Browse Items (66 total)
- Tags: teachers
"Grandfather's Waltz" by The Jazz Professors
Tags: alto saxophones; alto saxophonists; bass guitarists; bass guitars; bebop; Bill Evans; Bobby Koelble; CAH; College of Arts and Humanities; Drexler; drummers; drums; educators; Flying Horse Records; Frederick Eugene John Lees; Gene Lees; Grandfather's Waltz; higher education; jazz; jazz ensembles; jazz guitars; jazz pianists; jazz pianos; jazz trombones; jazz trombonists; Jeff Rupert; Lasse Farnlof; Marty Morrell; Michael Wilkinson; musicians; National Public Radio; NPR; orlando; PBS; Per Danielsson; professors; radio; radio stations; Richard; Stan Getz; Stan Getz & Bill Evans; Stanley Getz; teachers; tenor saxophones; tenor saxophonists; The Jazz Professors; UCF; University of Central Florida; William John Evans; WUCF; WUCF-FM
"Lover Man" by The Jazz Professors
Tags: alto saxophones; alto saxophonists; bass guitarists; bass guitars; bebop; Billie Holiday; Bobby Koelble; CAH; College of Arts and Humanities; Drexler; drummers; drums; educators; Eleanora Fagan; Flying Horse Records; James Edward Davis; James Sherman; jazz; jazz ensembles; jazz guitars; jazz pianists; jazz pianos; jazz standards; jazz trombones; jazz trombonists; Jeff Rupert; Jimmy Davis; Lover Man; Marty Morrell; Michael Wilkinson; music; musicians; National Public Radio; NPR; orlando; PBS; Per Danielsson; professors; Public Broadcasting Service; radio; radio stations; Ram Ramirez; Richard; Roger J. Ramirez; teachers; tenor saxophones; tenor saxophonists; The Jazz Professors; UCF; University of Central Florida; WUCF-FM
"My Favorite Memory of Oviedo Is..." by Sarah Thorncroft
"My Shining Hour" by The Jazz Professors
Tags: Academy Awards; alto saxophones; alto saxophonists; bass guitarists; bass guitars; bebop; Bobby Koelble; CAH; College of Arts and Humanities; drummers; drums; educators; Flying Horse Records; Harold Arlen; higher education; jazz; jazz ensembles; jazz guitars; jazz pianists; jazz pianos; jazz trombones; jazz trombonists; Jeff Rupert; John Herndon Mercer; Johnny Mercer; Marty Morrell; Michael Wilkinson; music; musicians; My Shining Hour; National Public Radio; NPR; orlando; PBS; Per Danielsson; professors; Public Broadcasting Service; radio; radio stations; Richard Drexler; teachers; tenor saxophones; tenor saxophonists; The Jazz Professors; The Sky's Limit; UCF; University of Central Florida; WUCF; WUCF-FM
"One by One" by The Jazz Professors
Tags: alto saxophones; alto saxophonists; Art Blakely; Art Blakey's Jazz Messengers; Arthur Blakely; bass guitarists; bass guitars; bebop; Bobby Koelble; CAH; College of Arts and Humanities; college professors; Drexler; drummers; drums; educators; Flying Horse Records; guitar; higher education; jazz; jazz ensembles; jazz guitarists; jazz guitars; jazz pianists; jazz pianos; jazz trombones; jazz trombonists; Jeff Rupert; Marty Morell; Michael Wilkinson; music; musicians; National Public Radio; NPR; One by One; orlando; PBS; Per Danielsson; Public Broadcasting Service; radio stations; radios; saxophone; saxophonist; Shorter, Wayne; teacher; teachers; tenor saxophone; tenor saxophonist; The Jazz Messengers; The Jazz Professors; UCF; Ugetsu; University of Central Florida; WUCF-FM
"Soul Eyes" by The Jazz Professors
Tags: alto saxophones; alto saxophonists; bass guitarists; bass guitars; bebop; Bobby Koelble; CAH; College of Arts and Humanities; Drexler; drummers; drums; educators; Flying Horse Records; higher education; Interplay for 2 Trumpets and 2 Tenors; jazz; jazz ensembles; jazz guitars; jazz pianists; jazz pianos; jazz standards; jazz trombones; jazz trombonists; Jeff Rupert; John Coltrane; John William Coltrane; Mal Waldron; Malcolm Earl Waldron; Marty Morrell; Michael Wilkinson; music; musicians; National Public Radio; NPR; orlando; PBS; Per Danielsson; Prestige All Stars; professors; Public Broadcasting Service; radio; radio stations; Richard; Soul Eyes; teachers; tenor saxophones; tenor saxophonists; The Jazz Professors; UCF; University of Central Florida; WUCF; WUCF-FM
"This is for Albert" by The Jazz Professors
Tags: Abdullah Ibn Buhaina; alto saxophones; alto saxophonists; Art Blakey; Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers; Arthur Blakey; bass guitarists; bass guitars; bebop; Bobby Koelble; CAH; Caravan; College of Arts and Humanities; Drexler; drummers; drums; educators; Flying Horse Records; higher education; jazz; jazz ensembles; jazz guitars; jazz pianists; jazz pianos; jazz trombones; jazz trombonists; Jeff Rupert; Marty Morrell; Michael Wilkinson; music; musicians; National Public Radio; NPR; orlando; PBS; Per Danielsson; professors; Public Broadcasting Service; radio; radio stations; Richard; Rupert, Jeff; teachers; tenor saxophones; tenor saxophonists; The Jazz Messengers; The Jazz Professors; This is for Albert; UCF; University of Central Florida; Wayne Shorter; WUCF-FM
"Two Bats" by The Jazz Professors
Tags: alto saxophones; alto saxophonists; bass guitarists; bass guitars; bebop; Bobby Koelble; CAH; College of Arts and Humanities; drummers; drums; educators; Flying Horse Records; higher education; jazz; jazz ensembles; jazz guitars; jazz pianists; jazz pianos; jazz trombone; jazz trombones; jazz trombonists; Jeff Rupert; Marty Morrell; Michael Wilkinson; musicians; National Public Radio; NPR; orlando; PBS; Per Danielsson; professors; Public Broadcasting Service; radio; radio stations; Richard Drexler; teachers; tenor saxophones; tenor saxophonists; The Jazz Professors; Two Bats; UCF; University of Central Florida; WUCF; WUCF-FM
"Yes or No" by The Jazz Professors
Tags: alto saxophones; alto saxophonists; bass guitarists; bass guitars; bebop; Bobby Koelble; CAH; College of Arts and Humanities; drummers; drums; educators; Flying Horse Records; higher education; jazz; jazz ensembles; jazz guitars; jazz pianists; jazz pianos; jazz trombones; jazz trombonists; Jeff Rupert; JuJu; Marty Morrell; Michael Wilkinson; music; musicians; National Public Radio; NPR; orlando; PBS; Per Danielsson; professors; Public Broadcasting Service; radio; radio stations; Richard Drexler; teachers; tenor saxophones; tenor saxophonists; The Jazz Musicians; UCF; University of Central Florida; Wayne Shorter; WUCF-FM; Yes or No
Annual Report of School Progress for Sanford Grammar School, 1977-1978
Tags: Adams; Agnes Burnsed; Agnes Fields; Allean Jeffords; Altamonte Mall; Annual Report of School Progress; Anrucles; Beau Taylor; Beverly Schwitzer; Blue Springs; California Test of Basic Skills; career education; CETA Program; Changing Education Through the Arts; Circus World; Clay C. Carroll; Commissioner of Educations; compensatory education; CTBS; Derek Martin; Diane Copeland; Dreathea Smith; ECE; economics education; Educable Mentally Handicapped; elementary schools; Elizabeth B. Neiman; Elsa Caskey; EMH; environmental center; Eva Tisdale; Evelyn Mayes; Exceptional Child Education; Family Relations; field trips; Florida State Accreditation Standards; Florida Statewide Assessment; Fort Mellon Park; Foster, Susan; Frances Kaleel; FTU; grammar schools; Hazel M. Warren; Henry Ellis; Holiday House; Jacqueline Becker; Janet Druckenmiller; Jean Eldredge; Jeanie Mikles; John Young Museum and Planetarium; Karen Rauth; kindergarten; language arts education; Linda Bose; Linda Denison; Loch Haven Art Center; Mablel Chapmen; March of Dimes; Margo Hull; Mary L. Cook; mathematics education; Metropolitan Readiness; Nancy Freeman; Narie Martin; Nathaniel Williams; Norma Goethe; Parent-Teach Association; parents; Phyllis Fondren; physical education; playgrounds; population; President's Physical Fitness Program; primary education; principals; PTA; PTE; Read-A-Thon; reading education; Rita Mann; Robert T. Fox; Safety Patrol System; Sanford; Sanford Fire Department; Sanford Grammar School; Sanford Middle School; Sanford Plaza Theatre; Sara Teitch; Sarah Cramer; School Advisory Committee; school discipline; school dividends; school safety; science education; Scott Carnell; SCPS; SeaWorld; Seminole Big Tree Park; Seminole County Public Schools; Seminole County School District Master In-Service Training Plan; Seminole Memorial Hospital; Send a Mouse to College; Seventh Street; Silver Springs; SLD; social studies education; Southern Bell Telephone Company; special education; Specific Learning Disabilities; students; Susan Foster; teacher aides; teachers; The Lion; The Orlando Sentinel Star; Ulysses Ward; United Fund; Willie Agnes Fields; writing education; zoos
Cher-O-Key (May 17, 1929)
Tags: 6th grade; 8th grade; 9th grade; Arrangement in Grey and Black No. 1; banquet; Barnett, Robert; baseball; Bersts, Winifred; Beuchler, Belle; Bird, Joe; Board of Education; Boggs, Robert; Bray, Clara; Broadbent; Brown; Carter; Catledge, Norman; Chabot, Octavia; Cher-O-Key; Cherokee Junior High School; Cherokee School; citizen; Constitution; Cox, Robert; dancing club; Davis, Billy; decathlon; Delaney Street School; Dye, Charles; Echols; eighth grade; Elkhorn, Lester; Everett, Emory; Ford; Gilbert, bob; Girl Reserves; Glace; Glee Club; Glover, Meadows; Grand Avenue Elementary; Grant, Curtis; Greer, Charles; Hage, Allen; Harney, Margaret; Henderson, Cox, Lawson; Hillcrest Grammar School; honor society; Johnson, Elizabeth; Joiner, C. J.; Jones; journalism; Journalism Club; junior high school; Karst, Arthur; Kazarosian, Shan; Klne, Jack; Lake Gatlin; Laverty, Beulah; Lawson, Richard; Lerch, Ruth; Manson, Helen; McEwan, Dorothy; McGarity, William; McKinnon, Carolyn; Memorial Gym; Meyer; Meyer, Betty; Mitchell; Mothers and Daughters Banquet; Mothers Day; Murphy, Frank; Myer; Neal, Lucille; newspaper; Nichols, Thomas; ninth grade; O'Berg, Gilbert; orange county; orlando; Parent-Teacher Association; Parker, Barbara; Parker, Lannas; Peral, Thomas; Pettay, Jean; Pillow, Maud Ola; Powers, Ormond; practical arts club; Price, Harry; PTA; Routh, Florida; school; school newspaper; sewing club; sixth grade; soccer; students; Taylor, Connie; teachers; tennis; That Wonderful Mother of Mine; Thompson; track and field; Trimble, Betty; Turner, Stewart; Way, Yulee; West Central Elementary; Whistler, James McNeill; Whistler's Mother; Williams, Bob; Williams, Champ; Williams, Fred; Woolworth, Bob; YMCA; Young Men's Christian Association
Clare Gortez's Fifth Grade Class at Sanford Grammar School, 1920-1921
Tags: 5th grade; 7th Street; elementary schools; Evelyn Moffett; fifth grade; Gene Adams; Glare Gortez; grammar schools; Harriett Rossitor; Helen Jenkins; Irene Brandit; Jessie Neeley; L. P. Hogan; Maggie Lynch; Moffett, Evelyn; Pearl Robinson; Sanford; Sanford Grammar School; Seventh Street; students; teachers
Class at Sanford Grammar School, 1929
Dr. Mary Jane McLeod Bethune
Edna Chittenden's Fifth Grade Class at Sanford Grammar School, 1921-1922
Elizabeth Boyd's Experiences as Itinerant Librarian at Sanford Grammar School
Tags: elementary schools; Elizabeth Boyd; Florida Legislature; Florida State College for Women; Freeman Baggett; FSCW; grammar schools; head librarians; itinerant librarians; libraries; library; Rollins College; Sanford; Sanford Grammar School; Seminole County School Board; Seminole High School; Southside Elementary School; Stetson University; teachers; UF; University of Florida; University of South Florida; USF; Westside Grammar Elementary School
Florida’s Purge: The Johns Committee Witch Hunt
Tags: Aaron Hosé; Adams Street; Adrien Mills; Advanced Documentary Workshop; African Americans; Alex Boyce; Alex Wood; Allyson Beutke; Amy Simpson; And They Were Wonderful Teachers: Florida's Purge of Gay and Lesbian Teachers; Anita Jane Bryant; anthropophagy; anti-Communism; anti-communists; Art Darling; ArtServe Fort Lauderdale; Atlanta's Out on Film LGBT Film Festival; Barbara Washington; Barry Sandler; Barry Sefteur; Behind Closed Doors: The Dark Legacy of the Johns Committee; Ben Taylor; Bill Young; Black's Law Dictionary; Bob Ewart; Bob Graham; boycotts; Brigitte Hosé; British Columbia, Canada; Broward County Sheriff's Office; Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka; Bryan W. Knicely; C. Lawrence Rice; C. W. Young; Charley Eugene Johns; Chelsea Echols; Chip Burpee; Chuck Woods; cinemas; citrus; civil rights; civil rights activists; Cleveland; colleges; communism; communists; courts; Dade County; Daniel Robert Graham; David Mariutto; David Messer; David Morton; David Starner; David Strickland; Diane Maurtie; Don Uhrig; Donna Zell; Durban Gay & Lesbian Film Festival; education; educators; Elizabeth Forbell; Elizabeth Jensen-Forbell; Emmy Award; FAU; films; flagellation; Florida Atlantic University; Florida Citrus Commission; Florida Film Festival; Florida Legislative Investigation Committee; Florida State College at Jacksonville; Florida State Legislature; Florida State Senate; Florida State University; Florida State University Marching Band; Fort Lauderdale; Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival; Frank Rose; Fred Fejes; Fred Ottle; FSC; FSU; FSU Marching Band; Gasparilla International Film Festival; gay; gay clubs; gay marriage; gay pride; gay pride parades; George B. Stallings, Jr.; George Stupksi; Governor of Florida; governors; Graveville; Greenwich Village, New York; High Springs; higher education; homophobia; homosexuality; Homosexuality and Citizenship in Florida: A Report of the Florida Legislative Investigation Committee; homosexuals; International Jury Award; interrogations; investigations; J. Wayne Reitz; J. Wayne Reitz Student Union; James Monticello; Jennifer Campbell; Jeremy Mayeres; Jesse Monteagudo; Jim Noah; Joe McCarthy; John E. Evans; John Perez; John Tileston, Sr.; Johns Committee; Jon Bowen; Jordan Henry; Joseph Holbrooks; Joseph McCarthy; Joseph Raymond McCarthy; Judith Poucher; Julia Andrew; Julia Monticello; Julian C. Chambliss; Julius Wayne Reitz; June Sellers; Karen Graves; Kathryn Paulson; Kathy Marsh; Kevin Mixon; Killer Tracks; Kim Oliva; Kip Piper; Lamar Bledsoe; Larry King; Lawrence Dietrich; Lawrence Harvey Zeiger; Learning Institute for Elders; Lee L. Foster; Leo C. Jones; lesbians; LGBT; LIFE; Linda Maddocks; Lisa Mills; Lisa Soros; Logan Kriete; Love Your Shorts Film Festival; Marie Cassanello; Mark Howard Long; Mark Long; masochism; mental disorders; mental illness; mental illnesses; Metropolitan Community Church of St. Augustine; Miami; Michael Calderin; Michael Greenspan; Modern Music Masters; Monica Monticello; movies; NAACP; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; necrophilia; Newsweek; orange juices; oranges; orlando; Orlando Film Festival; Out & Proud Veterans of American; Out Twin Cities Film Festival; Panama City; parades; Patrick Fenelson; Paul Fasana; perversion; piquerism; psychiatric disorders; psychopathy; pyromania; Rachell Cappellini; Rafael Sanchez; Red Scare; Richard O. Mitchell; RICHES of Central Florida; Robert Cassanello; Robert Lupo; Robert Williams; Ruth Jensen; Ruth Jensen-Forbell; sadism; Satu Lamarca; Seminole State College; sex crimes; Shay Cambre; Sheridan Square; short films; SSC; St. Augustine; St. Petersburg; Stanley Wheeler; Starke; State of Florida; state senators; Steve Crowley; Stonewall Inn; Stonewall National Museum & Archives; Stonewall Riots; Stuart; students; Suncoast Emmy Award; Sylvana Fernández; Tallahassee; Tallahassee Bus Boycott; Tallahassee Police Department; teachers; Terri Williams; The Committee; Thomas Cappellini; Tim Reid; Timothy Brown; Timothy George Brown; Toronto Canada; Travis Pilch; Tri-M Club; U.S. Supreme Court; UCF; UCF Burnett Honors College; UCF Center for Distributed Learning; UCF Department of Film; UCF Department of History; UCF Office of Instructional Resources; UCF Office of LGBTQ Services; UCF Office of Undergraduate Research; UF; UF Police Department; universities; university; University of Central Florida; University of Florida; Vecruse; Wellesley Street; Williams E. Owens; witch hunts; Yonge Street
Gertrude Page's Fifth Grade Class at Sanford Grammar School
History of Sanford Grammar School
Tags: A Mid-Summer Night's Dream; A. F. Westerdick; A. J. Pinder; A. P. Montague; Albert Hickson; Alice McRae; Allen; Apopka; art education; Arthur Vaugh; arts; August Tucker; Augustus J. Vaugh; B. F. Whitner; Bakery Wagon; Bill Cowan; Blackwater; Board of Trustees; Brady; Building Committee; C. F. Harrison; Cameron City; Central Florida Zoo; Chase and Company; Christian Endeavor; church; churches; Citizens Committee; city councils; City of Sanford; Clara Louise Guild; Columbia College; construction; Cross Prairie; D. L. Thrasher; Dodd; Dodd House; Dominick's Ice Cream Push Cart; Downtown Sanford; E. W. Dunn; education; elementary schools; Elson Art Exhibition; Elton J. Moughton; Ernest Chapel; F. E. Steinmeyer; F. P. Foster; Flora Walker; Flubart; foreign language education; Fort Reed; Fort Reed School; French; G. W. Venable; George Fox; grammar schools; H. R. Stevens; Hambone Station; Hansel and Gretel; Hudson School Furniture Company; Irving Literary Society; J. N. Whitner; J. O. Andes; J. Tilden Jacobs; Jim Spencer; Jimmie Glass; Lake Jessup; Laurel Avenue; Lodge; Lucile Campbell; Lula Tucker; lunchrooms; Mabel bram; May Day; Mellonville; Methodist church; Model T Ford; music education; N. J. Perkins; Oliver J. Miller; orange county; orlando; P. M. Elde; Peer Gynt; Phillips; physical education; principals; Public School Building No. 1; Public School Building No. 2; Public School Building No. 3; Randall; Robert Lord; Rosalie Morris; S. C. Dickson; S. G. Kennedy; S. Runge; Salmagundi; Sanford; Sanford and Everglades Railroad; Sanford City Council; Sanford Grammar School; Sanford High School; Sanford High School Athletic Association; Sanford Lodge of Masons; Sanford Traction Company; school bonds; school superintendents; Seminole County; Sixth Street; South Side School; Special Committee of School House; special education; Special School District No. 1; Stenstrom; Stetson University; Stewart; students; superintendent of public instruction; teachers; The Sanford Herald; Tomkins; Vihlen; W. B. Lynch; Walter Holt; Westside Primary School; Whiteman; Wofford Tucker; Woodland Park
Ida Mae Hall's Seventh Grade Class at Sanford Grammar School, 1923-1924
Tags: 7th grade; Alton Talbot; Carson Cook; Cecil Darsey; Claude Herndon; Dick Sneed; Du Bose; Earl Rumbley; Edward Mitchell; elementary schools; Elizabeth Martin; Ernest Jowers; Estelle Collins; Ethel Jones; Freda Landress; Gladys Lee; Gordon Wade; grammar schools; H. C. Walters; Harold Marsh; Hazel Appleby; Holsclaw; Ida Mae Hall; Jack Peters; Jack Sneed; Kathleen Long; Leta Riveras; Lillie Carraway; Lofton Edenfield; Louise Fields; Mary Bande; Mary Nixon; Mildred Knight; Roscoe Wallace; Ruby Booth; S. K. Musgrove; Sanford; Sanford Grammar School; seventh grade; Sneed, Dick; Sneed, Jack; students; Talbot, Alton; teachers; Viheln; Viola Hickson; Wade, Gordon; Wallace, Roscoe; Walters, H. C.; Woodard Burtleson
Jackson Hts. PTA Elects Officers
Jones High School Tenth Grade Class, 1928
Letter from C. W. Sheffield to Arthur W. Sinclair (March 7, 1968)
Tags: A. W. Sinclair; Arthur W. Sinclair; C. W. Sheffield; Claude R. Kirk, Jr.; Claude Roy Kirk, Jr.; educators; fish meal industry; Florida Development Commission; Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission; Florida Teachers' Strike of 1968; Jimmie Sinclair; Lake Apopka; Lake Apopka Technical Committee; lockouts; Mick Sheffield; Mickey Sheffield; Nat Reed; Nathaniel Reed; Robert Elrod; strikes; teachers; water quality; Winter Garden Chamber of Commerce
Lillian Horner's Fifth Grade Class at Sanford Grammar School, 1945-1946
Tags: 5th grade; Ann Raborn; Beatrice Brown; Betty Gatlin; Beverly Rogers; Billy Clark; Bobby McNab; Brown, Beatrice; Carolyn Rowland; Clara Creech; Dorothy Johnson; Edwin Lockett; Edwin Tison; elementary schools; Eloise Benton; Ethel Geisler; Evelyn Dorton; Felice Smith; fifth grade; Frank Murphy; Frank Stafford; grammar school; grammar schools; Harvey Wilkinson; Henry Womack; Janette Ratliff; Janice Reel; Joan Wright; Joann Moore; Joe Hutchinson; Lillian Horner; Margaret Morrison; Mary Ann Bukur; Mary Ann Wilke; Mary Lou Bowen; Myrtly Hardy; Nancy Reel; Sanford; Sanford Grammar School; Seventh Street; students; teachers; Terry Cordell; Warren McCall
Miss Owen's Class at Sanford Grammar School, 1919-1920
Mrs. Harner's Fifth Grade Class at Sanford Grammar School, 1949
Tags: 5th grade; Al Stonley; Betty Alfond; Betty Vincent; Catherine King; Donna Evans; elementary schools; Ernist Wright; Evelyn Landress; fifth grade; grammar schools; Harner; Henry Cason; Jon Wyett; Kay Jenkins; Nancy Cosh; Richard Smith; Ruthie Nettles; Sam Dunn; Sanford; Sanford Grammar School; Sarah Dunn; school; students; teachers; Tommy Russell; Wally Van Ness
Mrs. Lester's Sixth Grade Class at Sanford Grammar School, 1921-1922
Nellie Furen's Sixth Grade Class at Sanford Grammar School, 1911-1912
Tags: 6th grade; Alice Caldwell; Annie Mae Morris; Argel Cameron; Beatriece Hutchinson; Carl McDonald; Clara Bowen; Collier Brown; Dennis Allen; Ed Betts; Ed Millen; elementary schools; Ernest Brotherson; Eunice Woodcock; Eva Hodges; Fannie Reba Munson; Fern Ward; G. W. Spencer; grammar schools; Guy Stenstrom; Harold Washburn; Howard Wynn; J. D. Woodruff; John Morrison; Laura Parker; Little Ercel; Maud Allen; Maud Miot; Nellie Furen; Newton Stenstrom; Olga Vihlen; Peewee Tillis; Percy Packard; Roby Laing; Rush Murphy; Ruth Waldron; Sanford; Sanford Grammar School; Sherman Moore; sixth grade; students; teachers; Virginia Brady; Walter Rowalnd; Watson McAlexander
Oral History of Bernie Blackwood
Tags: 11th Avenue; 16th Street; 1st Avenue; 25th Street; 34th Street; Alafaya Woods; Anden Group; Bay Vista Elementary School; Bayfront Center; Ben Ward, Jr.; Bernard O. Blackwood; Bernie Blackwood; Bill Martin; Blackwood Construction Corporation; Bob Beleren; Bob Ward; bussing; Central Avenue; Central Florida Research Park; Charles N. Millican; Charles Norman Millican; city managers; city planners; civil rights; Civil Rights Movement; colleges; construction; demonstrations; desegregation; Division Street; Downtown St. Petersburg; Dyson Drive; educators; Eleventh Avenue; First Avenue; Florida State Road 426; Florida Technological University; Frank Wheeler; Fred Marquis; FTU; Garden Grove; Gore; Habanero's Mexican Grill; integration; Joe Gomez; John Evans; labor; labor rights; land development; Lutheran Haven; Lynn H. Andrews; Marguerite Partin; Mead Drive; Mead Manor; neighborhoods; Northeast Park; Oviedo; Oviedo Land Group; Oviedo Oaks; Oviedo Office Park; Partin Elementary School; Phil Gorey; Pinellas County; professors; protesters; protests; public employees; race relations; real estate; residential developments; riots; Ronald Reagan; Ronald Wilson Reagan; Roy Clontz; Saint Petersburg; school bus; school buses; schools; Scott Blackwood; SCPS; Seminole County Public Schools; Sixteenth Street; Southside Park; SR 426; St. Pete; St. Petersburg; strikers; strikes; subdivisions; Sue Blackwood; Suzanne A. Blackwood; teachers; The St. Petersburg Times; Tiger Station; Tom Phillips; Tuscawilla; Tuskawilla Road; Twin Rivers; UCF; unionization; unions; universities; university; University of Central Florida; Westwood Square; Whispering Oaks; Windmill Farms
Oral History of Bette Skates
Tags: ACL; Alexander Ramsey; Alicia Clarke; altars; ambassadors; assassinations; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad; atomic bombs; beauty shops; Belair Grove; Belgium; bells; Bette Skates; Bye Lo Hotel; Cape Canaveral; carpetbaggers; Cathedral Church of St. Luke; charities; charity; church; church bells; churches; citrus; citrus groves; Civil War; Clarke, Alicia; Cochran, Georgia; cockroach; cockroaches; community service; Craftsman Airplane Bungalow; Crooms High School; Cuban Missile Crisis; desegregation; Diana Dombrowski; Downtown Sanford; education; educators; elementary school; Episcopal Church; Episcopalianism; Episcopalians; exceptional education; FCAT; Ferrante Brothers; fires; Florida's Comprehensive Assessment Test; Gateway to South Florida; Geneva; Geneva Elementary School; Gertrude Dupuy; Gertrude Dupuy Sanford; Guiding Light for Grace and Grits; Historical Society of Central Florida; Holeman; Holy Cross Episcopal Church; homeless; hurricanes; Idyllwilde; Idyllwilde Elementary School; Jack Kennedy; John F. Kennedy; John Fitzgerald Kennedy; Lake Mary; lemons; Lyman Phelps; Mellonville; memorials; Middle Georgia College; Montezuma Hotel; Museum of Seminole County History; NAS Sanford; Naval Air Station Sanford; New Math; Ninth Street; OJC; Orange Blossom Special; orange grove; orange groves; oranges; organs; Orlando Junior College; Patrick Henry; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; priests; railroads; roach; roaches; Sanford; Sanford Museum; school desegregation; school integration; schools; Seminole County; Space Shuttle Challenger; Spanish Mediterranean Architecture; special education; St. Gertrude's Grove; standardized testing; Stetson University; sulfur water; teachers; The Champion; Title I school; trains; U.S. Navy; Union; World War II; WWII
Oral History of Bettye Jean Aulin Reagan
Tags: Abraham Lincoln; Alice Kathryn Aulin Bunch; American flags; Anderson; Andrew Aulin III; Andrew Aulin, Jr.; Andrew Aulin, Sr.; Andrew Schott Reagan; Andy Aulin; art; artists; Aulin Avenue; Aulin's Landing; awards; B. F. Wheeler; baccalaureate services; Baptists; Bayton; Benjamin Franklin Wheeler; Bettye Jean Aulin Reagan; Bettye Reagan; bicycles; bike riding; bikes; Black Beauty; Bob Ward; book reports; books; bovines; busing; camping; canines; car accidents; cattle; chapels; Charles Warren Aulin; Charlie McCulley; Charlotte Lee Lawton; church; churches; clothes; clothing; Coat of Many Colors; coats; cops and robbers; cows; cycling; Daniel Lee McGill; Daniel Lee Reagan; Debbie Lynn Reagan; desegregation; discipline; doctors; dogs; Don Reagan; Donald Thomas Reagan; dressmakers; dressmaking; drugstores; Easter; education; educators; Emma Leonora Lawton Aulin; First Baptist Church of Oviedo; flags; Florida State Bank; forts; Frankie D. Gore; fruit testers; GA; games; George Lee Wheeler; Girls’ Auxiliaries; graduations; Grand Ole Opry; gym; Heidi; high schools; immigrants; immigration; integration; Jackson Borough School for Nursing; Jacobs; Joanne Ward; Joel Edwin McGill; Joel McGill; Julie Karin Reagan; Kathleen An Reagan; Kathleen Ann McGill; Lake Charms; Lake Mary; Lee; Leonard Franklin Slye; Lillian Della Lee Lawton; Lona Lawton Aulin; Lottie Lee Lawton; Martin; Mary Alice Powell Aulin; Mary Leonora Aulin Bartlett; milk; milking; Morrison’s Cafeteria; Nelson and Company; novels; oranges; orlando; Orlando Transit; Osteen; Oviedo; Oviedo High School; Oviedo School; Oviedo, Spain; P.E.; painters; painting; Patrick Kelley Reagan; pets; physical education; physicians; postmasters; pranks; RA; race relations; radios; Rebecca Schwandt; Rollins College; Roy Rogers; Royal Ambassadors; Sanford; school bus; school buses; schools; seamstress; seamstresses; segregation; sewing; Slavia; spitz; spitzen; storekeepers; strawberries; strawberry; Sunbeam Band; Swedes; Swedish; swimming pools; T. W. Lawton; teachers; telephone operators; The Roy Rogers Show; Thomas Willington Lawton; Trigger; Troubles; Tusta's Drugstore; W. J. Lawton; Walker; weddings; West; West House; Wheeler; Wheeler Fertilizer Company; White's Wharf; Winborn Joseph Lawton, Sr.
Oral History of Connie Reuter
Tags: Abingdon, Virginia; active duty; Airman Apprenticeship Training School; Baldwin Park; basic training; Beechcraft T-34 Mentor; birth control glasses; boot camps; chapels; chow halls; church; churches; cold war; Community Veterans History Project; Connie Reuter; Corpus Christi, Texas; CVHP; Delayed Entry Program; DEP; drill teams; education; educators; enlistment; eyeglasses; females; firearms; Fleet Week; G.I. glasses; gas chambers; gig lines; glasses; graduations; Ground Zero; guns; Hines; inactive duty; Ingelside, Texas; instructors; Leanne Wiggins; Liberty Call; Lone Sailor Memorial Project; LSMP; Martha Reuter; memorials; MEP; Merritt; military education; Military Entrance Processing; military training; NAS Corpus Christi; Naval Air Station Corpus Christi; Naval Air Station Ingelside; Naval Air Warfare Center Training System Division; Naval Training Center Orlando; Navy Buddy Enlistment Program; NAWCTSD; New York City, New York; NS Ingelside; NTC Orlando; orlando; peanut butter; Petty Officer, Second Class; photographer's mates; photographers; photography; Recruit Training Center; Recruit Training Center Orlando; recruits; RTC Orlando; sailors; ships; suicides; T-34; teachers; The Grinder; training; U.S. Naval Reserve; U.S. Navy; USN; USNR; USS Blue Jacket; veterans; weather; woman; women; World Trade Center; WTC
Oral History of Dr. William "Bill" Blank
Tags: 1972 Summer Olympics; 9/11 Attacks; Adolf Hitler; all-volunteer military; An Uncaged Eagle: True Freedom; anti-war protest; anti-war protests; Arab-Israeli War of 1973; Bad Tölz, Germany; basic training; Bastogne, Belgium; Battle of the Bulge; Bavaria, Germany; Berlin Wall; Bill Blank; Black September Organization; BSO; buddy system; carpet bombing; carpet bombs; Cheyenne, Wyoming; Christmas; civilian; civilians; cognitive dissonance; cold war; college; colleges; conscription; Desert Shield; Desert Storm; diversity; draft lotteries; draft lottery; draft notices; drafting; Dwight D. Eisenhower; Dwight David Eisenhower; Eagle's Nest; educator; educators; Egypt; enlistment; Europe; Francis E. Warren AFB; Francis E. Warren Air Force Base; French Revolution; Gabrielle Hanke; Games of the XX Olympiad; gender segregation; Germans; Germany; GI Bill; Global War on Terror; guidance counseling; GWOT; Hall of Mirrors; Halloween Massacre; homecoming; Ike Eisenhower; international students; Iraq; Iraq War; Iron Curtain; Israel; Israeli-Palestinian Conflict; Kehlsteinhaus; Kent State Massacre; Kent State Shooting; Kent State University; KSU; Kuwait; Mannheim, Germany; Maria Antonia Josepha Johanna von Habsburg-Lothringen; Marie Antoinette; Marine Corps Base Quantico; Mark Spitz; Martin Bormann; May 4 Massacre; MCB Quantico; mentors; Middle East; military; military assignments; military drafts; military training; Munich Massacre; Munich, Germany; National Guard; National Socialist German Workers' Party; National Veterans Awareness Week; nationalism; Nazi Germany; Nazi Party; Nazis; Nixon, Richard, Milhous; North Central Wisconsin; NSDAP; October War; Ohio National Guard; Olympic Village; Olympics; Operation Desert Shield; Operation Desert Storm; Operation Iraqi Freedom; Operation Wrath of God; Palestine; Persian Gulf War; police actions; protesters; Ramadan; Ramadan War; razorbacks; Red Tails; Republic of Vietnam; Richard Milhous Nixon; Richard Nixon; Richard Toliver; riot squads; riots; Russia; segregation; September 11 Attacks; Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944; South Vietnam; student protests; Summer Olympics; Syria; tanks; teachers; terrorism; terrorists; Third Reich; Three Day War; Treaty of Friendship, co-operation, and Mutual Assistance; Tuskegee Airmen; U.S. Army; UCF; universities; university; University of Central Florida; veterans; Veterans' Day; Vietnam; Vietnam War; volunteer military; volunteers; war protests; WarPac; Warren AFB; Warren Air Force Base; Warsaw Pact; Watergate; Watergate Scandal; wild boars; William Blank; Wisconsin; woman; women; World Trade Center; World War II; WWII; Yom Kippur; Yom Kippur War
Oral History of Grace Marie Stinecipher
Tags: Andrew Joseph Bracken; Angels' Eat Shack; Baptist Church; Baptist Training Union; Baptists; beach; beaches; Bill Stemper; BTU; Central Baptist Church; Chance; Chance Education Building; church; churches; Crooms Academy of Information Technology; Crooms High School; Debbie P. Brooks; Demorest, Georgia; desegregation; Diana Dombrowski; Downton Sanford; Edgar Cooper; education; educators; Elder Springs Baptist Church; Fernald-Laughton Memorial Hospital; First Baptist Church of Sanford; Freedom of Choice; George Hyman; Girl Scouts; Gladys Stemper; Grace Marie Stinecipher; Henton; historians; Historical Society of Central Florida; integration; Jack Stemper; Joe Canard; journalists; Lake Silver Elementary School; Marie Stemper; McColonel's Drugstore; missions; Museum of Seminole County History; NAS Sanford; Naval Air Station Sanford; New Smyrna Beach; North Park Baptist Church; Oak Lawn Baptist Church; Old Baptist Temple; orlando; Piedmont College; Pig 'n Whistle; Pinecrest Baptist Church; Polly Pigtails; Preston's Drugstore; Robert Anderson; Sandy Shack; Sanford; Seminole High School; Southern Baptists; Southside Baptist Church; Stuart Gadshaw; Sunday schools; teachers; The Celery Crate; The Florida Baptist Witness; The Sanford Herald; The Way We Were; U.S. Navy; Victory Baptist Church; Walt Disney World Resort; Westview Baptist Church; Winter Park
Oral History of Ingrid Bryant
Tags: A. M. Jones; Anna Marcantoni; bishops; Carlos Velez-Munich; Catholicism; Catholics; Cherokee Junior High School; Chuluota; church; churches; citizenship; City of Oviedo; Clara Lee Wheeler Evans; clergy; cold war; colleges; communism; Country Quick; customer service representatives; Deshaso; Dominic Persampiere; Downtown Oviedo; education; educators; ERP; European Recovery Program; Florida Technological University; FTU; Geneva Drive; George C. Young Federal Courthouse; Grupo Shalom; high schools; immigrants; immigration; Ingrid Bryant; Jeffrey A. Chudnow; Joseph Patrick Hurley; Larry Neely; Laura Feldman; Lockwood Boulevard; Magnolia Avenue; Marshall Plan; McCoy Air Force Base; Most Precious Blood Catholic Church; Munich, Germany; museums; newspapers; Norbert Dorsey; Norbert Mary Leonard James Dorsey; OHS; orlando; Orlando Army Air Field #2; Oviedo; Oviedo High School; Oviedo Historical Society; Oviedo Street; Paul Mikler; Pinecastle AFB; Pinecastle Air Force Base; Pinecastle Army Airfield; priests; renovations; Richard Walsh; schools; students; swimming pools; Taste of Oviedo; teachers; teen clubs; teen nights; The Outlook; The Oviedo Voice; The Seminole Chronicle; UCF; universities; university; University of Central Florida; water department; World War II; WWII
Oral History of James Marion Jones
Tags: A. P. Hill; A3J Vigilante; airplane crashes; airplanes; Ambrose Powell Hill, Jr.; American Civil War; Army of Northern Virginia; assistant principals; athletes; Babe Ruth Leagues; Baptists; baseball; baseball leagues; basketball; basketball players; Batts Mitchell; Batts Nusum Mitchell; Betty Palmer Sprat; Bill Ward; Broadway Street; Burt Ward; C. A. Dewberry; Carrigan and Boland Realty; churches; Confederacy; Confederate States of America; Confederates; CSA; Dawn Raquel Jones Jensen; dental kits; dentists; Desta Horner; Drawdy-Rouse Cemetery; education; educators; elementary schools; Elizabeth Tammaro; Emma Jean Mitchell Jones; farmers; general stores; Great Day in the Country; high schools; J. B. Jones; J. M. Jones; Jack Caliber; Jackson Heights; Jackson Heights Middle School; James Marion Jones; JHMS; Jimmy Jones; John Batts Jones, Jr.; John Jones; Johnny Jones; junior high schools; Kathy Jones; Lawton Chiles Middle School; Lawton House; LCMS; Macon, Georgia; Mary Jones Bird; Mayberry R.F.D.; middle schools; Mitchell Hammock; Mitchell Hammock Road; Navy Reserve; North American A-5 Vigilante; Novella Driggers Aulin; OES; Officer Candidate School; OHS; OJC; OJSHS; Orlando Junior College; Oviedo; Oviedo Baptist Church; Oviedo Cemetery; Oviedo Elementary School; Oviedo High School; Oviedo Historical Society; Oviedo History Harvest; Oviedo Junior-Senior High School; Oviedo School; Pam Jones; plane crashes; planes; post offices; postal service; postmasters; Richmond–Petersburg Campaign; Robert E. Lee; Robert Edward Lee; Rouse Road; schools; SCPS; Seminole County Public Schools; Siege of Petersburg; Siege of Vicksburg; South Seminole Junior High School; South Seminole Middle School; sports; SSJHS; SSMS; students; Sweetwater Park; swimming pools; teachers; TMS; Tuskawilla Middle School; UCF; UF; University of Central Florida; University of Florida; vacations; Vietnam War; War of Northern Aggression; Work Projects Administration; Works Progress Administration; WPA
Oral History of Paul Mikler
Tags: automobiles; cars; celery; Church Street; coach; coaches; county judge; county judges; dirt roads; discipline; drug abuse; drug use; drugs; educators; farming; farms; Florida State Road 426; Ford Model T; Ford Motor Company; groceries; grocery; grocery stores; history teachers; immigrants; immigration; Lake Ivanhoe; Lutheranism; Lutherans; Model T; motor vehicles; Museum of Seminole County History; Orange Avenue; orlando; Oviedo; Oviedo High School; Oviedo Parent-Teacher Association; Oviedo PTA; Parent-Teacher Association; Paul Mikler; PTA; road; Seminole County; shopping; Slavia Colony Company; Slavic; Slavs; Slemons Department Store; Slovakia; Slovaks; sports; SR 426; St. Luke’s Lutheran Church; students; teachers; Ware, R. W.; William Melville Slemons; Winn-Dixie
Oral History of Philip Rogers
Tags: 9/11; advanced training; American Chemical Society; Bennett Drive; Berlin Wall; Berlin, Germany; Bill Clinton; Bronx, New York City, New York; Caribbean Crisis; cold war; colleges; colorblindness; Commander; commissioned officers; Community Veterans History Project; Cuba; Cuban Missile Crisis; CVHP; dependents' cruises; deterrent patrols; dry docks; education; educators; Engineering Duty Officer; Engineering Duty Officer Dolphin Program; Engineering Duty Officer Dolphins; Engineering Duty Officer School; Father of the Nuclear Navy; firefighting; fires; Florida Power & Light Company; FPL; Gerald Mattson; Germany; Hyman G. Rickover; Hyman George Rickover; Indiana University; instructors; Jensen Beach; Jim Tully; Killian Hiltz; Lehman College; mayors; military education; military spouses; military training; military wife; military wives; Nathan Hale; nuclear power; Nuclear Power Ballistic Missile Submarines; nuclear power plants; Nuclear Power School; nuclear safety; Nuclear Ship Superintendent School; October Crisis; Officer Indoctrination School; OIS; orlando; Pearl Harbor, Hawaii; Philip Rogers; presidents; Restricted Line Officer; Ronald Reagan; Ronald Wilson Reagan; Safety Training Coordinator; September 11th; South Florida; Soviet Union; Soviets; SSBN; Steve Israel; SU; Submarine School; submarines; subs; teachers; terrorism; terrorists; The Missile Scare; training; U.S. Naval Reserve; U.S. Navy; UCF; Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; universities; university; University of Central Florida; USS Nathan Hale; USSR; veterans; Washington, D.C.; William Jefferson Blythe III; William Jefferson Clinton
Oral History of Sally Mackay
Tags: ACA; Affordable Care Act; art studios; Bath, England; Bones Mackay; Brenna Broadway; British Parliament; Buckingham Palace; Carol S. Grigas; Central Florida; classical guitars; Croydon High School; Daytona State College; Democrats; Doug Peterson; DSC; educators; elderly; Eli Young Band; Exeter College; Flagler County; Florida Georgia Line; Florida League of Cities; healthcare; History Skill Building Project; Ian Jones; immigrants; immigration; Jim Mackay; John Hopkins University; John Robert Grooms, Jr.; Karen Botta; Lesley Mackay; Lesley Mackay Heiser; Los Angeles, California; Magnolia Street; Margaret Hilda Roberts; Margaret Hilda Thatcher; Margaret Thatcher; Mayor of New Smyrna Beach; mayors; McCormick, Zachary; Mickelson, Phil; New Smyrna Beach; Ormond Beach; Phoenix, Arizona; planning boards; politicians; Portland, Maine; Richard Spangler; Roger Levinson; Sally Mackay; Sally Mackay Spangler; Sally Spangler; School of Behavioral and Social Sciences; SCORE; senior citizens; Shannon Haley; Surrey, England; teachers; The Hub on Canal; The Hunger Games; The Voice; Thomas Mackay; ukuleles; VGMC; Volusia Council of Governments Executive Board; Volusia County; Volusia County Growth Management Commission; Volusia League of Cities; Zachary McCormick
Over the Coffee
Tags: archaeological site; archaeologist; archaeology; Bernard Baruch; Bernard Mannes Baruch; bone; burial; Chuluota; city hall; disability; Donna Neely; educator; Florida Road Department; Florida Tech; Florida Technological University; FTU; handicap parking; mound; Over the Coffee; Oviedo; Oviedo City Hall; parking; pottery; professor; Ralph Neely; Ralph Waldo Emerson; road; Ron Wallace; sociology; teachers; The Oviedo Outlook
Pine Crest Elementary School Principal's Monthly Payroll Report, August 15, 1955-September 12, 1955
Tags: Ann F. Echols; Eleanor Bennett; elementary schools; grammar schools; Inez Manos; June Vance; Lucile Campbell; Margaret Bryan; Margaret Reynolds; Marguerite Paul; Mary T. Barnes; Mary Walter; payrolls; Pine Crest Elementary School; Polly Daniels; Rosine Carnes; S. G. Weeks; Sanford; teachers; William N. Lavendar
Ruth Kanner's Fifth Grade Class at Sanford Grammar School, 1921-1922
Sanford Grammar School Code of Student Conduct Handbook
Tags: class elections; Clay C. Carroll; clubs; code of student conduct; compulsory school attendance; corporal punishment; curricula; curriculum; drug abuse; education; elementary schools; extracurricular activities; extracurricular activity; free expression; free speech; freedom of expression; freedom of speech; grammar schools; lockers; Myrtle Avenue; parents; principals; Sanford; Sanford Grammar School; school absences; school bus; school buses; school expulsions; school staff; school suspensions; student conduct; student discipline; student government; student rights; students; teachers
Sanford Grammar School Faculty Directory, 1970
Tags: Allevn Jeffords; Catherine Pearce; Cornell Scott; DeLand; Dorothy Moore; educators; elementary schools; Elsa Caskey; Eugenlu Ruby; Eva Tisdale; Fern Park; Frances Kaleel; Geneva; grammar schools; herbs; Jacquelyn Becker; Jewell Riser; Joe Mathleux; Linda Bose; Losche; Mable Chapman; Margaret Reynolds; Margaret Wright; Marie Martin; Mary Frances Lyons; Mary Land Armstrong; Naomi Durham; principals; Rachel Hamrick; Sanford; Sanford Grammar School; teachers; Wendy Grove; William Watt; Willie Agnes Fields; Winter Park
Sanford Grammar School Faculty, 1922
Sanford Grammar School Handbook, 1978-1979
Tags: Allean Jeffords; assistant principals; Bernice Fillmore; Carnell Scott; Clay C. Carroll; compensatory education; Derek Martin; Diane Copeland; Edna A. Dates; elementary schools; Elsa Caskey; Eva Tisdale; field trips; Frances Kaleel; Frances Parish; Gloria Armstrong; grammar schools; guidance counselors; Hazel Warren; Howard Hawkins; intermediate education; Jacqueline Becker; Judy Burdett; Julie Medland; Karen Rauth; kindergarten; Lake Monroe; libraries; library; Linda Bose; lunchrooms; Mable Chapman; Marie Martin; Mary L. Cook; Nancy Freeman; Ninth Street; Open House; Palmetto Avenue; Pamela A. Hardy; Parent-Teacher Association; parents; Phyllis Fondren; Phyllis Miller; physical education; primary education; principals; PTA; R. Burke; Robert T. Fox; Sanford; Sanford Grammar School; school bus; school buses; school songs; speech therapists; SR-46; State Road-46; Student Code of Conduct; student discipline; students; teacher aides; teachers; Third Street; Willie Agnes Fields
Sanford Grammar School Principal's Monthly Payroll Report, August 15, 1955-September 12, 1955
Tags: Alice Grant; Alice Ratliff; Catherine Ball; elementary schools; Elizabeth Billhimer; Elynor Dutton; Eula Grantham; grammar schools; Harol R. Heckenbach; J. E. Broadhead; Jewell Riser; Maida Ansley; Margaret Wright; payrolls; Rachel Brinson; Richard Jones; Roberta Richards; Sanford; Sanford Grammar School; Sybil Routh; teachers
Sanford Grammar School Principal's Monthly Payroll Report, September 14, 1955-October 10, 1955
Tags: Alice Grant; Alice Ratliff; Ava Davis; Catherine Ball; elementary schools; Elizabeth Billhimer; Elynor Dutton; Eula Grantham; grammar schools; Harold R. Heckenbach; J. E. Broadhead; Jewell Riser; Maida Ansley; Marcile Dampier; Margaret Wright; Nell Atkinson; payrolls; Rachel Brinson; Richard Jones; Roberta Richards; Sanford; Sanford Grammar School; Sybil Routh; teachers
Sanford Grammar School, 1902-1977
Tags: A Mid-Summer Night's Dream; A. F. Westerdick; A. J. Pinder; A. P. Montague; Albert Hickson; Alberta Hill; Alice McRae; Alice Robbins; Allen; Apopka; art education; Arthur Vaugh; August Tucker; Augustus J. Vaugh; B. F. Whitner; Bakery Wagon; Ben C. Steele; Bill Cowan; Blackwater; Board of Trustees; Brady; Building Committee; C. F. Harrison; cafeterias; Cameron City; Carrie Lynch; Central Florida Zoo; Charles Quigley; Chase and Company; Christian Endeavor; church; churches; Citizens Committee; city councils; City of Sanford; Clara Louise Guild; Clara Millen; Claude Coffee; Clay C. Carroll; Columbia College; construction; Cross Prairie; D. L. Thrasher; Dodd; Dodd House; Dominick's Ice Cream Push Cart; Downtown Sanford; E. W. Dunn; education; Edward Lan; elementary school; elementary schools; Elm Avenue; Elson Art Exhibition; Elton J. Moughton; Ernest Betts; Ernest Chapel; F. E. Steinmeyer; F. P. Forster; Flora Walker; Flossie Frank; Floyd Richards; Flubart; foreign language education; Fort Reed; Fort Reed School; Frances Walton; Freeman Baggett; French; G. W. Venable; Gardner, Gladys; George Dickinson; George Fox; Gladys Gardner; grammar schools; H. R. Stevens; Hambone Station; Hansel and Gretel; Harold R. Heckenbach; Henry Moore; Henry Peabody; Hudson School Furniture Company; Irving Literary Society; J. N. Whitner; J. O. Andes; J. Tilden Jacobs; Jack Frost; Jim Spencer; Jimmie Glass; Jossie Stumon; Lake Jessup; Lodge; Lucile Campbell; Lula Tucker; lunchrooms; Mabel bram; Mable Bowler; Marber; Margaret Reynolds; May Day; May Hamilton; Mellonville; Methodists; Model T Ford; music education; Myrtle Tipe; N. J. Perkins; Oliver J. Miller; orange county; orlando; P. M. Elde; Palmetto Avenue; Park Avenue; Peaches Leffler; Pearl Babbitt; Peer Gynt; Phillips; physical education; principals; Public School Building No. 1; Public School Building No. 2; Public School Building No. 3; R. E. Kipp; Ralph Stevens; Randall; Robert Lord; Rosalie Morris; Ruth Abbott; S. C. Dickinson; S. G. Kennedy; S. Runge; Salmagundi; Sanford; Sanford and Everglades Railroad; Sanford City Council; Sanford Grammar School; Sanford High School; Sanford High School Athletic Association; Sanford Lodge of Masons; Sanford Traction Company; school bonds; school superintendents; Seminole County; Sheldon; South Side School; Special Committee of School House; special education; Special School District No. 1; Standley Wood; Stenstrom; Stetson University; Stewart; students; superintendent of public instruction; teachers; The Sanford Herald; Tomkins; Tucker, August; Vihlen; W. B. Lynch; Walter Holt; Westside Primary School; Whiteman; Wofford Tucker; Woodland Park
St. Luke's Christian Day School Yearbook, 1966-1967
Tags: Alexis Abell; Alfred De Rousha; Alfred Fox; Andrew Duda, Jr.; Andrew Jakubcin; Arnold Jackson; Audrey Hull; Battle; Bellhorn; Berry Ivo; Best; Beth Duda; Betty Duda; Beverly Fowler; Billy Nordstrom; Billy Willis; Bobby Bradshaw; Bonnie Le Heup; Bonnie Moon; Brian Ellis; Brian Voigt; Bruce Kissinger; Bryan De Rousha; Bud Eaton; Buddy Herndon; Calvin Ward; Carl Lang; Carol Davis; Carol fowler; Carol Keiser; Carolyn White; Cherie Tommaso; Chris Borg; Christian; Christine Mikler; churches; Cindy Morgan; Cliff Long; Cliff smithson; Clyde Lavender; Connie Moon; Craig Willis; Cynthia Lloyd; Dale De Rousha; Dan Dinda; Dan Duda; Dan O'Neil; Dana Schlusemeyer; Danny Dinda; Danny Goodman; Datha Smith; David Algreen; David Duda; David Fore; David Fox; David Oldham; David Symes; David Vandergrift; Debbie Knowles; Debbie roberts; Debbie Vanice; Debby Brumley; Deborah Ballard; Debra Sawyer; Dee Anne Estridge; Dennis Pierson; Dennise Dusseau; Diana Rich; Diane Duda; Diane Schlusemyer; Dickie Rigdon; Dona Long; Douglas Church; Drew Duda; education; educators; Edwin White; Elaine Duda; Ferdinand Duda; Freddie Panke; Gail Rigdon; Gary Graham; Gary Palmer; Gary Roberts; Gayle Cobb; George Jakubcin; Gertrude Lucas; Giesla Scheinder; Ginger Brumley; Glen Rambo; Glenda Slayton; Glenn Flatley; Greg Hogarth; Greg Smith; Gretchen Lang; Guy Flately; Gwen McClure; Harry Pempey; Herring; Irene Ivo; Ivan Jakubcin; J. King; James Ballard; James Rook; James Spencer; Jane McClure; Jane Pempey; Janet Alexander; Janet Baylor; Janet Fowler; Jay Saucer; Jean Lavender; Jeff Longhaven; Jeff Lukas; Jeff Peterson; Jennifer Bursing; Jerry Hancock; Jessie Borg; Jim Sutton; Jim Yates; Jo Butner; Jody Jordon; Joe Mikler; Joel Sutton; John Cartwright; John Flately; John Lee; John Seidel; Johnny Lukas; Joseph Jakubcin; Joy King; Juanita Herndon; Judy Duda; Julie Kissinger; Julie Nicholas; Justin Holloway; Kaare Goodman; Karen Lukas; Karen Snead; Kenneth Alexander; Kim Bruning; L. Abell; Larry De Rousha; Laurie Harris; Lee Dishman; Lesli Cobb; Linda Duda; Linda Keiser; Linda Yates; Lisa Hamil; Lutheran; Lutheranism; Lynn Dishman; Lynn McCall; Madonna Jeffrey; Malcolm Lavender; Manning; Marcia Bryant; Margaret Mueller; Margaret Wirtz; Marianne Waldow; Mark Goodman; Mark Murley; Mark Rice; Mark Ring; Marsha Arndy; Marsha Jackson; Mary Jane Kelsey; Mary Jane Mikler; Mary Lou Ivo; Matthew Borg; Michael Bruning; Michael Jakubcin; Michael McClure; Mike Edwards; Mike Jones; Mike Lukas; Mike Scheinder; Myrtle Cartwright; Nancy Holder; Nancy Keiser; Oillie Mathieux; Oviedo; Pam Strassburg; Pamela Duda; pastors; Pat Ballard; Pat Lee; Patricia Threatt; Patsy Handcock; Patti Cook; Patty Stites; Paul Leavitt; Paul Mikler; Peggy Lukas; Peggy Montgomery; Pete Montgomery; Peteria Rountree; Philip Colbert; Randy Abell; Randy O'Leary; Reed Lloyd; religious education; Retzlaff; Ricky Lee; Ricky Wirtz; Rita Pendarvis; Robert King; Rolf Ahlgreen; Ronda Arndy; Ronnie Anderson; Ronny Ballard; Rosie Yates; Ross Eldridge; Roy Weisenberger; Sabina Meyer; Sandra Keiser; Sara Herndon; schools; schools Annual Publishing Company; Scott Van Nuys; Sharon Bouchard; Sharon Syme; Sheri Caraway; Sherry Lloyd; Sidlik; Sneed; St. Luke's Christian Day School; St. Luke's Lutheran School; Stanley Lukas; Stephanie Dinda; Stephen Colbert; Stephen M. Tuhy; Stephen Oldham; Steve Fox; Steve McCummings; students; Susa Pempey; Susan Nutter; Susan Peterson; Tammy Rice; Taylor Davis; teachers; Teddy McClure; Terri O'Niel; Terry Yates; Thor Ahlgreen; Threatt; Tim Kinnaird; Tina Ballard; Tom Anderson; Tommy; Tommy Duda; Tommy Jackson; Vorpagel; W. Duda; W. E. Yarborough; Wade Smith; yearbooks
Teachers at Johnson Academy
The Late Dr. John Milton Hawks
Tags: abolition; abolitionism; abolitionists; American Civil War; Bradford, New Hampshire; Charles Henry Coe; Civil War; collector of Customs; Decoration Day; doctors; Dunlawton; Dunn Lawton; Edgewater; educators; Esther Jane Hill Hawks; Esther Jane Hill veterans; Florida Land and Lumber Company; Freedman's Aid Society; freedmen; Grand Army of the Republic; Harrison Reed; Hilton Head, South Carolina; Jim Hawks; John Milton Hawks; Lynn, Massachusetts; New Smyrna; Pensacola; physicians; Port Orange; postmaster; slavery; slaves; Spruce Creek; steam sawmills; Superintendent of Schools; teachers; The Daytona Beach Observer; Volusia County
The Long History of the African American Civil Rights Movement in Florida
Tags: 101st Airborne Division; 14th Amendment; 15th Amendment; 99th Fighter Squadron; A Red Record; African Americans; Afro-Cubans; American Civil War; Anderson, Patrick; Asa Philip Randolph; Atlanta Exposition; Bahamians; Barton, Juanita; beach; beaches; Bethel Baptist Institutional Church; Bethune-Cookman College; Bethune, Mary McLeod; Black Cabinet; Booker Taliaferro Washington; Brevard County; Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters; Brown v. Board of Education of Topek; bus boycotts; Callovi, Andrew; Central Florida; Cepero, Laura; Chambers v. Florida; Chaney, James; Charles Kenzie Steele; Chicago, Illinois; civil disobedience; civil rights; Civil Rights Act of 1875; Civil Rights Act of 1964; Civil Rights March; Civil Rights Movement; Clara White Mission; Cocoa; Cocoa Elementary School; Confederates; Constitution; Constitutional League of Florida; Cook, Jennifer; Cookman Institute; Corbett, Joseph Francis II; Dale Mabry Field; Davis, Ed; Davis, John A.; Daytona Beach; Democratic Party; desegregation; discrimination; disfranchisement; Double V Campaign; Dwight David Eisenhower; Eartha M. M. White; Eartha Mary Magdalene White; Eatonville; educators; Eisenhower, Dwight D.; Englehardt, Tanya; equal pay; exhibits; FDR; Federal Council of Negro Affairs; Fifteenth Amendment; Florida Civil Rights Act; Florida Memorial college; Florida Photographic Collection; Florida Streetcar Segregation Law; Florida Supreme court; Florida Teachers Association; Flynn, Jacob; Fort Lauderdale; Fourteenth Amendment; Franklin D. Roosevelt; Franklin Delano Roosevelt; Franklin, William; Freedom Riders; Freedom Rides; Freedom Summer; Garvey, Marcus; Gary, Bill; Gibson v. Board of Public Instruction of Dade County; Goff, Cynthia; Goodman, Andrew; Grant, Ulysses S.; Great Depression; Greensboro Sit-in; Greensboro, North Carolina; Groveland; Groveland Four; Harry T. & Harriette V. Moore Cultural Complex, Inc.; Hawkins, Virgil D.; Holland; Houser, Barbara; Houston, Texas; Howard, Willie James; Hurston, Zora Neale; Ida Bell Wells-Barnett; Ike Eisenhower; Jacksonville; Jakes, Wilhelmina; Jim Crow South; King, Martin Luther, Jr.; KKK; Knoxville, Tennessee; Ku Klux Klan; Library of Congress; Lincoln, Abraham; Literary and Industrial Training School for Negro Girls; Little Rock 9; Little Rock Central High School; Little Rock Nine; Little Rock, Arkansas; Live Oak; Lloyd, Rustin; lynchings; Madison County; Marcus Mosiah Garvey, Jr.; Marshall, Thurgood; Mary Jane McLeod Bethune; McCall, Willis V.; McDivitt, Anne Ladyem; Miami; Michael Henry Schwerner; Mississippi Plan; Montgomery Bus Boycott; Montgomery, Alabama; Moore, Harriette V.; Moore, Harriette Vyda Simms; Moore, Harry T.; Moore, Harry Tyson; NAACP; National Afro-American League; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; National Equal Rights League; NERL; New Deal; New York; Niagara Movement; Ocoee Massacre; Ocoee Riot; Omaha, Nebraska; Orchard Villa Elementary School; Palatka; Parks, Rosa; Patterson, Carrie; Payne, Jesse; Petitt, Joshua; Plessy v. Ferguson; Progressive Voter's League; protests; Pulaski, Tennessee; race relations; race riots; racial equality; racism; Randolph, A. Philip; Reconstruction; Red Summer of 1919; Republican Party; Robert Cassanello; Rosa Louise McCauley Parks; Rosewood Massacre; Saunders, Robert; Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture; Schwerner, Michael; Scottsboro Boys; Scottsboro, Alabama; SCOTUS; segregation; Selma, Alabama; separate but equal; Shepard; sit-ins; slavery; Sociedad la Union Marti-Maceo; soldiers; South Carolina; Southern Horrors: Lynch Law in All Its Phases; St. Augustine; State Library and Archives of Florida; Steele, C. K.; Supreme Court; Supreme Court of the United States; Syracuse, New York; Tallahassee; Tallahassee Bus Boycott; Tampa; teachers; The Long History of the African American Civil Rights Movement in Florida; Timothy Thomas Fortune; To Secure These Rights: The Report of the President's Committee on Civil rights; Truman, Harry S.; Turnbull, Lindsey; Tuskegee University; Tuskegee, Alabama; U.S. Armed Forces; U.S. Army; U.S. Supreme Court; UF; UNIA; Union; Universal Negro Improvement Association; University of Florida; veterans; voting; voting rights; Voting Rights Act of 1965; W. E. B. Du Bois; wade-ins; Waldron, J. Milton; Washington, Booker T.; Wells, Ida B.; Wetmore, J. Douglas; white supremacy; White, Clara; William Edward Burghardt Du Bois; Williams, Alice; Willis Virgil McCall; Wolfe, Jon; Woolworth; Woolworth's; World War II; WWII
The Oviedian, Vol. XIV, 1951
Tags: 10th grade; 11th grade; 12th grade; 1st grade; 2nd grade; 3rd grade; 4th grade; 5th grade; 6th grade; 7th grade; 8th grade; 9th grade; Aldred Cone; Alma Ellis; Andrew Aulin; Ann Leinhart; Ann Pierson; Annette Jackson; Annie Lee Nettles; Annie Witt; Annis C. Thompson; Antonio; athletes; Barbara Glassmire; Barbara Holloway; baseball; baseball players; basketball; basketball players; Ben Ward; Betty Beasley; Betty George; Betty Hill; Betty Millikan; Bettye Jean Aulin Reagan; Beverly Barr; Billie Chance; Billy Bradley; Billy Lane; Billy Meek; Bobby Cox; Bobby Shaff; Boy Scouts of America; Britt Tractor Company; Bryan Nettles; Bryant Hickson; Carl Sellers; Carmen Miller; Central Florida Council; Central Truck Lines; Charlene Gatlin; Charles Malcolm; Charles McCulley; Charlie McCulley; cheerleaders; cheerleading; clubs; Cornelia Weitman; Daniel Gore; Delores Masters; Don Wensel; Donald Hardy; Donnie Kassell; Donnie Malcolm; Dorothy Malcolm; Dorothy Rice; Dorothy Simmons; Dot Malcolm; Edith Ellis; education; educations; eighth grade; Elain Bauman; eleventh grade; Ellen Wright; Elnora Johnson; Emily Rizer; Erwin Abell; Ferdinand Jakubcin; fifth grade; first grade; Florence Windham; Florida State Bank of Sanford; Flute-A-Phone Band; Ford Company; fourth grade; Frances Stine; Frankie Gore; Freddie Wheaton; freshman; freshmen; Geneva Bailey; George Domansky; Georgene Parker; Girl Scouts; Glee Club; Glen Lee; Gloria Gay; Grace Barr; Harold Sheldon; Harvey Joe Slayton; Hazel Priest; Hazel Rutherford; Henry A. Wolcott; high schools; Hilliard Fleming; Hubert Beville; Hubert Priest; Hunt & Sheldon Garage; J. L. Williams; James Gillmore; James McGill; James Wheaton; Janie M. Hart; Jeanne Sheldon; Jerden Boatwright; Jo Ann Fleming; Joan Brown; John Duda; Johnnie Jones; Johnny Jones; Joyce Waters; Juanita Barlow; Judy Walker Anderson; junior high schools; juniors; Katherine Teague; Kay Estes; Keith Malcolm; Kenneth Malcolm; Larry French; Laura E. Richards; Leona Hart; Lillian M. McCall; Lois Ruddell; Lorne Mathers; Los Picaros; Lucy Piloian; M. D. Long; Marguerite Partin; Marie Faulk; Martha Jean Hardy; Marvin Wrye; Mary Elizabeth Thompson; Mary Smithson; Max Leinhart; Michael Mikler; Mountain Stream; Myron Willis; Nina Dishman; Nina McMahan; ninth grade; Norma Jean Hamil; OHS; Oviedo; Oviedo Garage; Oviedo High School; Oviedo Junior American Legion; Oviedo Lions; Oviedo School; Pat Walker; Patricia Walker; Paul Mikler; Peggy Fleming; Peggy Stansel; Pleasy Jean Smithson; Pure Oil Company; R. L. Slavik; Ray Fore; Ray Shepardson; Raymond McConaha; Rebekah Tuhy; Reda Bush; Richard Wrye; Robert Lee Ward; Rollins College; Rubin Bedenbaugh; Ruth Bedenbaugh; Ruth Metcalf; Sadye Beth Fleming; Sanford; Sarah George; schools; second grade; Seminole County Basketball Tournament; seniors; seventh grade; Shirley Jones; Shirley Malcolm; Sinclair Gasoline; sixth grade; sophomores; sports; students; T. W. Lawton; teachers; Ted Glassmire; tenth grade; Terry McMahan; The Boston Tribune; The Oviedian; third grade; Thomas Snuth; Thomas Willingham Lawton; Troop 243; twelfth grade; Velora Moon; Violet Best; Violet Rogers; Virginia Conrad; Virginia Long; W. A. Teague; W. H. Martin; Walter Duda; Wanda Lee Anderson; Wendell Hill; Willie Tabor; yearbooks
The Oviedo Outlook: Centennial Edition
Tags: 4th of July; A. Duda; A. Duda and Sons, Inc.; A. J. McCulley; A. M. Jones; A&W; ACL; African American; Al Ruthberg; Al Ruthberg's Dry Goods; Alafaya Square; Alafaya Woods; Alafaya Woods Boulevard; Albertsons; Allen Street; American Bandstand; American Legion; American Legion Post 243; American Radioactive Chemical Company; Anderson; Andrew Aulin, Sr.; Andrew Duda; Ann Leinhart; Anna Thompson; anniversary; Anything for Floors; Artesia Street; Arthur Evans; Arthur Scott; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company; Augusta Covington; Aulin Avenue; Avenue B.; B. F. Wheeler; B. G Smith; Babe Ruth League; Bank of Oviedo; Baptists; Baptizing Lake; Barbara Walker-Seaman; baseball; basketball; Bean Soup Ladies; Belle Glade; Ben Ward; Ben Wheeler; Benjamin Frank Wheeler; Benny Ward; Betty Aulin; Betty Malcolm; Betty Malcolm Jackson; Betty Palmer; Betty Reagan; Bill Clinton; Bill Martin; Bill Nelson; Bill Ward; Billie Chance; Black Hammock Fish Camp; Black Tuesday; Bob Butterworth; Bobby Malcolm; Boston Hill; Boston Park; Boy Scouts of American; Broadway Lily's Louis Edward Jordan, Sr.; Broadway Street; Brownie; Buddy Tyson; C. L. Clonts; C. R. Clonts and Associated Growers; C. S. Lee; cattle; Cattlewomen; Cay Westerfield; celery; centennial; Central Avenue; Century 21 Real Estate; Chance; Chapman Road; Charles Aulin; Charles Evans; Charles Lee, Jr.; Charles Simeon Lee; Charlie Beasley; Charlie Malcolm; Charlie McCully; Chase and Company; Chicago boys; Chiropractic Healthcare Center; Christmas; Chuluota; churches; Ci Gi's Pizza and Subs; Citizens Bank of Oviedo; city clerk; city council; city government; Clare Wheeler; Clare Wheeler Evans; Clarence William Nelson II; Clark; Clark Street; Claude Roy Kirk, Jr.; Claudia Mitchem; Cleo Malcolm; Cleo Malcolm Gore; Cleo Malcolm Leinhart; Clonts Farms, Inc.; Clyde Holder; Clyde Reese Moon; coach; Colonial Drive; Cooper; county commissioner; county government; Cow Bells; Crooms High School; Cross Seminole Trail; Crutchfield; D. D. Daniel; D. D. Daniel Store; David Evans; Dawson; Daytona; De Leon Street; Delco; Democrat; Democratic parks; desegregation; Dick Addicks; Dick Clark; Doc Malcolm; Don Ulery; Donna Neely; Donnie Malcolm; Dorothy Malcolm; Dorsey Brothers; Double R Private School; Doug Allen; Doug Allen Debris Cleaning; Douglas Allen; Downtown Oviedo; Duda; Dwardy; E. H. Kilbee; Econ Eating Club; Econ River; Econlockhatchee River; Ed Duda; Ed Yarborough; Edgar Marvin; Edith Mead; education; educator; Edward Duda; Edward Stoner; Elida Margaret McCulley; Elm Street; Elnoa Allen; Elsie Beasley; Emma Catherine Wahgren; Enoch Partin; Equestrian Green; Evelyn Cheek; Evelyn Cheek Lundy; Faircloth's Grocery; farmer; farming; Fernell's Grocery; FFA; FFWC; First Baptist Church of Oviedo; First United Methodist Church of Oviedo; Flagler's Hotel; Florida Avenue; Florida Federation of Woman's Clubs; Florida High School Athletic Association; Florida Power and Light Company; Florida State Road 426; Florida State Road 434; Florida State Road 50; Florida Tech; Florida Technological University; football; Forrest Harrill Burgess; Foster Chapel; Fountainhead Baptist churches; Fourth of July; Frank Wheeler; Freeze of 1894; Freeze of 1917-1918; Freeze of 1989; freezes; Fritz Mondale; fruit flies; fruit fly; FTU; Future Farmers of America; Gardenia; Gebhardy; Geneva; Geneva Drive; Geneva Historical and Genealogical Society; Geneva Methodist churches; George Aire; George Kelsey; George Lee; George Lee Wheeler; George Means; Georgetown; Georgia Lee; Georgia Lee Wheeler; Gertrude Lucas; Gladys Malcolm; Glenridge Middle School; government; Grace Olliff; Graham Street; Great Crash, Stock Market Crash of 1929; Great Day in the Country; Great Depression; Greater Oviedo Chamber of Commerce; groves; Guy Lombardo; Gwynn's Cafe; Halloween; Harold Henn; Harold Jordan; Hazel Malcolm; Henry Foster; Henry Wolcott; high schools; Hillcrest Drive; Hollie Ruscher; Horse Pond; Howell Branch Road; Hubert Max Lanier; Hurley Ann Wainright; Hurley Mae Moon; Hurricane Donna; Hyland; Ida Boston; Ima Jean Bostick Ocala; Ima Jean Bostick Yarborough; immigrants; Independence Day; infestation; integration; Irving Malcolm; Jack Malcolm; Jackie Kasell; Jackson Heights; Jakubcin; James Earl Carter, Jr.; James Gilbery; James Lambert Malcolm; Jane Cochran; Jane Gaydick; Jane Moran; Jane Moran Wheeler; Jean Jordan; Jean Wheeler; Jim Lee; Jim Partin; Jim Pearson; Jim Wilson; Jimmy Carter; Jimmy Lee; Jimmy Malcolm; Joe Leinhart; Joe Malcolm; Joe Rutland; John Currier; John Evans; John Ganaway Malcolm; John Irving Malcolm; John Lundy; John Ridenour; Johnny Smith; Johnson Hill; Joseph Leinhart; Joseph Watts; July 4th; July Fourth; Junie Duda; Justice of the Peace; Karate Academy; Karen Jansen; Karen Jansen Jacobs; Katherine Lawton; Katherine Mikler; Katherine Mikler Duda; Katheryn Lawton; Katie Lawton; Kay Dodd; Kay Estes; Keith Malcolm; Kenneth Malcolm; King; King Street; Kingsbridge; Kit Lawton; Kitty Young; L. J. Gore; Lacy Aire; Lacy Aire Lingo; Lake Barton; Lake Charm; Lake Charm Park; Lake George; Lake Harney; Lake Jessup Settlement; Lake Jesup; Lake Mary; Lake Pickett; Lake Rosa; Lakemont Elementary School; Larry Neely; Larry Olliff; law; Lawton Elementary School; Lawton House; Lawton's Grocery; Lawtonville; Lee and Todd Real Estate Company; Lee Wheeler; Leinhart; Leon Olliff; Leonard Jansen; Letty Leinhart; Linda Olliff Cliburn; Linda Sheppard; little league; local government; Lockwood Boulevard; Lois Ridell; Louise Gore; Louise Wheeler; Louise Wheeler Martin; Lucy Fore; Lucy Fore Bostick; Magnolia Street; Malcolm; Mammy Jones; Marguerite Partin; Marilyn Partin; Mark Bellhorn; Marlow Link; Martha Ann Bruce; Martha Ann Moon; Martha Ann Moon Lee; Martin Anderson; Martin Gore; Mary Velora Moon; Matheson; Max Lanier; May Day; mayor; Mayor of Oviedo; McDonald's; McKinnon Meat Market; Mead Manor; Mediterranean fruit fly; Memorial Building; Memorial Building Committee; Merritt Staley; Methodist Youth Fellowship; Methodists; Michael Bruce; Mike Tsinsky; Mikler Road; Mimi Wheeler; Mimi Wheeler Bruce; Mims; Minnie Means; Miriam Wheeler; Miriam Wheeler Bruce; Mitchell Hammock; Mitchell Hammock Road; Model T Ford; Mule trains; Museum of Seminole County History; MYF; Myrtle Avenue; natural disasters; Navy; Nelson; Nelson and Company; Niblack Building; Nin a Ralston; North Lake Jessup; Novella Aulin; Novella Aulin Ragsdale; Ocala; OHS; Ol' Swimming Hole; Old Downtown Development Group; Old Mims Road; Old Time History of By-Gone Days of Lake Jessup Settlement; Orange Avenue; oranges; orlando; Oviedo; Oviedo Athletic Association; Oviedo Child Care Center; Oviedo City Cleaners, Inc.; Oviedo City Clerk; Oviedo City Council; Oviedo City Hall; Oviedo Garden Club; Oviedo High School; Oviedo Historical Society; Oviedo Inn; Oviedo Lights; Oviedo Magazine Club; Oviedo Marketplace; Oviedo Post Office; Oviedo Shopping Center; Oviedo Town Council; Oviedo Woman's Club; OWC; Palatka River; Park Avenue Elementary School; Partin; Patrick Westerfield; Paul Arie; Paul Mikler; Penny Mitchem; Penny Mitchem Olliff; Phil Goree; picnic; Pine Street; pioneers; post offices; postmaster; poultry; R. W. Estes; race relations; Railroad Street; railroads; Rainbow Bowl; rations; Ray Alford; Ray Clonts; Reconstruction; Red Barn; Red Bug Lake Road; religion; Rex Clonts; Rick Burns; Riverside Park; Robert A. Butterworth; Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever; Roley Carter; Ropers; Rosa Gray; Roy Clonts; Roz Nogel; Russell Boston; Sanford; Sanford Airport; Sanford City League; Sanford Road; Sanlando Springs; sawmill; Sayde Fleming; Sayde Fleming Duda; Schmidt; school superintendent; schools; Scott Perry; SCPS; Sears and Roebuck; segregation; Seminole County Public Schools; Seminole County School Board; Seminole County Sports Hall of Fame; Seminole High School; settlers; Shedd Street; Shirley Malcolm Sheppard; Shirley Partin; Signworks Graphik and Design, Inc.; Silver Glen Springs; Silver Star; Simmons; Singletary; skiing; Slavia; Smoky Burgess; Snow Hill; snow Hill Road; Solary's wharf; Sparks Lingo; Sparks Lingo Clonts; Sparks Lingo Ridenour; Spencer's Grocery and Drygoods; Spencer's Store; sports; SR 426; SR 434; SR 50; St. Johns River; St. Luke's Lutheran Cathedral; State Democratic Committee; statute; Steak'n'Shake; Steen Nelson; Stevens Street; Stommy Staley; Stone; Sugarby's; Sunday schools; Suzanne Partin; Swedes; Swedish; Sweetwater Park; Swift and Company; swimming pool; T. L. Lingo, Jr.; T. L. Mead; T. W. Lawton; T. W. Lawton Elementary School; Teacher's House; teachers; Ted Estes; Thad Lee Lingo III; Thad Lee Lingo, Jr.; The Gap; The Oviedo Outlook; The Scrubs; The Sign Man; The Square; Thee Lee; Thelma Lee; Thelma Lee Clonts; Theodore Luqueer Mead; Thomas Moon; Thomas Willington Lawton; Thompson; Tom Estes; Tom Moon; Tom Morgan; Tommy Estes; town government; Town House Restaurant; Troy Jones; turkey; Tuscawilla; Twin Rivers; U.S. Army; UCF; University of Central Florida; Vera Malcolm; veteran; Vietnam War; Vine Street; Viola Smith; Virginia Balkcom; Virginia Balkcom Mikler; Virginia Staley; W. G. Kilbee; W. J. Lawton, Sr.; Wagner; Wall Street Crash of 1929; Wallace Allen; Walter Frederick Mondale; Walter Mondale; Walter Teague; water skiing; Watermaster Plumbing; Wayne Jacobs; Wes Evans; Wheeler Fertilizer Plant; White's Wharf; William Jefferson Blythe III; William Jefferson Clinton; Winborn Joseph Lawton, Sr.; Winchester Insurance, Inc.; Winter Park; Winter Park Telephone Company; Woman's Club; World War II; WWII; Zellwood
To Attract, Retain and Grow: The History of the Florida High Tech Corridor Council
Tags: 13 Technology Incubators; 501(c)(6); academia; academics; accelerators; aerospace; Agricultural College Act of 1890; agriculture; Alachua County; Alex Katsaros; Alex Spinler; Amy Bayes; Andrew Huse; AnnaLee Saxenian; Antoinette Jennings; AT&T Corporation; aviation; Barack Hussein Obama II; Barack Obama; Bernie Machen; Berridge Consulting Group, Inc.; Betty Bowe; Betty Castor; Brevard County; Bruce J. Schulman; Bruce Janz; Buddy Dyer; business; businesses; Center for Research and Education in Optics and Lasers; Central Florida Technology Forum; Charlie Reed; Cirent; Cirent Semiconductor; Clusters of Creativity: Enduring Lessons on Innovation and Entrepreneurship from Silicon Valley and Europe’s Silicon Fen; Cobham SATCOM Land Systems; colleges; computer science; Connie L. Lester; Consortium; construction; Core Tea; cybercities; Cybercities Report; cybercity; Dan Berglund; Dan Rini; Daniel Holsenbeck; Daniel Webster; Decade of Partnership; Deepika Singh; digital media; economic development; economic growth; economics; economies; economy; Ed Schons; Educational Appropriations Committee; educators; electro-optics; Electronic Arts Tiburon; Elizabeth Bowe; Elizabeth Castor; endowments; engineering; engineers; Equal Rights Amendment; ESC; Evaporative Spray Cooling; Feng Kang; Ferald J. Bryan; FHTCC; financial services; Florida Cabinet; Florida Cluster Metrics Task Force; Florida Economic Gardening Institute; Florida High Tech Corridor Council; Florida Hospital; Florida House of Representatives; Florida Institute of Technology; Florida Legislature; Florida Office of Tourism, Trade and Economic Development; Florida Research Consortium; Florida Senate; Florida State University System; Florida Tax Watch; Florida Venture Forum, Inc.; Florida Virtual Entrepreneur Center; florida.HIGH.TECH; Florida’s High Tech Corridor: Opening the Door to Florida’s Future; Florida’s Innovation Benchmark Study; FLVEC; From Soap Suds to Sheer Success: The Florida High-Tech Corridor Council Story; G.I. Bill; Georges Haour; Gordon Hogan; Grace Venture Partners L.P.; grants; GrowFL; GTE; Guy Hagen; Harris; Harvard of the South; Henderson Air Field; Henry W. Grady; Hernando County; high tech; high technology; higher education; Hillsborough County; Hillsborough County Commission; I-4; I-4 Corridor; I-4 High Tech Corridor Council; IFAS; incubators; industries; industry; information technology; Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences; interactive entertainment; Interactive Expeditions; International Economic Development Council; Interstate Highway 4; INTX; investments; J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board; Jack Sullivan; Jacob Stuart; James Bernard Machen; James C. Clark; James C. Cobb,; James Schnur; James Solomons; Jeb Bush; Jeff Bindell; Jennie Miller; Jim Clark; John C. Hitt; John Ellis Bush; John H. Dyer; John Montelione; John Sacher; Joseph England; Joseph Schumpeter; Josh Wyner; Juan Carlos Sanabria; Judy Genshaft; Judy Lynn Genshaft; Keith G, Baker; Kerry Martin; Kiran C. Patel Center for Global Solution; Lake County; lasers; life sciences; Lockheed Martin; Lucent Technologies; Luther H. Hodges; Luther Hartwell Hodges; M. J. Soileau; Madrid, Spain; manufacturing; Massachusetts Institute of Technology; matching funds; Matching Grants Research Program; Math & Physics Day; mechanical arts; medical technology; Melbourne; MGRP; microelectronics; microscopy; military; Miniature Refrigeration System; MIT; modeling; Morrill Act of 1862; Morrill Act of 1890; Morrill Land-Grant Acts; nanotechnology; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; National Board for Professional Teaching Standards; Ned Grace; New South; New South Ventures; Nicholson Center for Surgical Advancement; Ocean Optics; optics; Oracle; orange county; orlando; Orlando Chamber of Commerce; Orlando Science Center; OSC; Osceola County; Palm Bay; Pasco County; Peter Panousis; Philip Peters; photonics; Pinellas County; public-private partnerships; Putnam County; Randy E. Berridge; Regional Advantage: Culture and Competition in Silicon Valley and Route 128; research; Research and Commercialization; Research Triangle; Rob Koepp; robotics; Robotics Camp; ROBRADY; Roger Pynn; Rosalind Beiler; Route 128; Rudy McDaniel; Saint Petersburg; Sanford Shugart; Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute; Scanning Electron Microscope; Schwartz Electro-optics; Scot French; SeaWorld Orlando; SEM; semiconductors; Seminole County; Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944; Sestar Technologies; Silicon Fen; Silicon Valley; simulation; Sinmat; software; South Florida Community College; Southern Regional Education Board; Space Coast; St. Petersburg; Stanford University; STEM; SU; sustainable energy; Tampa; Tampa Bay; Tampa Bay Technology Forum; teachers; Tech 4 Consortium; Tech America Foundation; techCAMPs; Technology Incubator; techPATH; TES; The Corridor by the Numbers; The Scripps Research Institute; Thermal Energy Storage; Thomas Charles Feeney II; Tito Santiago; Tom Feeney; Tom O’Neal; Toni Jennings; TracStar Ed-PAD; training; UCF; UF; Universal Studios Orlando; universities; university; University of Central Florida; University of Florida; University of South Florida; USF; Valencia College; Valencia Community College; Valencia State College; VC; VCC; venture capital; Vicki Morelli; Volusia County; VSC; Walt Disney World; workforce development; World War II; WWII
U.S. Census for Central Florida, 1890
Tags: African Americans; agriculture; Amerindians; Anglo Americans; British Americans; Canadian Americans; census; Census of 1890; child labor; Chinese Americans; clerks; corn; Cuban Americans; Danish Americans; education; educators; employees; English Americans; European Americans; farming implements; farmland; farms; females; firm members; French Americans; German Americans; Hispanic Americans; Indian corn; Indians; Irish Americans; Italian Americans; labor; laborers; Latin Americans; Latinas; Latinos; livestock; machinery; males; manufacturing; Native Americans; Norwegian Americans; oats; officers; piece labor; population; rye; Scandinavian Americans; Scotch Americans; Scottish Americans; sharecropping; skilled labor; South Americans; Spanish Americans; students; Swedish Americans; teachers; tenant farming; tenants; U.S. Census; unskilled labor; wages; West Indian Americans
U.S. Census for Central Florida, 1960
Tags: African Americans; agriculture; Amerindians; Anglo Americans; apparel; Armed Forces; Asian Americans; Austrian Americans; automobiles; bars; bartenders; Brevard County; British Americans; bus; buses; business services; Canadian Americans; cars; Caucasian Americans; census; Census of 1960; Central Americans; chemical; Chinese Americans; civilian labor; clerical; college education; communication; construction; cooks; crafts; craftsman; craftsmen; Czech Americans; Czechoslovakian Americans; dairy; Danish Americans; deliverymen; deliverywomen; divorced; domestic services; drinking establishments; drivers; durable goods; Dutch Americans; eating establishments; education; educations; electrical equipment; electrical machinery; elementary education; employees; engineers; English Americans; entertainment; European Americans; fabricated metal; farm managers; farmers; females; Filipino Americans; finance; Finnish Americans; fishery; Flagler County; food; food products; foreman; foremen; forestry; forewoman; forewomen; French Americans; furniture; German Americans; government; Greek Americans; health care; high school education; Hispanic Americans; hospitals; Hungarian Americans; immigrants; immigration; Indians; insurance; Irish Americans; Italian Americans; Japanese Americans; kindergarten; kindred products; Korean War; labor; labor force; laborers; Lake County; Latin Americans; Latinas; Latinos; Lithuanian Americans; lumber; machinery; males; managers; manufacturing; Marion County; marital status; married; mechanics; medical; Mexican Americans; mining; motor vehicles; Native Americans; non-durable goods; non-profit organizations; North Americans; Norwegian Americans; officials; operative; orange county; Osceola County; pedestrians; personal services; Polish Americans; population; Portuguese Americans; primary education; primary metal; printing; professionals; protective services; public administration; public education; public transportation; publishing; railroad services; railroads; railway services; real estate; recreation; repair; restaurants; retail; Romanian Americans; Russian Americans; salaried; sales; sanitary services; Scandinavian Americans; schools; secondary education; self-employed; Seminole County; separated; single; Slovakian Americans; Soviet Americans; streetcars; subways; Swedish Americans; Swiss Americans; teachers; technicak; technicians; textile mills; trade; transportation; transportation equipment; trucking services; U.S. Census; unemployment; university education; utilities; veterans; Volusia County; waiters; waitresses; walking; warehouses; warehousing; welfare; wholesale; widowed; wood products; workers; World War I; World War II; WWI; WWII; Yugoslavian Americans
U.S. Census for Central Florida, 1970
Tags: administrators; African Americans; aged; agriculture; Armed Forces; Asian Americans; assisted living facilities; Austrian Americans; automobiles; bakeries; bakers; bakery; banking; bars; bookkeepers; Brevard County; British Americans; bus; buses; business; cabs; Canadian Americans; Caribbean Americans; carpenters; cars; Caucasian Americans; census; Census of 1970; Central Americans; chemicals; Chinese Americans; civilian labor; cleaning services; clerical; college dormitories; college dorms; college education; communications; construction; crafts; craftsman; craftsmen; credit; Cuban Americans; Czech Americans; Czechoslovakian Americans; Danish Americans; dentists; dependents; dishwashers; divorced; divorcees; doctors; domestic service; drinking establishment; dryers; durable goods; Dutch Americans; eating establishment; education; educations; electric heat; electrical equipment; electrical machinery; electrical supply; elementary education; elevated transportation; employees; employment; engineering; engineers; English Americans; entertainment; European Americans; fabricated metal; fabrics; families; farm managers; farmers; farming; federal government; females; finance; Finnish Americans; fishery; Flagler County; food; food services; foreman; foremen; forestry; freight; French Americans; furniture; gas eat; German Americans; government; Greek Americans; group quarters; health care; health services; high school education; higher education; Hispanic Americans; hospitals; households; Hungarian Americans; inmates; institutionalized; insurance; Irish Americans; Italian Americans; Japanese Americans; kindred; Korean War; labor; labor force; laborers; Lake County; Latin Americans; Latinas; Latinos; legal; Lithuanian Americans; local government; lumber; machinery; machinists; males; managers; manufacturing; Marion County; marital status; married; material handlers; mechanics; medical; medical practitioners; mental hospitals; merchandise; Mexican Americans; Middle Eastern Americans; military barracks; mining; motor vehicles; non-durable goods; non-profit; Norwegian Americans; nursing homes; old folks homes; operatives; orange county; Osceola County; pedestrians; personal services; physicians; Polish Americans; population; Portuguese Americans; primary education; primary metal; printing; private sector; professionals; protective services; public administration; public sector; public transportation; publishing; railroads; railways; real estate; recreation; religious; repair; restaurants; retail; Romanian Americans; rooming houses; Russian Americans; salaried; sales; sanitary; sanitation; Scandinavian Americans; schools; secondary education; secretaries; secretary; self-employed; Seminole County; separated; servicemen; servicewomen; single; Slovakian Americans; Southwest Asian Americans; Spanish Americans; spouses; state government; stenographers; stock; streetcars; subways; Swedish Americans; Swiss Americans; taxicabs; teachers; technical; technicians; televisions; textiles; trade; transport equipment; transportation; truck drivers; trucking services; TV; typists; U.S. Census; unemployment; university education; utilities; veterans; Vietnam War; Volusia County; walkers; walking; warehousing; washing machines; welfare; wholesale; widowed; widowers; widows; workers; World War I; World War II; wringers; WWI; WWII; Yugoslavian Americans
U.S. Census for Central Florida, 1980
Tags: administrators; African Americans; agriculture; Aleuts; American Indians; Amerindians; Armed Forces; Asian Americans; Asian Indian Americans; assembles; assisted living facilities; automobiles; bottle gas; Brevard County; business; Caribbean Americans; carpooling; carpools; cars; Caucasian Americans; census; Census of 1980; Central Americans; Chinese Americans; civilian labor; clerical; coals; Coke; college dormitories; college dorms; college education; communications; construction; craft; Cuban Americans; divorced; divorcees; domestic service; durable goods; education; educators; electricity; elementary education; employees; employment; energy usage; entertainment; equipment cleaners; Eskimos; European Americans; executives; fabricators; farmers; farming; federal government; females; Filipino Americans; finance; fishery; Flagler County; forestry; fuel; fuel oil; gas heat; government; group quarters; Guamanian Americans; handlers; Hawaiian Americans; health care; health services; helpers; high school education; higher education; Hispanic Americans; homes for the aged; households; immigrants; immigration; Indian Americans; inmates; inspectors; institutionalized; insurance; Japanese Americans; kerosene; Korean Americans; Korean War; labor; labor force; laborers; Lake County; Latin Americans; Latinas; Latinos; local government; LP gas; machine operators; males; managers; manufacturing; Marion County; marital status; married; material movers; medical; mental hospitals; Mexican Americans; mining; motor vehicles; Native Americans; non-durable goods; nursing homes; old folks homes; operators; orange county; Osceola County; Pacific Islanders; pedestrians; personal services; population; precision production; primary education; professionals; protective services; public administration; public transportation; public utilities; Puerto Rican Americans; Puerto Ricans; real estate; recreation; repair; retail; salaried; salaries; sales; Samoan Americans; schools; secondary education; self-employed; Seminole County; separated; service industry; servicemen; servicewomen; single; Spanish Americans; state government; tank gas; teachers; technicians; trade; transportation; U.S. Census; unemployment; utility gas; veterans; Vietnam War; Vietnamese Americans; Volusia County; wages; walkers; walking; wholesale; widowed; widowers; widows; wood; workers; World War I; World War II; WWI; WWII
U.S. Census for Central Florida, 1990
Tags: administrative; administrative support; administrators; African Americans; agriculture; Aleuts; American Indians; Amerindians; Armed Forces; Asian Americans; assemblers; automobiles; bicycles; bikes; bottled gas; Brevard County; business; Cambodian Americans; Caribbean Americans; cars; Caucasian Americans; census; Census of 1990; Central Americans; Chinese Americans; citizens; civilian work; clerical; coal; Coke; Colombian Americans; communications; construction; craft; Cuban Americans; divorced; divorcees; domestic services; durable goods; Ecuadorian Americans; education; educators; electric heat; electricity; employees; employment; energy usage; entertainment; equipment cleaners; Eskimos; executives; fabricators; farmers; farming; females; Filipino Americans; finance; fishery; Flagler County; forestry; fuel oil; gas; Guatemalan Americans; handlers; health car; heat; helpers; Hispanic Americans; Honduran Americans; Indian Americans; inspectors; insurance; Japanese Americans; kerosene; Korean Americans; Korean War; labor; labor force; laborers; Lake County; Laotian Americans; Latin Americans; Latinas; Latinos; LP gas; machine operators; males; managerial; managers; manufacturing; Marion County; marital status; married; material moving; medical; Mexican Americans; mining; motor vehicles; motorcycles; Native Americans; naturalized; Nicaraguan Americans; non-citizens; non-durable goods; operators; orange county; Osceola County; Pacific Islander Americans; Panamanian Americans; pedestrians; personal services; Peruvian Americans; population; precision production; private sector; professionals; protective services; public administration; public sector; public transportation; public utility; Puerto Rican Americans; Puerto Ricans; real estate; recreation; repair; retail; salaried; salary; sales; Salvadorian Americans; self-employeed; Seminole County; separated; service industry; servicemen; servicewomen; single; solar energy; specialty; tank gas; teachers; technical; technicians; Thai Americans; trade; transportation; trucks; U.S. Census; unemployment; utility; vans; veterans; Vietnam War; Vietnamese Americans; Volusia County; wages; walkers; walking; wholesale; widowed; widowers; widows; wood; workers; World War I; World War II; WWI; WWII
U.S. Census for Central Florida, 2000
Tags: accommodation; administrative; administrative support; administrators; Afghan Americans; African Americans; agriculture; Alaska Natives; American Indians; American War; Amerindians; Arab Americans; Argentinian Americans; Armed Forces; Armenian Americans; arts; Asian Americans; Australian Americans; Austrian Americans; automobiles; bachelor's degree; Bangladeshi Americans; Barbadian Americans; Belorussian Americans; bicycles; bikers; Bolivian Americans; Bosnian Americans; bottled gas; Brazilian Americans; Brevard County; British Americans; building; business; Cambodian Americans; Canadian Americans; car; Caribbean Americans; cars; Caucasian Americans; census; Census of 2000; Central Americans; Chilean Americans; Chinese Americans; citizens; civilian labor; coal; Coke; college dormitories; college education; Colombian Americans; construction; correctional institutions; Costa Rican Americans; Cuban Americans; Czech Americans; Czechoslovakian Americans; divorced; divorcees; doctorate degree; Dominican Americans; dorms; Dutch Americans; Ecuadorian Americans; education; educational; educators; Egyptian Americans; electric heat; electricity; employees; employment; energy usage; English Americans; enterprise; entertainment; Ethiopian Americans; European Americans; extraction; families; family; farmers; farming; females; Filipino Americans; finance; financial operators; First Gulf War; First Iraq War; fishing; Flagler County; food preparation; food services; food serving; forestry; French Americans; fuel oil; gas heat; German Americans; Ghanaian Americans; Greek Americans; grounds cleaning; group quarters; Guatemalan Americans; Gulf War; Gulf War I; Haitian Americans; Hawaiian Natives; health care; heat; Herzegovinian Americans; high school education; higher education; Hispanic Americans; Hmong Americans; Honduran Americans; Hong Kongese Americans; households; housing units; Hungarian Americans; hunting; Indian Americans; Indonesian Americans; information; institutionalized; insurance; Iranian Americans; Iraq War; Iraqi Americans; Irish Americans; Israeli Americans; Italian Americans; Jamaican Americans; Japanese Americans; Jordanian Americans; kerosene; Korean Americans; Korean War; Kuwait War; labor; labor force; laborers; Lake County; Laotian Americans; Latin Americans; Latinas; Latinos; leasing; Lebanese Americans; LP gas; maintenance; Malay Americans; Malaysian Americans; males; management; managers; manufacturing; Marion County; marital status; married; master's degree; material moving; medical care; Melanesian Americans; Mexican Americans; Micronesian Americans; Middle Eastern Americans; military service; mining; motor vehicles; motorcycles; Native Americans; naturalized; New Zealander Americans; Nicaraguan Americans; Nigerian Americans; non-citizens; non-profit; nursing homes; Oceanic Americans; office; Operation Desert Shield; Operation Desert Storm; orange county; Osceola County; Pacific Islander Americans; Pakistani Americans; Panamanian Americans; Paraguayan Americans; pedestrians; Persian Americans; Persian Gulf War; personal care; Peruvian Americans; PhD; Polish Americans; Polynesian Americans; population; Portuguese Americans; preschool education; primary education; private education; private schools; private sector; production; professional; professional school; professionals; protective services; public administration; public education; public schools; public sector; public transportation; Puerto Rican Americans; Puerto Ricans; real estate; recreation; rental; Resistance War Against America; retail; Romanian Americans; Russian Americans; sales; Salvadorian Americans; Scandinavian Americans; schools; scientific; scientists; Scotch Americans; Scottish Americans; Second Indochina War; Second World War; secondary education; self-employed; Seminole County; separated; Sierra Leonean Americans; single; Slovakian Americans; social assistance; social services; solar energy; South Americans; Spaniards; Spanish Americans; Sri Lankan Americans; Swedish Americans; Syrian Americans; Taiwanese Americans; tank gas; teachers; technical; Thai Americans; Tobagonian Americans; trade; transportation; Trinidadian Americans; truck; trucks; Turkish Americans; U.S. Census; Ukrainian Americans; unemployment; Uruguayan Americans; utilities; utility gas; van; vans; Venezuelan Americans; veterans; Vietnam War; Vietnamese Americans; Volusia County; walking; warehousing; waste management; Welsh Americans; wholesale; widowed; widowers; widows; wood; workers; World War II; WWII; Yugoslavian Americans
Westside Grammar Elementary School Fourth Grade Class, 1963-1964
Sanford High School was originally established at 301 West Seventh Street in…
Women at Sanford High School
WUCF Artisodes Short: Orlando Philharmonic
Tags: Artisodes; Bob Carr Performing Arts Center; Bob Carr Theater; classical music; educators; elementary education; Leia Barrett; Maitland; music; music education; musicians; OCPS; Orange County Public Schools; orchestra; orchestras; orlando; Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra; PBS; Public Broadcasting Service; Scott Evans; student; students; symphonic music; symphonies; symphony; teachers; UCF; United Arts of Central Florida; University of Central Florida; WUCF Artisodes; WUCF Artisodes Short; WUCF-TV; Young People's Concerts
WUCF Artisodes Short: Violectric
Tags: Artisodes; bass guitars; bassists; cellists; cellos; concerts; Dana Brazil; Danny Raymond; Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts; drummers; drums; education; educators; Guns N' Roses; James Patrick Page; Jimmy Page; Kashmir; keyboardists; keyboards; Laine Purutcuoglu; Laura Woodbury; Led Zeppelin; Maroon 5; Michaelle Jones; Mix & Match; Moves like Jagger; music education; Nathan May; orlando; PBS; Physical Graffiti; Public Broadcasting Service; Robert Anthony Plant; Robert Plant; string quintets; Sweet Child o' Mine; teachers; UCF; University of Central Florida; upright bass; violas; Violectric; violinists; violists; WUCF Artisodes; WUCF Artisodes Short; WUCF-TV; Yamilet Trujillo