary and Debating Societies; Littlefield, Milton S.; Longwood Public School; Lovell, Carrie; Magnolia Ave.; Magnolia Avenue; Mahoney, Clarence; Marlow, Carrie Lovell; Marshall, R. A.; Marx; Mason; Maxwell, Dick; Maxwell, R. C.; Maxwell's; McDaniel, Ruth; McKim, Robert; McLaughlin, Anna; McLaughlin, George W.; McLaulin, Henry; Mettinger, Ruth; Miller, J. L.; Miller, Theodore J.; Monroe School; Morris, Gladys; Moughton, Ethel Ma; Munsey's Magazine; Munson, Fannie Reba; Munson, Zoe; Murrel Brothers; Murrell; Murrell Bros.; Murrell, Renie Elizabeth; N. P. Yowell & Company; Newman, Robert A.; Ninth Street; oranges; Osceola High School; Owens; Packard, Bertha; Packard, J. O.; Packard, Marion; Padgett, Viola; Pattishall, Bert; Paxton, Earl B.; Peoples Bank; Peoples Bank of Sanford; Perkins, N. J.; Peters, E. H.; Philips, L. R.; Phillips; Phillips, Marion; Pocahontas; Pope, Anna May; Pope, Eugenia; Railroad Way; Ramsey; Rand, Frederic H.; Raynor; Renna, P.; Rexall; Rexall Store; Roberts, Genyle; Roberts, J. D.; Robinson, M. F.; Rollins College; Rowlamd, W.; Rowland, Helen Adelaide; Rumph, H.; Ruskin, John; Salmagundi; Sanford; Sanford Avenue; Sanford Bottling Works; Sanford Coca-Cola Bottling Company; Sanford Cycle Company; Sanford Furniture Company; Sanford Hand Laundry; Sanford High School; Sanford House Park; Sanford Machine and Garage Company; Sanford Public Library; Sanford Public Schools; Sanford Shoe & Clothing Company; Sangster, Margaret E.; Schaffner; schools; Seabreeze High School; Seminole County Bank; Seminole County Circuit Court Clerk; Seminole County Commissioner; Seminole County Judge; Seminole County Sheriff; Seminole County Superintendent of Public Instruction; Seminole County tax assessor; Seminole County treasurer; Seminole Pharmacy; Shinholser, S. O.; SHS; Singletary, Eugene; Smith, M. M.; Speer; Spencer's; State Experiment; Stetson University; Stevens, H. R.; Stewart, Ruth; Stringfellow, L. G.; Stumon, Junie; Styleplus; sugarcane; Swope; syrup; Tennyson, Alfred; Thanksgiving; Theodore J. Miller & Son; Thrasher, D. L.; Title Bond and Guarantee Company; tobacco; Tolar, H. E.; Villa Shoora Fish & Commission Company; Waldron, Katherine Gorton; Walker, C. R.; Walker, Claire Henrietta; Wanamker, John; Washburn, H.; Weather Bureau; Western Union; Whitner, Annie; Whitner, B. F.; Whitner, Jr., Benjamin Franklin; Wight Grocery Company; Wildman, J. R.; Wildman, J. Rowland; Williams, G. E.; Wilson & Housholder; Wilson, Anna; Wilson, Thomas Emmet; Woodruff & Watson; Woodruff, Frank L.; Yowell, N. P.
Naval Air Station Sanford Plat of Three Aviation Fields with Map of Seminole County
Tags: aviation; aviation field; Crippen Road; Geneva Avenue; Golden Lake; Lake Harney; Lake Jessup; Lake Monroe; map; Mellonville Avenue; NAS; NAS Sanford; Naval Air Station; Naval Air Station Sanford; Onoro Road; plat; Red Cleveland Boulevard; Seminole County; Silver Lake; Sipes Avenue; U.S. Navy; Williams, Fred T.; World War II; WWII
Sanford Lakefront
The present-day Sanford, Florida, area was originally inhabited by the Mayaca and…
North From Verandah
Tags: lake; Lake Monroe; riverfront; Sanford; Sanford Riverfront; steamboat; steamer; steamship; waterfront
Last Barge to Dock at the Standard Oil Terminal on Lake Monroe Before Its Scheduled Closing This Saturday was Seen Today
The present-day Sanford, Florida, area was originally inhabited by the Mayaca and…
Downtown Sanford
Downtown Sanford, 1952
City of Sanford After the Great Fire of 1887
Tags: 2nd Street; 3rd Street; City of Sanford; Commercial Street; Cypress Avenue; dock; lake; Lake Monroe; Magnolia Avenue; Oak Avenue; Palmetto Avenue; Park Avenue; Pine Avenue; railroad; riverfront; RiverWalk; Sanford; Sanford Avenue; Sanford Riverfront; Second Street; South Florida Railroad Company; Third Street; waterfront
City of Sanford Before the Great Fire of 1887
Bandshell on Lake Monroe - Sanford, Fla.
Street View of Sanford House Hotel
Tourists at the Mayfair Inn Swimming Pool
Originally named after the Sanford Mayor and…
Mayfair Inn Swimming Pool
Originally named after the Sanford Mayor and…
Swimming Pool Construction at the Mayfair Inn
Originally named after…
West Side View of the Forrest Lake Hotel
Hotel Forrest Lake
View of Bridge and Palm Trees
Tags: bridge; Lake Monroe; palm trees; riverfront; St. Johns
Steamboat 'Clara' Sailing Past a Dock on Lake Monroe
Tags: Clara; dock; Lake Monroe; riverfront; steamboat
View of Cypress Tree Knees in Lake Monroe
Tags: cypress trees; Lake Monroe; riverfront; St. Johns
Map of Seminole County, Florida, 1928
Tags: Altamonte Springs; Astor Grant; Beck Hammock; Black Hammock; Cameron City; Chuluota; country clubs; Eureka Hammock; Florida State Road 44; Forest City; Fort Reed; Fred T. Williams; Gabriella; Geneva; Ginderville; Goldenrod; Iowa City; Kolokee; Lake Harney; Lake Howell; Lake Jessup; Lake Mary; Lake Monroe; Levy Grant; Longwood; Markham; Miranda Grant; New Upsala; Osceola; Oviedo; Palm Springs; Paola; Philip R. Yonge Grant; Sanford; Seminole County; Slavia; SR 44; St. Johns River; Wagner; Wekiva River; Wekiva Springs; Winter Park
Map of City of Sanford and Environs, 1926
Map of Seminole County, Florida, 1936
Tags: Altamonte Springs; Astor Grant; Cameron City; Chuluota; Clifton; country clubs; Forest City; Fort Reed; Fred T. Williams; Ft. Reed; Gabriella; Geneva; Ginderville; Goldenrod; Iowa City; Kolokee; Lake Harney; Lake Howell; Lake Jessup; Lake Mary; Lake Monroe; Levy Grant; Longwood; Markham; Miranda Grant; New Upsala; Osceola; Oviedo; Palm Springs; Paola; Philip R. Yonge Grant; Sanford; Seminole County; Slavia; St. Johns River; Wagner; Wekiva River; Winter Park
Map of Seminole County, Florida, 1954
Tags: Altamonte Springs; Astor Grant; Beck Hammock; Black Hammock; Cameron City; Chuluota; country clubs; Eureka Hammock; Florida State Road 44; Forest City; Fort Reed; Fred H. Williams; Gabriella; Geneva; Ginderville; Goldenrod; Iowa City; Kolokee; Lake Harney; Lake Howell; Lake Jessup; Lake Mary; Lake Monroe; Levy Grant; Longwood; Markham; Miranda Grant; New Upsala; Osceola; Oviedo; Palm Springs; Paola; Philip R. Yonge Grant; Sanford; Seminole County; Slavia; SR 44; St. Johns River; Wagner; Wekiva River; Wekiva Springs; Winter Park
Oral History of Garnett White
Tags: 10th Street; 7th Street; 9th Street; aluminum; American Cancer Society; automobiles; B.L. Perkins' Store; bass; bicycles; bikes; Bluitt Stevens; Bobbi Goff; Boy Scouts of America; butchers; Carl McWaters; cars; celery; Chase and Company; citrus; citrus groves; Crooms Academy of Information Technology; Downtown Sanford; Eagle Scouts; Ed White; Elizabeth Wigham; Elm Avenue; farmers; farming; First Federal Savings & Loan; Garnett White; Golden Rusty; golf caddies; Greater Sanford Regional Chamber of Commerce; Hall; Harriet; Harrington; high schools; Historical Society of Central Florida; icehouses; Jacobs; Jaycees; Joseph Morris; Joshua Coffin Chase; Judy White; Lake Monroe; Laurel Avenue; Linda McKnight Batman Oral History Project; Lyman High School; Mac Cleaver; metal drives; mites; Monroe; motor vehicles; muck; muck farms; Museum of Seminole County History; newspaper routes; newspapers; Ninth Street; oilers; Operation Deep Freeze; orlando; Oviedo High School; packing houses; paper boys; Paulette Casen; Paulette White; Pelham, Georgia; quartermasters; railroads; railways; Ransidey; real estate; real estate agents; real estate appraisal; real estate brokers; real estate licenses; recessions; Red Hill Groves; reefers; refrigeration; rubbers; rust mites; Sanford; Sanford Avenue; Sanford Grammar School; Sanford Jaycees; Sanford Junior Chamber of Commerce; Sanford Junior High School; Sanford-Seminole County Chamber of Commerce; Sanford-Seminole County Junior Chamber of Commerce; school lunches; Seminole County; Seminole High School; Seminole State College; Seventh Street; Southside Elementary; St. Augustine; Student Museum; Sydney Octavius Chase, Jr.; Sydney Octavius Chase, Sr.; Ted White; Tenth Street; The Florida Times-Union; The Sanford Herald; Triple S Groceteria; U.S. Navy; war effort; Winterville, Georgia; World War II; WWII
Palmetto Avenue, 1882
Oral History of Bobby Martin
Tags: alligators; American eels; Archie Smith; Bill Belleville; Black Hammock Fish Camp; boating the line; Bobby Martin; Camay soaps; catfish; catfish farming; catfish farms; catfishing; Cecil Dile; Clarence Coir; commercial fishermen; commercial fishing; Daniel Motta; Dog Track Road; eel pots; eeling; electrolysis action; fish; fish traps; fishers; fishing; fishing empty hooks; game wardens; gators; hoop nets; hyacinths; jump lining; Lake Harney; Lake Jesup; Lake Monroe; Longwood; monkey fishing; monkey machines; Mullet Lake Park; Museum of Seminole County History; oxidation; pesticides; poaching; pollution; Sanford; Sanford Boat Works & Marina; ship stores; shotgun houses; shrimp; shrimp trawls; shrimping; skip jacks; snails; SR 17-92; St. Johns River; State Road 17-92; stay lining; stingrays; Tampa; trot lines; Tuskawilla Road; Vietnam War; Waits' Fish House; Woodruff Creek
Oral History of Leonard Casselberry and Jane Casselberry
Tags: Altamonte Springs; Ask Mr. Foster; asparagus plumosus; azaleas; bandoliers; Belgian azaleas; Ben White Raceway; Bolles School; bomb chutes; Burnett; car racing; Casselberry; Casselberry Utilities; Chicago, Illinois; City of Winter Park Utilities; Cole, Julius; Cypress Gardens; Daniel Motta; Daytona 500; DeLand; dog racing; Dog Track Road; Douglas DC-3; Evergreen Cemetery; Fern Park Estates; ferneries; fernery; ferns; fertilizer mixing; fertilizers; Ford Club Coupe convertible; fragmentation bombs; gladiolas; Hattaway, Tally; Hibbard Casselberry; horse racing; horse tracks; horses; hotels; Jacksonville; Jane Casselberry; Julius Cole; Kim Nelson; Lake Concord; Lake Howell Road; Lake Maitland; Lake Monroe; Leonard Casselberry; Longwood; military schools; Northland Church; oak trees; Ocala; orange groves; orange trees; oranges; orlando; packinghouses; Palm Beach; parachutes; railway express; Sanford; Savannah Vickers; schools; Seminola Boulevard; Seminole County; Seminole Parking Drive; sewage; Target; U.S. Army; U.S. Navy; Via Tuscany; Volusia County; Winter Park; Winter Park High School; World War II; WWII
The Mayfair Inn Brochure
Tags: brochure; Lake Monroe; Mayfair Inn; New York Giants; resort; vacation
A History of Central Florida, Episode 26: Fishing Boats
Tags: 1st Street; A History of Central Florida; Anastasia Island; Arlington; Baldwin; Black Creek; Black Point; Bob Clarke; canoes; Chip Ford; Clark's Creek; Clay County; Clayton's Park; Dancy's; Daniel Velásquez; Doug Kelly; Durbin Creek; Ella Gibson; Eustis; Federal Point; First Street; fish; fish camp; fishermen; fishing; fishing boats; Florida's Fishing Legends and Pioneers; Fort Marion; Fruit Cove; Geneva; Green Cove Springs; Hart's Orange Grove; Hibernia; Hogarth's Landing; Jacksonville, Pensacola and Mobile Railroad; Julington Creek; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; Lady Lake; Lake Apopka; Lake County; Lake Dora; Lake Eustis; Lake Griffin; Lake Harris; Lake Jesup; Lake Monroe; Lake Weir; Lake Yale; lakes; Leesburg; Magnolia; Main Street; Mandarin; maps; Margaret; Marion County; Matanzas Inlet; Mayport; McGirts Creek; Middleburg; Moccasin Creek; Moses Creek; Moultrie Creek; Mount Dora; Museum of Geneva History; Native Americans; New Switzerland; North River; Ocklawaha River; OCRHC; Old Fort; orange county; Orange County Regional History Center; Orange Dale; Orange Mills; Pabloc Creek; Palatka; Phelan; Picolata; Putnam County; Read's Landing; Remmington Park; River of Lakes; rivers; Riverside; Robert Cassanello; Roce Creek; rowboats; Russell's Landing; Sanford; Sinies Creek; Six Mile Creek; St. Augustine; St. Augustine Inlet; St. Johns Bar; St. Johns Company; St. Johns Railroad; St. Johns River; St. Nicholas; T. Pulot; Tocoi; tourism; Umatilla; Vincent Fish Market; wet wells; WGHF; Whitestone; Whitney; Winter Garden; Winter Garden Heritage Foundation; Yellow Bluff
Early Settlers of Orange County, Florida: Reminiscent-Historic-Biographic
Tags: 149th Pennsylvania Volunteer Company D; 1st Regiment Florida Volunteer Infantry; 2nd Regiment; A. A. Stone and Son; Abrams & Bryan; Addison, Illinois; Alabama; Alachua; Alden; Alexander, Elise; Allen, Edbert; Altamonte; Altamonte Springs; Altamonte Springs Hotel; Amarillo, Texas; American Antiquarian; American Revoluation; Anderson County, South Carolina; Angier, Edna I.; Ansonia, Connecticut; Apopka; Apopka Bank; Apopka Board of Trade; Apopka City; Apopka Drainage Company; Arkansas; Article 19; Astor; Astor Hotel; Athens, Georgia; Atlanta, Georgia; Atlantic City, New Jersey; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company; Augusta, Georgia; Back to the Soil; Baltimore College; Bank of Oakland; Barber, Andrew J.; Barber, Joseph A.; Barber, Maggie S. Simmons; Battle Creek, Michigan; Battle of Gettysburg; Battle of Shiloh; Battle of Vicksburg; Beck, Nannie Woodruff; Bedford County, Virginia; Beecher, Thomas K.; Beeman, H. L.; Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks; Berry, Jeane V.; Berry, Thomas W.; Berry, W. T.; Bingham School; Bird, Mary A.; Blakely, William P.; Blanchard, Charles; Blitz, J. M.; Board of Trade; Bogy Creek; Boone, C. A.; Boone's Early Orange; Boston, Massachusetts; Bradshaw; Bradshaw, Elise Alexander; Bradshaw, John Neill; Branche's Book Store; Brockton, Massachusetts; Brunswick, Georgia; Buck Horn Academy; Buck Tails; Buffalo, New York; Bullock; Burlington, Indiana; Burritt College; C. A. Boone and Company; Caldwell, C. V.; Calhoun County, Michigan; California; Cameron, Texas; Camp Monroe; Carnell, Willie; Carothers, Alice Bennett; Carson and Newman College; Carter; Center Township, Pennsylvania; Central Avenue; Chalmette, Louisiana; Chapman; Chapman, E. G.; Chapman, Foster; Chapman, John C.; Chapman, John T.; Chapman, Mattie P.; Chapman, R. Ethelyn; Chapman, Thomas A.; Chapman, William A.; Charleston Block; Chase Grove; Chasel Graves, James W.; Cheney & Odlin; Cheney, J. M.; Chicago, Illinois; China Grove; Church Street; Cincinnati Commercial; Citizens' National Bank of Orlando; citrus; Civil War; Clark County, Indiana; Clay Spring; Clay springs; Clerwater, Minnesota; Clouser, C. A.; Clouser, J. B.; Coacoochee; Cobb County, Georgia; Cockney; Coffee, John; Collins, Ailsey; Colorado; Columbia County; Columbia, Mississippi; Comanche, Oklahoma; Commandery; Como, Tennessee; Cones, Elliot; Confederacy; Confederate Army; Congress; Constitution; Conway; Conyers Academy; Conyers, Georgia; Cook's Ferry; Council Oak; County Antrim; county commissioner; Covington, Georgia; Cracker culture; Crawford, George W.; Crawfordville, Georgia; Creek Indians; Creeks; Crisey & Norris; Crown Point; Crown Point, Indiana; Cuba; Curtis & O'Neal; Curtis, Fletcher & O'Neal; Dade County; Dann Real Estate Agency; Dann, R. Edgar; Danville, Pennsylvania; Davidson College; Davis, E. H.; Davis, Frank H.; Davis, Mary; Demans, P. A.; Devlin, Minnie Elizabeth; Dickenson, Cynthia Ann Roberta; Dillard, J. L.; District School Trustees; Dixie; Dolive, W. L.; Dollins, Alice J. Rushing; Dollins, Alice Strickland; Dollins, Carl W.; Dollins, Hugh; Dollins, Hugh D.; Dollins, Kellie Rushing; Dollins, L. J.; Dollins, Mary; Dollins, Thomas A.; Dr. Stark; Dreer's; Dubuque, Iowa; Duke, James K.; Duke, Mary Kerr; Dule West, South Carolina; DuPage County, Illinois; Eastman's Business College; Efurt, Thuringia, Germany; Elizabethtown, New Jersey; Elks Club; Elm Grove Academy; Elmire Female College; Emmett, Michigan; Empire Hotel; England; Erksine College; Eureka; Everglades; Ewing, Earl W.; Ewing, Willie Carnell; Fairfield; Farrel Iron Foundry; FEC; Fernandez, Hallie G.; Fernandez, Henry Gore; Fifth New Hampshire Regiment; Fifth Tennessee Infantry; First Baptist Church of Orlando; First National Bank of Cameron; First Presbyterian Church of Orlando; Fleming; Flemming, Francis P.; Florida; Florida Association of Architects; Florida Board of Architecture; Florida Citrus Exchange; Florida Cracker; Florida Midland Railroad; Florida Railroad Commission; Florida State Legislature; Florida State Senate; Fogg, N. H.; Ford Estate; Forest; Forst house; Fort Christmas; Fort Gatlin; Fort Mellon; Fort Myers; Fort Reed; France; Francis, Margaret M.; Franklin County, Tennessee; freemason; freeze; Fruit Growers' Association; Fudge, James; Gadsen County; Gainesville; Gainesville, Alabama; Galia County, Ohio; Gallowy, Nannie; Gardner, Maine; Garrett, Hardy; General Florida Statutes; Georgia; Georgia University; Giles, Edna Adelima; Giles, James L.; Giles, Leroy B.; Gore, Mahlon; Gotha; Gotha, Germany; Grand Theatre; Grant, Ulysses S.; Graves, Anna L.; Graves, Arthur F; Graves, George T.; Graves, Helen Louise; Graves, I. W.; Graves, James W.; Graves, Minnie M.; Great Freeze; Greek architecture; Greeley; Greensboro, Alabama; Greenwood; Griffin, :Lawrence Jefferson; Griffin, Able; Griffin, Benjamin Luther; Griffin, Helen; Griffin, Henrietta E.; Griffin, Hilda; Griffin, John W.; Griffin, Rebekah Wilcox; Griffin, Samuel S.; Griffin, Stanley S.; Griffin, Willie L. Vick; Griffin, Yancey R.; Grundy County, Illinois; Guilford, Connecticut; Guinnett County, Georgia; Guyette County, Georgia; Gwinnett County, Georgia; Halifax County, North Caroline; Halstead, Murat; Hand, C. M.; Hand, Carey; Hand, Charlie M.; Hand, Elijah; Hand, Harry E.; Hand, Henry; Happersett, S. H.; Happersett, Stella Alcesta Rollins; Harlem, Illinois; Harrisburg High School; Harrison, Minnie Odella; Havana, Illinois; Heard National Bank of Jacksonville; Henck, E. W.; Herd County, Georgia; Hernando County; Hertford County, North Carolina; Hill, Ben; Hill, W. J.; Hillsboro, Tennessee; Hiwassee College; Hoffner, Charles H.; Hoffner, Edna I. Angier; Hoffner, Harry A.; Holshouser, Cynthia Ann Roberta Dickenson; Holshouser, Linnie Wilkins; Home Guards; Homestead; Honduras; Hoole, James L.; Hoosier Springs Grove; House of Representatives; Houston, Texas; Howard, Clarence E.; Howard's Grove, Wisconsin; Hudnal, Edward; Hudson; Hudson Battery; Hudson, Alfred B.; Hughey, J. P.; Hughey, John; Hull, Emily Harriett; Hull, William Benjamin; Hupple, Bernhart; Hupple, Friederika; Hyers, T. G.; Illinois; Indian architecture; Indian River; Indian River, Georgia; Ireland; Irmer, Lillian Maguire; Iron Bridge; Ironton, Ohio; Italy; J. B. Clouser and company; Jackson; Jackson, Helen Augusta; Jackson, Joseph; Jacksonvile; Jefferson City, Tennessee; Jerome, H.; Jerome, R. P.; John Hopkins Hospital; Johnson, Joseph, E.; Jones, John W.; Jones, W. S.; Journegan; Kendrick; Kentucky; Kerr, John P; Kerr, Margaret; Kerr, Mary; Kerr, Sarah Howard; Killingworth, Connecticut; Kilmer, Washington; Kincaid, M. C.; King Philip; King, Murray S.; Kirkwood; Kissimmee; Knights of Pythias; Knights Templar; Krez, Conrad; Kunz, George f.; Lake Apopka; Lake Butler; Lake Charity; Lake Conway; Lake Eola; Lake Faith; Lake Hope; Lake Howell; Lake Jessamine; Lake Monroe; Lake Osceola; Lakeland; Lakeview Cemetery; Laughlin, Frances; Lebanon, Ohio; Lee County, Texas; Lee University; Lee, A.; Lewis, Arthur A.; Lewis, Grace; Lewis, James M.; Lewis, Joseph M.; Lewter, Elva jouett; Lewter, Frederick Augustus; Lewter, Frederick Augustus, Jr.; Lewter, Irma; Lewter, Jewell; Lewter, John T.; Lewter, Laura Louise; Lewter, Linnie Wilkins Holshouser; Lewter, Mary Davis; Lewter, Medora Inex; Lewter, Robert Dickenson; Lewter, Roberta; Lewter, William Ferderick; Lewter, Zelma Kight; Lightwood Camp; Litchfield; Lockhart; Loganville, Georgia; London, England; Longwood; Longwood Hotel; Lord, Charles; Louisville, Kentucky; Loveless, Harry; Lovell House; Lucerne Circle; Lucerne Theatre; Lumsden, H. A.; Luther, E.; Luther, Martin; Lynch, William Brigham; MacDonald, Robert; Macon, Georgia; Madison, James; Magnolia Avenue; Magnolia Hotel; Magruder, C. B.; Magruder, James Bailey; Maguire, Charles Hugh; Maguire, David O.; Maguire, Fred H.; Maguire, J. O.; Maguire, Lillian; Maguire, Margaret M.Francis; Maguire, Rayner F.; Maguire, Thomas C; Maguire, Washington University; Main Street; Maine; Maitland; Manchester High School; Manchester, New Hampshire; Marion County; Marks; Martin, Matthew; Martin, William; Maryland; Mason; Masonic Lodge; Masons; Massey & Warlow; Massey & Willcox; Massey, Keating & Willcox; Massey, L. C.; Massey, Louis C.; Matchett, J. W.; Mathews, Monroe; McAdow, Marian A.; McKinley, William; Meadows; Mecca; Mellen, Charles; Mellonville; Mercer University; Methodist Episcopal Church, South; Metropolitan Museum of Arts; Miles, Elizabeth J.; Miller, A. C.; Mills; Minor, Tyrannus J.; Missionary Baptist Church; Mitchell; Mizell, Joshua; Monroe; Moore County, Tennessee; Moore's Business College; Mosquito County; Mount Olivet Cemetery; Murfreesboro, North Carolina; Murphy, North Carolina; Muscatine, Iowa; Muzzy Eva L.; Muzzy, Eden; Nashville, Tennessee; Nassaua; National Guard of Florida; Native Birds of Song and Beauty; Nehrling, Carl; Nehrling, Elizabeth Ruge; Nehrling, Henry; Neill, John L.; Neill, Sarah Clay; New Mexico; New Orleans, Louisiana; New Smyrna, Florida; New York; Newton, A. B.; Newton, Alice Bennett Carothers; Newton, Isaac; Newton, Minnie Odella Harrison; Niemeyer, F. J.; North Carolina; North Carolina University; Northampton County, North Carolina; O'Neal, William R.; Oak Lodge; Oak Ridge; Oakland; Ocoee; Odd Fellows; Odlin, L.; Ohio; Orange Avenue; Orange Belt Railroad; orange county; Orange County Board of Commissioners; Orange County Board of Public Instruction; Orange County Court; Orange County Criminal Court; Orange County Democratic Executive Committee; Orange County Fair Association; Orange County Pioneers' Association; Orange County School Board; Orange County, North Carolina; oranges; orlando; Orlando Bank and Trust Company; Orlando Board of Trade; Orlando Coast Line Railroad; Orlando Country Club; Orlando Driving Park Association; Orlando Electric Lighting; Orlando High School; Orlando Telephone Company; Orlando Water company; Osborn, L. C.; Osceola; Osceola County; Overstreet Crate Company; Overstreet Turpentine Company; Overstreet, Elizabeth; Overstreet, Hazel; Overstreet, Mildred; Overstreet, Moses M.; Overstreet, R. Ethelyn; Overstreet, Rachel E.; Overstreet, Robert T.; Palatka; Palm Beach; Palm Cottage; Palmer, Jerome; Palmer, W. L.; Palmer, Willis L.; Panola County, Mississippi; Paris, Tennessee; Parramore, Minnie M. Grave; Patrick, W. A.; Pennfeld, Michigan; Pennington Grove; Pennsylvania; People's Party; Peoples Bank of Sanford; Peoples National Bank of Orlando; Perry County, Pennsylvania; Pettus Artillery; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Pickens; Pigue; Pike County, Mississippi; Pine Castle; Pine Street; Plant City; Plymouth; Porter, Dwight D.; Pughkeepsie, New York; R. H. White Dry Goods Company; Randolph Peninsula; Rawlins, Anna L. Grave; Rawls, E. Judson; Reasoner Brothers; Richmond College; Richmond, Virginia; Roanoke, Virginia; Roberts, Alice J.; Robinson Avenue; Robinson Spring; Robinson, Samuel Austin; Rock Ledge, Georgia; Rollins College; Rollins, Florida Estelle; Rollins, Helen; Rollins, Helen Augusta Jackson; Rollins, John H.; Rollins, Stella Alcesta; Roman architecture; Roosevelt, Theodore; Roper; Roper, Alice; Royal and Select Master Masons of Florida; Royal Arch Masons; Rushing, Kellie; Russell County, Alabama; Rutland's Ferry; Sadler, Alice L.; Sadler, Anna E.; Sadler, John H.; Sadler, Minnie M. Tilden; Salem, Michigan; Saline County, Illinois; Sanford; Sanford High School; Saulsbury, North Carolina; Saunders-Massey, Elizabeth M.; Savannah, Georgia; Schohant, New York; Sea Island cotton; Seaboard Coast Air Line Railroad; Searcy, James; Searcy, John Neill; Searcy, Robert; Searcy, Sarah Clay Neill; Secession Convention; Secoffee; Second Seminole War; Seegar, S. J. T.; Seminole County; Seminole County Bank; Seminole County Sheriff; Seminole Hotel Company of Winter Park; Seminole Indians; Seminole Wars; Seminoles; Senate; Sentinel Printing; settlers; Shakespeare, William; Shannon, Mississippi; Sheboggan County, Wiscosin; Shelbyville, Indiana; Sherman; Shiloh; Shine, Elizabeth Agnes; Simmons, Maggie S.; Simpson, William; Sims Grove; Sims, B. M.; Sims, Eugene O.; Sims, J. Walter; Smith, Elizabeth J. Miles; Smith, Walter; Smith, William; South Apopka; South Apopka Supply Company; South Carolina; South Florida Fair Association; South Florida Foundry and Machine Company; South Florida Railroad; South Lake Apopka Citrus Growers' Association; Southern Express Company; Spanish Mission architecture; Spanish-American War; Sparkman; Speer; Speer, A.; Speer, Alice Roper; Speer, Gertrude K.; Speer, J. G.; Speer, James P.; Speer, Jason P.; Speer, Sidney; Speer, William; Spencer County, Tennessee; St. Augustine; St. Johns County; St. Johns River; State Bank of Orlando; Staunton, Virginia; Steinmetz, John B.; Stevens County, Oklahoma; Stewart, J. C.; Stone, A. A.; Stone, Alvord Alonzo; Stone, L. L.; Stone, Lovell Lazell; Strickland, Alice; Strong, Edward Malten; Sub-Tropical Mid-Winter Exposition; Summer Street; Summerlin Hotel; Summerlin House; Swedes; Sweeney, Robert; Switzerland; T. J. Minor and Brother; Taft, William H.; Talbot County, Georgia; Tallahassee; Tampa; Tampa & Gulf Railroad; Taylor Safe Manufacturing Company; Telfair County, Georgia; Tennessee; Texas; Thayer, Jessie M.; The Arcade; The Auk; The Citizen; The Jacksonville Times-Union; The Lodge; The Orange County citizen; The Orange County Reporter; The Orlando Reporter-Star; The Orlando Star; The Reporter-Star; The Seminole; The Sentinel; The Tampa Tribune; Thompson, Albert; Thompson, Dexter C.; Three Graces Lakes; Tiedkie; Tilden; Tilden, L. F.; Tilden, Minnie M.; Titusville; Toronto, Canada; Town Herman, Wisconsin; Trammell, Park; Tullahoma, Tennessee; Turner, Anna Belle; Tuscaloosa County, Alabama; Tyner, C. R.; Union; University Law School; University of Pennsylvania; Vanderbilt; Vermont; Vick, J. H.; Vick, Willie L.; Vicksburg; Virginia; Wakalla, South Carolina; Wallerfield Sarah A.; Walton, Edwin S.; Warlow, T. Picton; Warnell Lumber Company; Warnell Lumber company Millers; Washington Place; Washington, D. C.; Watkins Block; Watson; Weathersbee, Allen; Wekiva River; Wekiwa River; Wekiwa Springs; Welaka; West Virginia; White, W. G.; Whitner, J. N.; Wiggs, Annie B.; Wilcox County, Georgia; Wilcox, Mark; Wilcox, Rebekah; Winter Garden; Winter Garden Water and Light Company; Winter Park; Wisconsin Men of Progress; Witherington, Anna Belle Turner; Witherington, H. H.; Woodruff & Watson; Woodruff, Ailsey Collins; Woodruff, Elizabeth Agnes Shine; Woodruff, Emma; Woodruff, Frank; Woodruff, Frank L.; Woodruff, Minnie Elizabeth Devlin; Woodruff, Nannie Galloway; Woodruff, Seth; Woodruff, Seth W.; Woodruff, W. W. W.; Woodruff, William W.; World's Fair; Yowell-Duckworth Building; Yulee Railroad; Zellwood
Program of the Board of Supervisors of the Seminole Soil and Water Conservation District, 1963
Tags: abandoned flowing wells; agricultural development; agriculture; artesian water; beans; beef cattle; birds; Black Hammock; cabbage; carrots; celery; Charles A. Wales; chlorides; citrus; conservation; corn; cropland; drainage; egg production; Elbert Cammack; environmental protection; erosion; farmers; farming; flowing wells; Geneva; industrial development; irrigation; Jack Dodd; Lake Harney; Lake Jessup; Lake Monroe; lakes; land development; land use; leguminous cover crops; lettuce; livestock; nemeatodes; overgrazing; pasture development; ponds; poultry; poultry farms; Puzzle Lake; Ralph Hammond; recreation; recreational land; row crops; Sanford; Sanford Junior High School; Seminole County; Seminole Soil and Water Conservation District; soil; Soil and Conservation Service; soil depletion; SSCD; SSWCD; St. Johns River; streams; U.S. Department of Agriculture; USDA; vegetables; W. W. Linz; water; water control; Wells; wildlife; wind
Georgetown Pathways to History Project Heritage Marker #3
Tags: ACL; African Americans; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad; Battle of Camp Monroe; Bay Avenue; Belair Grove; celery; Celery City; Charles Mellon; Charleston; citrus; Coxetter, L. M.; enterprises; farm labor; Farm Placement Service; Florida Industrial Commission; Fort Mellon; Frederick DeBary; freezes; George R. Foster; Georgetown; Georgetown Pathways to History Project; Great Freeze of 1894-1895; Henry Shelton Sanford; Historic Markers; Indian River; Jacksonville; L. M. Coxetter; Lake Monroe; Mellonville; Ocklawaha River; orlando; Pathways to History; Patricia Ann Black; Patricia Ann Black Bigham; Pilgrim Black; railroads; Sanford; Sanford Avenue; Sanford Museum; Savannah; Second Seminole War; Seminole Wars; SFR; South Florida Railroad; St. Johns River; Starlight; steamboats; steamers; steamships; Tampa; The Gate City of South Florida; U.S. Army; U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare; U.S. Department of Labor; U.S. Employment Service; Wayne County, New York
Map of Orange County, Florida, 1890
Tags: Apopka; Apopka Sawgrass; Big Sand Lake; cadastral map; Chuluota; Conway; E. W. Smith & Company; Fries, J. Otto; Gabriella; Glen Ethel; Gotha; Lake Apopka; Lake Charm; Lake Harney; Lake Jessup; Lake Monroe; Longwood; Maitland; map; McKinnon; Monroe; orange county; orlando; Oviedo; Palm Spring; Paola; Pine Castle; Plymouth; Sanford; Seminole County; surveyor map; Sylvan Lake; Upsala; Wilcox; Winter Park; Zellwood
Elegant Visitor
Tags: boat; Bob Frey; Fort Pierce; harbor; Lake Monroe; marina; Sanford; St. Johns River; The The Sentinel Star; yacht
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 22: Hannibal Square
Tags: African American; African American community; African American neighborhood; Chambliss, Julian C.; Chapman, Oliver; Chase, Loring A.; citrus; citrus grove; citrus industry; City of Winter Park; college; cracker; Cravero, Geoffrey; Democrat; Democratic Party; documentary; Eatonville; Fountain of Youth; gentrification; GOP; Grand Old Party; Hannibal Square; Hannibal Square Heritage Center; Henderson, Gus C.; Hungerford Vocational High School; Hurston, Zora Neale; incorporation; Jacksonville; labor; Lake Monroe; liberal arts college; Livingston, Fairolyn; Maitland; Miami; orange; orange grove; orange industry; Özoğlu, Hakan; podcast; race relations; railroad; Republican; Republican Party; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; Rollins College; Sanford; segregation; Seminole Hotel; snowbird; St. Johns River; Town Council; Town of Winter Park; upper class; voter; voting; Winter Garden; Winter Haven; Winter Park
Program of the Seminole Soil Conservation District, 1948
Tags: artesian water; artesian well; asparagus, Boston ferns, water; beef; black bass; bream; C. A. Wales; cattle; celery; census; Chase and Company; citrus; conservation; controlled burning; dairy; drainage; environmental protection; erosion; farm ponds; farmers; farming; farms; fire protection; fishing; Florida Experiment Station; forestry; grazing; Hairy Indigo; hay; hogs; irrigation; lake basins; Lake Jessup; Lake Monroe; land use; leaching; livestock; Oviedo; pasture development; pine timber; R.F. Cooper; R.T. Milwee; reforestation; saline; Sanford; Seminole County; Seminole Soil and Water Conservation District; Sidney A. Stubbs; sink holes; soil; Soil and Conservation Service; soils legend; SSCD; SSWCD; St. Johns River; T.L. Lingo; Tom McLain, Jr.; truck crops; U.S. Department of Agriculture; USDA; water control; Wekiva River; wildlife; woodland management
Fourth of July Celebration Along Commercial Street in Sanford
Sanford House Hotel Park
Sanford House Hotel Park
Back of Steamship Osceola
Steamship Osceola
Water Hyacinths Near Sanford
Tags: Lake Monroe; Osceola; Riverboat; St. Johns; St. Johns River; steamboat
Boat Dock Near Sanford
Tags: boat dock; Lake Monroe; Osceola; Riverboat; St. Johns River; steamboat
Sanford Riverfront, 2011
Inland Canal and River Port
Tags: boats; canal; Lake Monroe; port; riverfront; St. Johns
Big Ice Plant
Tags: Beardall Avenue; Carlson, Carl; Carlson, Charlie C.; Carlson, Charlie, Sr.; Dutton Packing House; Dutton, F. F.; French Ave.; French Avenue; ice plant; Lake Monroe; Model T; Model T flatbed truck; Model T truck; Mountain Ice; Mountain Ice Co.; Mountain Ice Company; Mountain Ice Company of Chicago; Rand Yard; Rand Yard Ice House; Rand Yard Rd.; Rand Yard Road; refrigeration; Sipes Ave; Sipes Avenue; When Celery Was King
Oral History of Peter Newman
Tags: 1st Street; A. Newton; African Americans; Barbara Farrell; Bram Towers; Celery Bowl; Celery Soup: Florida's Folk Life Play; Coconut Grove; Colquitt, Georgia; community theaters; Creative Sanford, Inc.; Crooms Academy; Crooms High School; doctors; Douglas Strenstrom; Downtown Orlando; Elmer Baggs; First Street; Florida Highway; folk plays; George H. Starke; George Michael Zimmerman; George Zimmerman; Harry T. Moore; Harry Tyson Moore; Henry Shelton Sanford; highwayman; highwaymen; Holy Cross Episcopal Church; Jeanine Taylor; Lake Monroe; Laura Donaldson; Luticia Lee; Mark Miller; Marlene Baggs; Mayfair Country Club; moonshine; NAACP; Nancy Ford; Nancy Harris; NAS Sanford; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; Naval Air Station Sanford; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; Perry Eschelberg; Peter Newman; physicians; playwrights; playwriting; Princess Theater; race relations; Rain Man; Remade - Not Bought; rolling pins; Sanford; SCC; segregation; Seminole Community College; Seminole County; Seminole High School; Seminole State College; Serenity Towers; SSC; Swamp Gravy: Georgia's Official Folk-Life Play; Tea and Tell; theaters; theatre; Time Magazine; Tommy Saunders; Touch and Go; Trayvon Benjamin Martin; Trayvon Martin; UCF; University of Central Florida; Walt Disney World; Will Saunders